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Don’t rule out Sarah Palin just yet: The former vice presidential candidate said the 2012 race could be hers to win. In a cover story in the new Newsweek, Palin warned that the GOP field “is not yet set.”

Our Christine Roberts reports


“I’m not so egotistical as to believe that it has to be me, or it can only be me, to turn things around,” Palin told the magazine’s Peter Boyer. “But I do believe that I can win.”

The Tea Party darling has not officially announced whether she will enter the presidential race.

In the past two months, she has fueled widespread speculation that she will seek the Republican nomination with the premiere of the new documentary about her, “The Undefeated,” and the launch of her East Coast bus tour, “One Nation,” over Memorial Day weekend.

Palin expressed frustration during the interview at people’s tendency to overlook her track record as governor of Alaska in favor of her personal life during the 2008 election.

“Do people not understand why [John] McCain picked me?” Palin asked.

Palin also told Boyer that there are “many, many qualified and able candidates out there” who can beat President Obama in 2012.

The former Alaska governor

also took to Facebook Saturday

to blast the commander in chief for his recent debt ceiling negotiations.

“Barack Obama’s big government policies continue to fail,” Palin wrote in a post titled “The Sugar Daddy Has Run Out of Sugar; Now We Need New Leaders.”

“He should put a link to the national debt clock on his BlackBerry,” she added.