Chinkuchi, An Enigma of Isshinryu

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Out there is Okinawan karate there are many, many truths as to what it is, how it works and its defining meaning and understanding in karate, especially the Isshinryu community. In short, overall, there is very little that is used to discuss, define and teach the concept and art of chinkuchi and we will NOT focus on those aspects. Rather, we will focus on the tidbits of information out there and try to describe, in words, what this enigmatic term means and how it may apply to our study and practice of karate-do and karate-jutsu. 

Lets talk a moment about energy, one positive and true concept of the art of chinkuchi is about the generation of energy so as karate-ka we have to understand what that energy is, lets begin.

So, if we can assume correctly, scientifically and factually that chinkuchi is “energy then we must ask the question: If chinkuchi is energy then chinkuchi is some type of energy, i.e., thermal, electrical, chemical, nuclear, or other various forms. There are, moreover, heat and work—i.e., energy in the process of transfer from one body to another.” 

Another source provides us this definition, “Types of energy can be categorized into two broad categories – kinetic energy (the energy of moving objects) AND potential energy (energy that is stored). These are the two basic forms of energy. The different types of energy include thermal energy, radiant energy, chemical energy, nuclear energy, electrical energy, motion energy, sound energy, elastic energy and gravitational energy.”

Therefore, to properly define chinkuchi, if it is merely energy or ki or chi, we must determine what type of energy is involved. 
  • Is it kinetic (Category and Type)? 
    • this being a major category means that it can manifest on one type or another within the realm and mandates of nature and physics. 
    • "kinetic energy of an object is the energy that it possesses due to its motion. It is defined as the work needed to accelerate a body of a given mass from rest to its stated velocity. Having gained this energy during its acceleration, the body maintains this kinetic energy unless its speed changes."
    • CONCLUSION: in my perception all techniques, principles and methodologies, if you will, all manifest as desired in objective as kinetic energy. First, to create that energy one must move their mass and once in motion accelerate that mass and its appendages to a maximum velocity where it is maintained until the sudden encounter of some other mass as its target. 
    • CONCLUSION: if chinkuchi is energy then it is a kinetic one and it is about how that concept is described to achieve the above state of energy, velocity and if I can add, transference. 
    • CONCLUSION: even the compliance and manipulation aspects of the physical arts like karate still depend a great deal on movement even if the body itself does not move. Turning, twisting, etc., all with other principled based physiokinetic’s still generate energy by moving the entire mass or parts that use the mass as a pivot, balance and stabilizing mass to get the job done effectively and efficiently and successfully. 
    • CONCLUSION: Additional strength and stamina and stability of the muscles contributes to the ability to move the mass that makes this a holistic whole, i.e., strength helps achieve greater strength; stronger muscles applied to the frame of the body and its ability to move helps to achieve efficient and effective movement; the stability applied with stronger muscles helps to achieve less energy bleed of the moving kinetic energy avoiding waste; the totality of physiokinetic’s such as structure, alignment along with the ability to keep that stable when energy generated in this way comes face-to-face with some other structure that creates resistance and the proper application of movement, etc., creates a path that allows that energy to transfer to the structure whereby its resistance upon meeting that energy contributes to the effects on that structure while at the same time, blow back does cause the origins of the energy to feel or cause resistance at the point of contact contributing to the damage done dependent on the whole holistic physiokinetic’s of both sides, i.e., the one moving and applying methodologies at the greatest power and force vs. the object or target and its’ physiokinetic’s as well as physics of the environment, i.e., how the two energy’s are moving, etc. 
  • Is it potential energy (Category)? 
    • energy that is stored in an object or substance.
    • this being a major category means that it can manifest on one type or another within the realm and mandates of nature and physics. 
    • CONCLUSION: this being the second of only two major categories of energy it too must exist in a yin/yang way to kinetic because all bodies that can hold and generate energy must have some form of it available either stored as energy or potential to generate as energy because the storage method actually can generate it, i.e., muscles, blood, sinew, fuel, etc., all burned as nature intended in the human body generates energy of one sort or another that allow the body to move, the legs to walk, the arms to hold and manipulate, the head to think and create and generate instructions, triggers, concepts and skills that manifest through the body proper and so on. 
    • It is potential energy that once a body begins to move generates the kinetic energy that can manifest as a type of energy to get the job done what ever that job may be. 
  • Is it electrical (Type)? 
    • Electrical energy is the movement of electrons (the tiny particles that make up atoms, along with protons and neutrons). Electrons that move through a wire are called electricity. Lightning is another example of electrical energy.
    • CONCLUSION: I feel and perceive that electrical energy, although there are electrical pulses that trigger muscles to flex and relax, etc., it does not provide the type of kinetic energy to generate the kinetic type of energy. It is another type used by the body that takes its potential to start the generating of kinetic, etc. 
  • Is it chemical (Type)? 
    • stored in the bonds of atoms and molecules – it is the energy that holds these particles together. Stored chemical energy is found in food, biomass, petroleum, and natural gas.
    • CONCLUSION: still, like electrical, it is a type that is used similar to electrical. After all, the entire body is a mass of pulses of electrical and chemical and others that keep it alive and animated with that animation generating the kinetic energy necessary…
  • Is it nuclear (Type)? 
    • energy is stored in the nucleus of atoms. This energy is released when the nuclei are combined (fusion) or split apart (fission).
    • CONCLUSION: as a trained nuclear radiation control technician and how exposure to nuclear energy causes damage I can easily say that nuclear to chinkuchi energy is not a viable understanding. 
  • Is it radiant (Type)? 
    • Also known as light energy or electromagnetic energy, radiant energy is a type of kinetic energy that travels in waves. Examples include the energy from the sun, x-rays and radio waves.
    • CONCLUSION: the definition except in an indirect way is not chinkuchi. 
  • Is it motion energy (Type)? 
    • Motion energy – or mechanical energy – is the energy stored in objects; as objects move faster, more energy is stored. Examples of motion energy include wind, a flowing river, a moving car, or a person running or applying methods of martial prowess and skill for self-protection.
    • CONCLUSION: since motion of one’s mass is key to kinetic energy that is key to generating and applying force and power to achieve self-protection and mastery of martial arts I feel this one, like potential and kinetic, are required to made chinkuchi concepts about energy or ki or chi as the Asian teachings would have us believe. 
  • Is it sound energy (Type)?
    • Sound energy is the movement of energy through substances. It moves in waves and is produced when a force makes an object or substance vibrate. 
    • CONCLUSION: not a part of chinkuchi and yet as to the art of the “kiai” this does apply to the martial skills necessary for self-protection although in an indirect way while not directly being a part of chinkuchi or energy. 
  • Is it elastic energy (Type)? 
    • Elastic energy is a form of potential energy which is stored in an elastic object - such as a coiled spring or a stretched elastic band. Elastic objects store elastic energy when a force causes them to be stretched or squashed.
    • CONCLUSION: not a direct or even indirect energy type that would apply to the concept of chinkuchi energy for martial arts like karate. 
  • Is it gravitational energy (Type)? 
    • Gravitational energy is a form of potential energy. It is energy associated with gravity or gravitational force – in other words, the energy held by an object when it is in a high position compared to a lower position.
    • CONCLUSION: another INDIRECT methodology product like picking up a weapon in lieu of using the body, i.e., it must be noted that in many cases when using physiokinetic’s the force and power of gravitational energy is always a factor and it is best to understand that it stands alone separate from either object or entity like two persons in conflict. It is an energy that can unbalance a person; it is an energy that can pull an unbalanced person off their feet plummeting them toward hard objects like the Earth. Once a person is unbalanced gravity then takes over and control and its pull of the unbalanced object subject to physics of mass and movement, etc., tends to result in some form of damage. 
Looking at the above list, we must determine which and how many of the types of energy apply to the concept of chinkuchi as energy. Since all but light are undetectable by human sensory systems without the artificial aid of some detection and measuring device we may need to assume unless some valid scientific research can provide guidance. 

Once we can determine the energy type involved in the application of physiokinetic methodologies we can then begin to understand and explain not only that chinkuchi is energy, we can explain how that energy is generated within the realm of those principles of multiple methodologies and forces required to self-protect. 

As we discuss the energies herein to relate proper energy to the concept of chinkuchi we must never forget, and I quote, “Energy comes in many different types, which can be categorized into two basic forms – kinetic and potential. Energy can never be created or destroyed, but it can be transformed from one type of energy to another.

Therefore if chinkuchi is energy we can say after analysis that, “Chinkuchi as a concept of energy does manifest and utilize both potential and kinetic energy through the utilization of motion energy as a type with a side benefit of making use of gravitational energy, not chinkuchi or related to or connected to chinkuchi energy. Chinkuchi falls into the two main categories and through motion along with certain physiokinetic principles manifests itself into the power and force necessary to achieve self-protection through the skills we call karate or martial arts.”

Where the contradictions begin is when other concepts are used to describe what chinkuchi is like the following: 
  1. chinkuchi is instantaneous tensing of muscles in a certain order
    • Lets see what happens when we put all the proverbial definitions of chinkuchi in one place and than see what contradictions occur.
      • chinkuchi, which means sinew, bone, and energy
      • slow breathing and muscle movement to develop and control "ki" or the energy of Chinkuchi
      • in actual combat it changes to speed
      • is tightness or dynamic tensioning of the body
      • for short distance attacking
      • controlling the use of muscle, bone, and breathe
      • tensing the muscles (chinkuchi is instantaneous tensing of muscles in a certain order called muscle chains to bring out power.) in the correct sequence
      • not always an explosive power
      • is controlling the weapon
      • Goju hard [chinkuchi]
      • cultivation of energy through proper breathing and body mechanics
      • Chinkuchi is the proper tensing of muscles when being hit or when striking
      • chinkuchi is instantaneous tensing of muscles in a certain order
      • provides the means to penetrate and end the fight with one blow
      • chinkuchi is accomplished by relaxing a thrown punch and in a split second tensing upon contact 
      • generate power in thrusting
      • generates power from a short distance
      • chinkuchi, the tensing of muscles, is our "primary" base for generating power
      • makes techniques exceptionally strong
      • brought out when and where you need it
      • chi in chinkuchi is hard energy
      • tremendous breaking power
      • the cultivation of energy through proper body mechanics
      • performing power (Chinkuchi)
      • must use rapid, multiple, and concentrated punches in teaching how to develop chinkuchi
      • Chinkuchi is tensing at the point of impact
      • drive through the target; tightening the fist at point of impact; this is chinkuchi
      • starts soft relaxation (muscle/sinew) to hard (bone or tightening the whole body (sanchin) through controlled body management
      • tensing at the end of a technique
      • karate that utilizes breaking techniques is using chinkuchi
      • chinkuchi is destructive power
      • purpose of chinkuchi is to keep our punch from recoiling
      • “Chinkuchi is a physical action of tensing at the point of impact using both muscles and bones and controlling the action of a strike or punch.”
      • used in all applications, in any direction, and is also short distance power
Where I start to see contradictions is that many of the above are not actually chinkuchi, energy generation and manifestation toward an indirect objective like striking with force and power, etc. Yes, all the above are ways to describe the “OBJECTIVE” of the manifestation of chinkuchi, energy, and are not directly chinkuchi. These are merely the results of properly generating energy in an effective, efficient and powerful way to achieve force and power necessary in self-protection. If chinkuchi is energy likened to the Asian concepts of chi, Chinese, ki, Japanese and chinkuchi, Okinawan energy generation then all the rest are those objectives we all want to achieve, manifest and master to master the arts of our choice … like Isshinryu. 

Therefore as the second to last item quotes, “chinkuchi is NOT a physical action, etc.,” BECAUSE chinkuchi is a means to an end objective of applying physiokinetic principles to manifest a physical action of applying multiple methodologies so that when dynamically sequentially tensing and relaxing at a point of application to control, stabilize and apply power and force through a strike, punch, kick or using actions such as drives (pushing), pulling, twisting, control and manipulation methods like takedowns and throw along with compression utilizing the energy generating of chi, ki or chinkuchi, your choice of terminology best suited to your teaching methodologies.

Chinkuchi, kinetic energy as a main term of simplification from potential, kinetic and motion energy, is the proper application of principles of breathing, posture, centerline, alignment, axis both major and minor, heaviness, relaxation and dynamic tensing in sequential processes, body-mind, centripetal and centrifugal forces, tactile sensitivity, rooting, etc. are an indirect process necessary to maximize the utilization of chinkuchi, kinetic energy, to get the job done effectively, efficiently and with speed self-protection for self-defense. 

In the end, don’t let all the above tidbits mislead you to the reality of chinkuchi, let them help to explain how chinkuchi can be generated, held and then applied through the indirect efforts of the above principled based physiokinetic methods, etc. in the last paragraph. Chinkuchi is about kinetic energy of potential energy of the energy of motion, i.e., moving our mass, etc. All the rest is merely something else meant to explain a concept that is actually very simple… chinkuchi is energy, nothing or and nothing less… the rest is a product of proper energy generation and use though other indirect means, methods and methodologies. 

For reference and sources and professionals go here: Bibliography (Click the link)

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