Fox News Reports Even Lower Poll Numbers for Palin

Meena brought this to our attention.  Bill O’Reilly reports even lower poll numbers on Palin.  The conclusion he and his commentators seem to reach is that the poll numbers are down due to “overexposure.”  I wonder if the reason they are talking about “exposure” is because she is an Empress and a naked one at that.  As more people see her for who she is, the less they like her.

If you missed these posts, please go back and read about the Empress.


17 thoughts on “Fox News Reports Even Lower Poll Numbers for Palin

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  1. Heheh!!


    Why is it, certain shows and celebrities are overexposed, and never seem to lose their luster? They just keep going, and become “megashows,” or “megastars?”

    While Palin is dropping like a boulder pushed off the ramp of a C130 at 10,000 ft?

    The empress is naked, indeed! I just wish she would take the place of that boulder. America, and the world, could only benefit from that!


  2. Overexposure? How about overexposure to her vindictive character and her same old talking points without clearly specifying anything of substance. Is this a tactic by Fox to make her STFU?


  3. Sarah’s poll numbers and IQ are low.

    You can say Sarah Palin’s poll numbers are down due to over exposure, but for the most part Sarah Palin’s numbers are down because she is dumber than a bag of rocks. She is a dumb ass beauty contestant runner up who conned her into the political arena and she owe everything to John McCain because he was looking for a VP who has a vagina.

    My opinion is that McCain picked the wrong vagina, even her husband Todd wouldn’t touch Sarah’s vagina with a 4 inch pencil (according to Shailey Tripp, Todd is 4 inches on a good day).


  4. There’s not a doubt in my mind that the more she’s seen the harder she (continues, please!) to fall. But since when has Fox News ever worried about the truth, eh?

    Makes me wonder if this isn’t their justification (excuse?) for her no-show on the new Lou Dobbs show. It would, in theory, get them off the hook with her, and with the viewer, too. (leading up to – ??? end of contract?) I can dream, anyway.


    1. skrinkinggranny,
      I’m dreaming with you! I am going to do a more extensive post later today about Fox and this segment, as I think Fox has decided to distance themselves from her. Malia


  5. In case u are on twitter, here is an opportunity
    “@SarahPalinUSA: @sarahpalinusa, kindly use #ITConclave for India Today Conclave. Tweets with this tag would be displayed during the event. pls RT”


  6. Palin’s “over-exposure” has been self-manufactured. There isn’t a media vehicle she doesn’t use — except inteviews with MSM, as Jon stewart pointed out in his segment (in your previous blog entry).

    O’Reilly correctly makes the point that media attacks on Palin initially served her well, but now sympathy for her has waned. The obvious reason for that waning — and lousy poll results — is that Palin is a narcissistic airhead who can only appeal to people as a victim of MSM abuse. Her thin skin and shallow thinking are unappealing after one removes the “hockey mom” wrapper.


    1. BW,
      I agree, and my perception is that Fox News may have indicated the beginning of their willingness to distance themselves from her.


    1. around 1030 am sat march 19, on EST is 8 pm in New Delhi (if I have used world time clock properly)


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