
Creating belonging.  Creating change.

Organization Update

Throughout the year you have attend our events, provided financial and in-kind support, spread word of our work, and have cheered us on.  Each and every action has helped get us to where we are today.  As we enter the new year, I’m incredibly grateful for all we have been able to achieve .

Just a year ago we were asking you for donations to support a program that didn’t yet exist.  Six months later we were moving Residents into housing.  As we complete our first year, we are preparing to expand our services.  

With a service expansion on the horizon, we are reminded of what started it all - a vision of a St. Louis where all young people have access to safe and stable housing.  Our determination to realize this vision has not wavered.  We started with four beds and - with your support - we will continue to grow.  

There is still time to contribute to our End-of-Year campaign and help us continue to grow.  Click here to make your contribution today!

With gratitude,

Robert Donnelly

Founder, Executive Director