Custom Query (517 matches)


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1 2 3 4 5 6
Ticket Summary Milestone Owner Type Priority Component
#543 OCI driver: getExtent should use USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA 1.6.0 Mateusz Łoskot enhancement high OGR_SF
#601 [PATCH] wrong handling of units in geotiff 1.5.3 warmerdam defect normal GDAL_Raster
#611 [PATCH] GDAL utilities : parameters handling and user feeback 1.5.0 Even Rouault enhancement lowest GDAL_Raster
#770 Specify proj4text in spatial_ref_sys table of PostGIS 1.5.0 Mateusz Łoskot defect normal OGR_SF
#773 RasterIO() "expansion" doesn't work right in most cases. 1.6.0 warmerdam defect high GDAL_Raster
#835 GXFRasterBand does not have GetNoDataValue 1.6.0 warmerdam enhancement high GDAL_Raster
#856 CDED (usgs) wrong extents north of 68° 1.5.0 warmerdam defect normal GDAL_Raster
#863 gdal_translate: fails if filename starts with a number 1.5.0 warmerdam defect high GDAL_Raster
#910 ESRI ASCII GRIDS: Error reading last line 1.5.0 Mateusz Łoskot defect normal GDAL_Raster
#913 NITF driver fails for some CADRG tiles 1.5.0 Even Rouault defect high GDAL_Raster
#923 gdal_translate: -co "TFW=YES" is omitted when used along with -gcp 1.5.0 warmerdam defect high GDAL_Raster
#924 gdalinfo wish - an option to suppress colortable 1.5.0 warmerdam enhancement high GDAL_Raster
#959 Add lco to PostgreSQL driver to have indexes created 1.6.0 Mateusz Łoskot enhancement low OGR_SF
#1000 HFA reading code does not handle reduced precision properly 1.5.3 warmerdam defect normal GDAL_Raster
#1005 Proble with VSIStatBufL 1.5.0 Mateusz Łoskot defect low ConfigBuild
#1022 MySQL driver open fails on a database with no tables 1.5.0 hobu defect high OGR_SF
#1070 Can't GDALOpen "in memory" VRT 1.6.0 warmerdam defect high GDAL_Raster
#1092 topology validation 1.5.0 warmerdam enhancement high OGR_SF
#1108 OGR C API (and swig) does not properly handle IsEmpty() method 1.5.0 hobu defect normal default
#1147 [PATCH] Writing NITF files using UTM Mode and Southern Zones 1.5.0 Even Rouault defect normal GDAL_Raster
#1172 GDAL OVF OCI does not work with SrcSQL 1.5.3 Mateusz Łoskot defect normal OGR_SF
#1173 [PATCH] gdal_translate: tiff tags discarded with -co profile=Geotiff or Baseline 1.6.0 warmerdam defect normal GDAL_Raster
#1174 [PATCH] Enhancement request : specify Tiff Deflate compression level 1.5.0 Even Rouault enhancement normal GDAL_Raster
#1205 gdaladdo & tiffs - crash with LZW images and average resampling 1.5.0 warmerdam defect normal GDAL_Raster
#1217 [PATCH] Polygon with 4 nested rings not broken up properly 1.5.3 warmerdam defect high OGR_SF
#1309 JPEG errors: SetColorInterpretation() 1.5.0 warmerdam defect normal GDAL_Raster
#1361 LC_NUMERIC != ".\0" can break gdal (probably ogr as well) as e.g. with German and French locales 1.5.0 warmerdam defect normal OGR_SRS
#1369 read gzipped files in situ (e.g. raster.tif.gz) 1.6.0 warmerdam enhancement low GDAL_Raster
#1372 gdaladdo does not ignore NODATA values 1.5.0 warmerdam defect normal GDAL_Raster
#1377 ALOS PALSAR 1.5.0 warmerdam defect normal GDAL_Raster
#1396 missing tiff tags to read/write metadata 1.5.0 warmerdam enhancement highest GDAL_Raster
#1429 VSI*L and "errno" setting. 1.5.0 Mateusz Łoskot defect normal default
#1449 Need to upgrade gdal/frmts/zlib 1.5.0 Mateusz Łoskot defect highest GDAL_Raster
#1458 [WISH] gdal_rasterize should allow masking areas outside polygons 1.5.0 warmerdam enhancement normal Utilities
#1460 Kakadu and libtool are incompatible 1.5.0 Mateusz Łoskot defect highest GDAL_Raster
#1462 GMT DRIVER out-by-1 problem 1.4.4 warmerdam defect normal GDAL_Raster
#1467 [PATCH] Add nodata value/transparency support to GIF file creation 1.5.0 Mateusz Łoskot defect high GDAL_Raster
#1476 Improper handling of Postgis tables with multiple geometry columns 1.6.0 Even Rouault defect normal OGR_SF
#1506 gdalinfo on a netCDF file returns incorrect coordinates 1.5.0 denis.nadeau@… defect normal GDAL_Raster
#1515 gpx format support 1.5.0 Even Rouault enhancement normal OGR_SF
#1527 Gdalwarp - GeoTiff creation option PROFILE ineffective 1.6.0 warmerdam defect normal GDAL_Raster
#1546 IdrisiDataset::SetGeoTransform does not modify the adfGeoTransform property 1.5.0 ilucena defect high GDAL_Raster
#1548 Support setuptools for NG Python building 1.5.0 hobu enhancement low PythonBindings
#1549 update to use ng bindings 1.5.0 hobu enhancement normal PythonBindings
#1551 Upgrade MITAB driver to version 1.6.1 1.5.0 Daniel Morissette defect normal OGR_SF
#1552 Incorrect signature for Dataset.BuildOverviews in C# bindings 1.5.0 tamas defect normal CSharpBindings
#1558 GDAL C# libtool build problem 1.5.0 tamas defect normal CSharpBindings
#1559 Support for the enumerated types of the C# interface 1.5.0 tamas defect normal CSharpBindings
#1560 C# namespace names and module names should follow the .NET framework naming guidelines 1.5.0 tamas defect normal CSharpBindings
#1563 Input handling error in gsagdataset.cpp 1.5.0 dron defect normal GDAL_Raster
#1564 Need an option to specify the raster column for SDE 1.5.0 hobu enhancement normal GDAL_Raster
#1565 CSharp CreateFromWkb support 1.5.0 tamas defect normal CSharpBindings
#1567 Patch for HFA no-data value support 1.5.0 Mateusz Łoskot enhancement high GDAL_Raster
#1570 KML: 3D export appears 2D 1.5.0 Mateusz Łoskot defect normal OGR_SF
#1576 Crash during destruction of shapefile datasources without spatial references 1.5.0 Mateusz Łoskot defect normal OGR_SRS
#1578 Wrap GDALColorTable and GDALColorEntry with C API 1.5.0 hobu task normal GDAL_Raster
#1584 Add GDALGetRasterCategoryNames to SWIG bindings 1.5.0 tamas enhancement normal CSharpBindings
#1586 In MinGW ogr apps do not get installed correctly 1.5.0 Mateusz Łoskot defect normal ConfigBuild
#1600 Method ComputeStatistics() Should call InitBlockInfo() on gdalrasterband.cpp 1.5.0 warmerdam defect normal GDAL_Raster
#1602 The validity of user supplied parameters is not checked in the API 1.5.0 Mateusz Łoskot defect highest default
#1625 problems reading etopo2v2 (arc grid, / GMT (netcdf) /HDF) 1.4.4 Mateusz Łoskot defect normal GDAL_Raster
#1628 [PATCH] OGR support of empty wkt 1.6.0 Even Rouault defect normal OGR_SF
#1638 UseExceptions() does not apply to ogr bindings 1.5.0 hobu defect normal PythonBindings
#1641 GetStatistics() returns wrong list in Python 1.5.0 hobu defect normal PythonBindings
#1645 configure does not check for SQLite header and library 1.5.0 Mateusz Łoskot defect low OGR_SF
#1663 Datetime format of LastUpdated entry in ers header file 1.5.0 warmerdam defect normal GDAL_Raster
#1664 SRS definition location in ers header file 1.5.0 warmerdam defect normal GDAL_Raster
#1665 data portion of ers output one byte too long 1.5.0 warmerdam defect normal GDAL_Raster
#1668 Support for Sandia National Laboratories GFF data format 1.5.0 warmerdam enhancement normal GDAL_Raster
#1672 NaNs are not ignored when computing raster min/max 1.6.0 Mateusz Łoskot defect normal GDAL_Raster
#1675 java home with spaces 1.5.0 aaime defect low JavaBindings
#1677 Incorrect signature for Dataset.GetGCPs in C# bindings 1.5.3 tamas defect normal CSharpBindings
#1679 Created Shape Layers return wrong SRS 1.5.0 warmerdam defect normal OGR_SF
#1684 Added support for HRV band to MSGN driver 1.5.0 warmerdam enhancement normal GDAL_Raster
#1686 Compute and return the area GeometryCollection or issue an error 1.5.0 Mateusz Łoskot enhancement normal OGR_SF
#1690 Missing Geometry.AddPoint_2D() Method in C# Bindings 1.5.0 tamas defect normal CSharpBindings
#1692 Show message when converting a paletted image (Tif, PNG, etc) to ECW, JP2k, etc 1.6.0 warmerdam enhancement normal GDAL_Raster
#1696 Memory leaks in MITAB driver 1.5.0 Daniel Morissette defect normal OGR_SF
#1699 postgres: add the ability to specify a list of tables to be treated as layers 1.6.0 Even Rouault enhancement normal OGR_SF
#1704 ogr2ogr kml export of polygons can have incorrect vertex winding order 1.5.0 Mateusz Łoskot defect high OGR_SF
#1711 Consumption of URL-based Spatial References 1.5.0 warmerdam defect normal OGR_SRS
#1716 [PATCH] Add more checks to DTED files reading (checksum, horizontal datum) 1.5.0 warmerdam defect normal GDAL_Raster
#1717 [PATCH] Add '.dt2' extension in formats_list.html 1.5.0 warmerdam defect normal Website
#1720 [PATCH] Fixes minor Valgrind warning in DTED driver 1.5.0 warmerdam defect normal GDAL_Raster
#1721 [PATCH] GTiffDataset::IBuildOverviews doest not propagate NODATA to overview rasterband 1.5.0 warmerdam defect normal GDAL_Raster
#1725 [PATCH] Fixes VRT average resampling when doing 200% 1.6.0 warmerdam defect normal GDAL_Raster
#1730 GDAL returns incorrect unit type from ENVI header 1.5.1 warmerdam defect normal GDAL_Raster
#1733 ILWIS .grf creation doesn't work sometimes. 1.5.0 warmerdam defect normal GDAL_Raster
#1734 [PATCH] Fix documentation related to worldfile extensions and add a few more extensions 1.6.0 warmerdam defect normal GDAL_Raster
#1735 [PATCH] New OGR driver for Atlas BNA file format 1.5.0 Even Rouault defect normal OGR_SF
#1739 VRTKernelFilteredSource does not respect nodata 1.6.0 warmerdam enhancement normal default
#1740 OGR against ArcSDE 9.2 does not return some columns 1.5.0 hobu defect normal default
#1744 Bad colors for a CADRG file 1.5.0 Even Rouault defect normal GDAL_Raster
#1747 Add expat detection to makefiles 1.5.0 Mateusz Łoskot task normal OGR_SF
#1748 WCS supportedFormats - need to split <formats> tag 1.5.0 warmerdam defect normal GDAL_Raster
#1751 [PATCH] Adds a transparent color index for handling empty CADRG subblocks 1.5.0 Even Rouault enhancement normal GDAL_Raster
#1753 configure script describes curl as 'CURL support (wcs)', but curl is now more universal 1.5.0 warmerdam defect normal ConfigBuild
#1754 [PATCH] Fixes display of rpf/cjga/cjgaz01/0105f033.ja1 CADRG product 1.5.0 Even Rouault defect normal GDAL_Raster
#1757 [PATCH] Add supports for A.TOC (NITF driver) 1.5.0 warmerdam enhancement normal GDAL_Raster
#1758 Creating overview on a TILED LZW GTiff fails 1.5.0 warmerdam defect normal GDAL_Raster
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