Sony says Rockstar Games wrongly accused the 3.61 firmware update of overheating PS3 consoles during play of L.A. Noire.
What can I do? Answer: We have received some reports of PS3s overheating while playing L.A. Noire or beeping three times before shutting down/turning themselves ...
Rockstar said: We have received some reports of PS3s overheating while playing L.A. Noire or beeping three times before shutting down/turning themselves off, ...
I played the game for 4 hours on release day without any issues. I downloaded firmwire 3.61 today. Now the game has froze 4 times today.
If you want your ps3 to last long, just clean the things on the side that allow air to come out. Do it about once a week. As for the overheating thing with 3.61 ...
“The issues of PS3s overheating appears to be due to the latest Sony firmware update,” it says. “We recommend contacting Sony if your console is shutting off ...
It's out of Sony's warranty so I found a place online who said they could fix any PS3 problem, which they did. About a week after getting it back, the exact ...
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i stopped playing after the first stage. ― jay ... http://support.rockstargames.com/entries/20127883-ps3s-shutting-themselves-off-while-playing-l-a-noire.
http://support.rockstargames.com/entries/20127883-p s3s-shutting-themselves-off-while-playing-l-a-noire hmm måske skal man vente med dette spil. Mvh Lennart
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