THORNBURY - VARIOUS ROADS - Variation to Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting order, Prohibition of Driving order and Designated Disabled Persons’ Parking Place order - STATUTORY NOTICE

The Council proposes to make an order that will vary the South Gloucestershire Council (Various Roads, Thornbury) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) Order 2021; the South Gloucestershire Council (High Street, Thornbury) (Prohibition of Driving) Order 2021 and the South Gloucestershire Council (High Street, Thornbury) (Designated Disabled Persons’ Parking Place) Order 2021 so as to:-

a) permit buses to enter, proceed and wait in High Street, Thornbury;

b) permit vehicles in connection with funeral and wedding processions to enter, proceed and wait in High Street, Thornbury;

c) prohibit any vehicle entering, proceeding or waiting in Soapers Lane, Thornbury;

d) move the boundary of the Restricted Parking Zone at the northern end of High Street, Thornbury and include Soapers Lane, Thornbury;

e) prohibit vehicles waiting at any time in the Restricted Parking Zone (includes Castle Court and Soapers Lane) and in lengths of The Plain, The Close and High Street, Thornbury.

N.B. Please note plans are being substituted for Disabled Persons’ Parking Places and Limited Waiting to allow for repositioning and minor changes.

Full details of the proposals are contained in the draft order. If you would like to see a copy of the draft order, a map, any orders to be varied/revoked and a statement of the Council's reasons for making the order, you may do so by viewing the documents section of this consultation.


With continuing risks from Covid-19, the safe and preferred way to access documents and submit a written response is by electronic means. 

In order to respond, please click this Link 

On 31 October 2023 the Executive Director of Place acting under Delegated Authority considered the objections and comments received in response to the advertisement of the above proposed traffic order. After carefully considering these objections together with the comments the following decision was taken:

  1. Both the local members and officers see value in making the traffic regulation orders outlined below permanent. It is therefore recommended that the THORNBURY - VARIOUS ROADS - Variation to Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting order, Prohibition of Driving order and Designated Disabled Persons’ Parking Place order - STATUTORY NOTICE be made permanent with the exception of Soapers Lane being included within the restricted parking zone.
  2. That the Head of Legal Governance and Democratic Services be authorised to seal the Traffic Regulation Order.
  3. That the objectors are informed accordingly.

The Executive Director of Place Decision relating to this matter may be viewed on the documents pages of this consultation.

The order is to be made on 15 November 2023 and will become operative on 23 November 2023.  Accordingly, a public notice will appear in the local newspaper shortly after the order is made.


  • Opened
    28 Jun 2023 at 00:00
  • Closed
    22 Jul 2023 at 23:59
  • Response Published
    02 Nov 2023

Summary of Results

Consultation Documents


Consultation Topic
  • Local highways and transportation projects
Geographical area
  • Thornbury
Marking a consultation as relevant to a particular audience indicates that it may be of special relevance to people within that group. It doesn't, however, mean that other groups wont find the consultation of interest - we welcome responses from everybody.
For example, education issues may be of particular interest to Parents & Guardians, and so will be shown to people searching the system for parenting issues, but the views of others (eg: Business, Faith Groups) are also relevant.
Contact Details

If you have any questions relating to technical aspects of this proposal, please contact Katie Myles, Engineer, South Gloucestershire Council, P O Box 1954, Bristol, BS37 0DD on 01454 863028

E mail:

For information regarding the legal advertising of this scheme please contact Grace Marsden, Legal Technician, South Gloucestershire Council, Department for Resources and Business Change, Legal Governance and Democratic Services, P O Box 1953, Bristol BS37 0DE on 01454 866324

E mail: