Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Fairfield Town Council May 17, 2011 (Preliminary) Minutes

MAY 17, 2011

7:00 P.M.
Note to persons reviewing this document: This is not a verbatim transcript. While an attempt has been made to document pertinent points, these minutes contain only a summary of the discussion and voting.

The regular council meeting for May 17, 2011 was called to order by Mayor Ed Huber at 7:00 p.m.

City Council Members present were: Mary Branon, Harry Gibbons, KayDee Gilkey and Karrie Stewart. Brian Kauffman was absent
Others present: KJ Hanley, Larry Zeug and Linda Head, Cheryl Loeffler

KayDee Gilkey motioned to approve the minutes from the May 3, 2011 regular council meeting as presented; seconded by Harry Gibbons. The motion carried.

Claim vouchers #16196-16208 for $6,072.77and EFTs for $1,422.83 were approved for payment as presented by Harry Gibbons; seconded by Karrie Stewart. The motion carried. Check #16197 was voided.
Claims: $3,661.78
Payroll: 3,833.82
Total Claims: $7,495.60
Check Registers signed by: Mary Branon, Karrie Stewart and KayDee Gilkey

Congratulations to Travis Glidewell.
Travis has received an award from the Evergreen Rural Water of Washington Board of Directors for recognition for the “Ground Water Protection Program of the Year Award of Excellence”. For more information on the Department of Health’s Ground Water Rule, please see the DOH publication on Group A Public Water Supplies-chapter 246-290 WAC.

Guest Speaker
Larry Zeug and Linda Head were present at tonight’s meeting to discuss the contact they have had with the Department of Ecology (DOE) and the Conservation District about the drainage issue on Rattler’s Run Road. Ed expressed to them that the Town of Fairfield had no involvement with the complaint about the drainage issue. Ed and Travis were out on Rattler’s Run Road with DOE and the Conservation District looking at the possibility of dredging the ditch on the west side of the road but did not point out or mention anything about the Zeug’s property. Larry has set up a meeting for Wednesday, May 18th with DOE and has invited Ed and Travis to come.

Linda offered to help in any way with the writing of the grant.

Engineers Report
KJ Hanley from Century West was present to discuss several items.

Main and Ticknor Pedestrian Bridges Project
Change order #1for the Main and Ticknor Pedestrian Bridges Project will add a 2.5-inch thick concrete deck topping over the panels to provide a smooth deck surface and finished with a light broom texture. This will increase the contract cost by
$3,705.57 and extend the time two days for a total of 32 days.

KayDee motioned to authorize Change Order #1to the Main and Ticknor Pedestrian Bridges Project; seconded by Mary. The motion carried.

The Notice to Proceed which will start the contract time for Accelerated Construction was presented for approval and signature. They will be in Fairfield tomorrow to begin setting up the site.

Mary motioned to authorize the Notice to Proceed for the Main and Ticknor Pedestrian Bridges Project; seconded by KayDee.
The motion carried.

The State fund progress billing for the pedestrian bridges will include the bills that were generated earlier in the year for the advertising and design.

2010 Sewer project
The project is almost complete. S&L will need to come back in the fall to repair some pipe. KJ talked with Frank Dorsch of Dorsch Scales about the damage to the scale at Wilbur Ellis. Mr. Dorsch stated that the damage was not the contractor’s fault. The council does not think that it is fair to make S&L or the funding agency pay for something that has turned out to be a maintenance issue. KJ will contact Junior Thies at Wilbur Ellis.

Portland Avenue
KJ drafted a cover letter addressing the reclassification of Portland Avenue. This will be sent along with the application for reclassification and the map to the Spokane Regional local office of Department of Transportation for approval.

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding for 2011
Notification was finally received about the amount of funding that will be available for the 2011 projects. The funds were all cut 16% which makes the Town’s grant request $112,185 instead of the $132,700. KJ prepared a revised budget. After Travis has a chance to review the changes and give feedback, the finalized budget will be sent to Christine Barada, the Director of Spokane County Housing and Community Development. KJ will check with CDBG about having the town pay their portion
out of the construction management instead of design, which could possibly save some funds by allowing the Town to do some of the construction management themselves.

Cemetery Maintenance Contract
This is moved to an executive session.

Wilbur Ellis Impact Funds
The Town of Fairfield has recently received $3,500 from Wilbur Ellis Impact Funds. These funds will be used to purchase electronic equipment for the Community Center. Wilbur Ellis has been extremely generous to the community. Thank you so much. Many of the improvements at the Community Center have been possible because of your generosity.

Swing set donation
Please see the public works report for this.

Planning Commission
Ed has not had an opportunity to interviews the two candidates.

Flag Day response
According to previous council minutes from 1999 and 2000, the Town’s responsibility to the float is to provide liability insurance. A letter was drafted to Darlene Wernz with this information. It was also noted in this letter that the power poles and telephone poles have been inspected by the companies and both determined that the poles are sound and will not be replaced in the near future.

Liquor application for Flag Day

Mary motioned to approve the liquor permit application for the Service Club for June 11, 2011; seconded by Karrie. The motion carried.

Parade agreement #ER P06-11
Mary motioned to authorize the parade agreement #ER P06-11; seconded by Harry. The motion carried.

Archival grant application
Alene has put together a grant for up to $10,000 for archiving the minutes, ordinances and resolutions.

Mary motioned to approve the local records grant application 2011-2013 up to $10,000; seconded by Karrie. The motion carried.

Public Works Report
S&L Undergrouns has successfully removed and replaced the damaged fire hydrant on 2nd Avenue.


Travis had the opportunity to meet with Roger Neal who is a Control Coordinator from Association of Washington Cities last year. They did a walk through of Thiel Park and discussed some of the playground equipment that the town has and what his recommendations are for the Town to reduce the chances of a loss or lawsuit. One specific piece of equipment that he commented on was the merry-go-round and the lack of it having a speed rotation limit device that would only allow it to travel
no more than 13ft/second. Travis was very appreciative that AWC assists the Town in these matters and provides information to make sure that we meet the equipment safety standards for the Town and the residents.

With this new information on their safety standards, Travis felt it was necessary to communicate with Mr. Neal and AWC about the possibility of accepting the donated swingset from the preschool. He sent pictures and a brief description. AWC expressed concern about accepting this piece of equipment and the liability associated with it. Cheryl will check further into this with AWC.

Derek and Travis have been working on ditching the roads around town and have completed the majority of Portland Avenue. They have successfully diverted water off the roadway and into the ditches, which will protect the roadway surface.

At the catch point where the water is directed off the town right-of-way and into the nearest watershed area, the closest homeowner has chosen to backfill that area of ditch and use it for a driveway. This in turn has blocked all of the incoming water, which is now filling the ditch up and working its way onto the road again. If this section of ditch line is allowed to be blocked off, there will not be anywhere for the water to go except for back on the roadway and in turn will be a wet collection point that will attract mosquitoes. Pictures are included.

Review Complaints & Compliments
5-17-2011 Garbage in truck. There is a pickup parked on the cement slab by 208 W Carlton that is full of unsecured garbage. There are no license plates but the registration was found. Alene called the Plummer City Hall and obtained a phone number of previous owner, which led us to the current owner. The father was contacted and told that the truck had to be moved and the garbage dealt with. He said that they should be down to get it in the next few weeks. He was informed that it would need to be moved sooner due to the warmer weather, odor, and animals getting into it.

Just a reminder that the community garage sale dates will be June 17 and 18. This is different than was previously set. If you want to be involved, contact Cheryl or Alene at City Hall to get on the map.

The Fairfield Service Club and the outside area need to be cleaned up. A letter will be sent to them requesting that they clean up the areas.

Executive session called at 9:00 to discuss contractual agreement and should last approximately 15 minutes. . No actions will take place during the session. Following the executive session, the regular meeting will resume and business will be continued.

Executive session ended at 9:13p.m.

The regular council meeting resumed at 9:13 p.m.

KayDee motioned to accept the Fairfield Cemetery maintenance contract between the Town of Fairfield and Triple P Mowing for the 2011 season; seconded by Harry. The motion carried.

With no other business, the regular council meeting adjourned at 9:14p.m.

Respectfully submitted.

Mayor Ed Huber Clerk/Treasurer Cheryl Loeffler

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