
I would like to remind you of THIS piece of shit brilliant analysis from March:

Want to know when the plug gets pulled on the current MSNBC programming line-up? Read on, douche cow.

Let’s start with the contention that the virulent strain of left-wing lunatic liberalism is incompatible with the free market because 85% of the people in this country tend to be repelled by lying hateful race-baiting negative America-bashing truth-raping Socialist clown fuckers.

The 15% that like that shit aren’t a big enough consumer force to make full retard liberalism profitable in the mass market.

Air America lasted about six years before it went teats up.  But that six years is a little misleading because they had supporters burn piles of cash to keep them running the last year or so and I don’t think they were paying salaries for the last few months.  Plus they stole money from an orphanage or something so that last year wasn’t exactly income statement gold.

I think the shelf-life for unhinged liberalism in the free market is about 5 years.  After that the novelty wears off and no one is left but some of the 15% who like hate with their lies.

MSNBC used to not be fruitcake left-wing.  I mean not any more than CNN, ABC, CBS, etc etc.  Even when Olbermann came on board in 2003, the network was indistinguishable from the rest of the MSM in that its bias was subtle and they pretended to believe in objective reporting. Olbermann’s show actually used to be somewhat entertaining before he decided to give himself a perpetual liberal Kool-Aid enema.

I think there is a point where we can say that MSNBC tacked hard left and started the clock on their demise and that was Olbermann’s first “Special” Comment.  The first “Special” Comment that was actually called “Special” Comment was August 2006 in which El Douche compared Rumsfeld to Neville Chamberlain.  Hahahaha!!  Idiot.

We are seeing the last gasps of breath of a dying enterprise but the truth is that joke of a network was doomed at the birth of the “Special” Comment.

My guess is they will continue to lose more and more viewers, and more and more ad revenue, in the coming months. Their audience on election night will consist of 1,000 suicidal loons and 100,000 conservatives who will tune in to bathe in the tears of the most hateful, racist, arrogant, polemic collection of liars and douche-bags in the history of broadcasting.

Post-election analysis HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE.

Lean Forward indeed, assholes.


It’s goin’ down.


  1. *stretches out*

    Man!! This new thread has a lot of room.

  2. Heh! Douche cow 😀

  3. Jeez, this post is as lame as DrewM’s crush on Karl Rove (uber Alles)!

  4. Can you imagine how it smells on that guillotine platform? With four frenchmen that close to each other?

  5. ” Read on douche cow.”

    Are you talking to me?

    hahahahahahahaha….That was my first comment on the thread.

  6. Can you imagine how it smells on that guillotine platform? With four frenchmen that close to each other?

    Please, by all that is hole, don’t let Cuffy near that remark.

  7. From Moe Lane at RedState – a “tribute” video to all of those poor souls the Dems lost on Tuesday:

    And one of the comments over at RedState made me snort my drink out of my nose:
    “…Such a shame that all the first and second term house commies who lost on Tuesday just lost their shot at lifetime Congressional Benefits. Guess they’ll be in the Health Care pool with the rest of the unwashed.”

  8. stupid new posts

    Don’t be stupid. You know I love you.

    OMG!!! I knew we were the same person!! No WONDER you love me.

  9. hahahahahahahaha….That was my first comment on the thread.


    *does that thing where I point my forefinger and middle finger towards my eyes a couple of times and then I point my forefinger and middle finger at your eyes a couple of times*

  10. LMAO, Teresa 🙂

    Now that song is stuck in my head 😀

  11. Now that song is stuck in my head

    Then I’m not clicking on it. I still have Combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell in my head

  12. OMG!!! I knew we were the same person!! No WONDER you love me.

    Hahahahahahaha. How was work today, sweet pajama banana?

  13. Speaking of guillotines:

    Once upon a time there lived three men: a doctor, a chemist, and an engineer. For some reason all three offended the king and were sentenced to die on the same day.

    The day of the execution arrived, and the doctor was led up to the guillotine.

    As he strapped the doctor to the guillotine, the executioner asked, “Head up or head down?”
    “Head up,” said the doctor.
    “Blindfold or no blindfold?”
    “No blindfold.”

    So the executioner raised the axe, and z-z-z-z-ing! Down came the blade–and stopped barely an inch above the doctor’s neck. Well, the law stated that if an execution didn’t succeed the first time the prisoner had to be released, so the doctor was set free.

    Then the chemist was led up to the guillotine.
    “Head up or head down?” said the executioner.
    “Head up.”
    “Blindfold or no blindfold?”
    “No blindfold.”

    So the executioner raised his axe, and z-z-z-z-ing! Down came the blade–and stopped an inch above the chemist’s neck. Well, the law stated that if the execution didn’t succeed the first time the prisoner had to be released, so the chemist was set free.

    Finally the engineer was led up to the guillotine.
    “Head up or head down?”
    “Head up.”
    “Blindfold or no blindfold?”
    “No blindfold.”

    So the executioner raised his axe, but before he could cut the rope, the engineer yelled out:

    “WAIT! I see what the problem is!”

  14. Poor Alvin Greene. This is his Reception Ballroom.

    I actually feel sorry for him. He reminds me of my goat garmin…that glassy eyed, vacant stare, sloooooooooooooow.

  15. Now that I think about it, I really don’t like how they’re mocking him in the video. It’s really not nice.

  16. It fucking pains me to no end to say this but you’re a pretty funny fucker, Rosetta. Not as dumb as I originally thought either.

    I’m still pretty sure your mangina smells like a monkey’s ass.

  17. For those of the engineering persuasion, there’s lots more where that one came from (most of them are interchangeable with Aggie jokes – the Texas A&M kind of “Aggie”):
    Of course, most of us who studied engineering have already heard them…..

  18. Hahahahahahaha. How was work today, sweet pajama banana?

    I don’t like having to be the mean person for an hour and a half straight. However, I do like mentally screwing with the mean girls. This is elementary school and they’re already nasty and cliquy. I find it fun when they get in their little group and they start talking smack or plotting, I follow them around so they can’t do anything, all the while acting totally clueless.

  19. It fucking pains me to no end to say this but you’re a pretty funny fucker, Rosetta. Not as dumb as I originally thought either.

    That my dear jackstraw, is why we haven’t pinched his head off….yet

  20. They do more shark jumping than uh, fuck…not the best analogy because nobody but Fonzie jumps sharks.

  21. OK, just had a B-25 Mitchell go overhead. Cool. Not “four engine” cool, but not at all bad.

  22. “…Such a shame that all the first and second term house commies who lost on Tuesday just lost their shot at lifetime Congressional Benefits. Guess they’ll be in the Health Care pool with the rest of the unwashed.”


    “WAIT! I see what the problem is!”

    I resemble that remark.

  23. It fucking pains me to no end to say this but you’re a pretty funny fucker, Rosetta. Not as dumb as I originally thought either.

    I’m still pretty sure your mangina smells like a monkey’s ass.

    Hahahaha. My mangina smells like napalm in the morning and I AM THE SMARTEST MAN ALIVE!!!

  24. Well howdy bobby! We got all sorts of new people at the hostages. Too cool

  25. This poat made me giggle like a 12 year-old girl.

  26. Is there a certain sexual reason barney frank doesn’t have teeth?

  27. Who’s the new guy? And just because he showed up doesn’t mean JAM2 and that other n00b get out of being pledges for a while…

  28. >>Is there a certain sexual reason barney frank doesn’t have teeth?

    Not really sexual. Just business.

  29. Bobby!!!!

    I got your email (late … fucking work and all) and posted it in the other thread for our couple of Aggies here.

  30. Bobby, who’s the smokin’ hawt chick in your twitter avatard?

  31. >> Is there a certain sexual reason barney frank doesn’t have teeth?

    Can we have a moratorium on mentioning that name around here for a week or so?

  32. Hey! The new guy’s dipshit polygon got a monocle! That’s bullshit!

  33. Well, howdy, Bobby!!

    And just because he showed up doesn’t mean JAM2 and that other n00b get out of being pledges for a while…

    Who you talkin’ bout?

  34. Can we have a moratorium on mentioning that name around here for a week or so?

    Oh come on now. I got Nancy Pelosi

  35. Man, I was reading that old thread and laughed like heck. We are a pretty funny bunch. I never do, but I like reading old threads and seeing what we were about that day.

  36. Holy shit, you’re right!

    Isn’t that Bart’s old avatar?

  37. *sigh

    bart’s polygon had a monocle too

  38. Were we a recipe or weather blog that day mare?

  39. >>Hahahaha. My mangina smells like napalm in the morning and I AM THE SMARTEST MAN ALIVE!!!

    You’re no Alvin Greene. That waterhead got his own comic book and was th….is close to being a Senator. And he writes prose that makes Angels sing:

    >>The election is over. Congratulations to Senator Jim DeMint.

    >>Thank you South Carolinians for the 358,069 votes you cast for me on November 2nd.

    >>I didn’t win but my message did get out. So much so that the Republicans stole my message on election night and now they (incoming majority leader John Boehner and Rep. Eric Cantor) are vowing to save your job. That’s funny since in 2005 DeMint voted to outsource jobs by voting NO on repealing tax subsidies for companies which move US jobs offshore.

    >>Good luck to York County which suffers a 14% unemployment rate. You voted 69.2% for DeMint.

    His message got out, man. To the people!

    You just have this crappy blog and a bunch of monkeys pounding on keyboards.

  40. Can we have a moratorium on mentioning that name around here for a week or so?

    Only if I don’t have to hear another fucking word about COD or Karl Rove (uber Alles)!

  41. HA! Andy, both!!

  42. Deal!

  43. You got that people?! No carrier onboard delivery conversations for one solid week.

  44. Well, can we spend the next week tazing Andy in the nuts?

  45. Well, can we spend the next week tazing Andy in the nuts?

    You assume his Missus would let him have them for a whole week!

  46. You assume his Missus would let him have them for a whole week!

  47. And an SNJ just went by. Interesting day for “bird” watching here.

  48. Hi everybody! *waves*

    Did you know that the State of Wisconsin, land that I love, is now a lovely shade of RED!!!!eleventy!111!!

  49. Hey, Brew!!!

    Where the heck have you been?

  50. You’re no Alvin Greene. That waterhead got his own comic book and was th….is close to being a Senator.


    He’s the most honest, likable Democrat to run for office in decades.

    I’m not joking in the least when I say that I would rather trust the government of this country to Alvin Greene than to Barack Obama.

    Instead of passing something like GreeneCare, I think Alvin would change out the presidential limo for a ’64 Impala, build a new house for him and his dad and buy a Playstation 4. That alone would save the country billions of dollars.

    I don’t know. I like the guy and I don’t like when people make fun of him. He’s a fucking veteran which is impressive, he has zero pretension and he’s not a douche.

    Maybe he thought showing some stupid college chick porn was funny but what the hell? I think that’s funny.

  51. Brewfan?

    Another n00b?

  52. I didn’t win but my message did get out. So much so that the Republicans stole my message on election night = “That bitch stole my pork chop!”

  53. Important weather blog update: It is raining. First time in a month.

  54. Bubba is lying on the carpet behind me. He obviously found something in the yard tonight. The gas, my God!

    My eyes are watering. I’m going to call this fragrance, “Rotten broccoli roasting on a tire fire.”

    *hurls gut*

  55. >>It is raining. First time in a month.

    Been drier than Helen Thomas’ cooch here. So we got hail. Just hail.

  56. mare, I been busy lately with politicin’ and whatnot!

  57. Rosetta, have you ever heard Alvin Greene say anything about racism?

    Has he ever cried racism?

    I have no idea, but if he hasn’t I can surely respect him for that.

    I agree with your assessment of Alvin, unless he goes with the racism thing. I know it’s out there but I’m over being called that if I disagree with people.

  58. Did you know that the State of Wisconsin, land that I love, is now a lovely shade of RED!!!!eleventy!111!!


    I made this for you in celebration:

  59. btw b-rad, did you feel the earthquake we had earlier? you boys and girls might get your wish about getting rid of california

  60. I think the shelf-life for unhinged liberalism in the free market is about 5 years. After that the novelty wears off and no one is left but some of the 15% who like hate with their lies.

    THAT made me spit my water all over my desk, man-lesbo.

    Give yourself 15 minutes alone time with your OMG! rubber fist as a reward.

  61. Sorry, came home, ate dinner, saw question I was going to try to answer.

    >> Dave, if the state is red then why wouldn’t they adopt the “bill” to STOP illegal’s from getting in-state tuition.

    Except I don’t understand it. What is it you want the legislature to do? The “bill” Andy mentioned was a “bill” (quotey marks cause it’s a student body, not the state legislature) to permit illegals to qualify for resident tuition. Which passed.

    How would the state adopting that STOP illegals from getting resident tuition?

  62. buy a Playstation 4

    Of course this is after he invents the Playstation 4

  63. baby democrat, baby democrat, riding backwards on a pig baby democrat! Get on that pig and hold on tight!! hahaha!

  64. No the bill the students passed was to prevent illegals from getting instate tuition.

  65. unless he goes with the racism thing. I know it’s out there but I’m over being called that if I disagree with people

    MSNBC – all white
    NPR – all white
    Republican Party – just elected Marco Rubio, Allen West, Tim Scott, Nikki Haley, Susana Martinez, and Brian Sandoval. But we’re the racists.

  66. I’d actually like to see Alvin Greene the Video Game™. Of course it would just be Alvin Greene sitting around playing video games, but that would have a certain double mirror, trippiness to it.

  67. Andy’s friend was concerned that the school president would veto it.

  68. And no, I’m not making fun of him, Rosetta.

  69. PJ, I thought I might have felt one, but didn’t really check.

    Also, this will make Roamy all hot and bothered:

  70. Rant on:
    Any lap dog, taint sniffing strap hanger to a popular blogger who wishes to follow me to other blogs to attack me and think that they are somehow my intellectual, moral or political superior can lick my salty ballsack.

    Rant off.

  71. Hi fellow racists. Did anyone else oppress a minority today? You know, like maybe a liberal?

  72. Shoot, MCPO, don’t keep us wondering who it was.

  73. Why would the Fed bail out California? California is oil rich, let them figure it out on their own.

  74. Are you gonna give us the juicy details MCPO or just sit there and suck balls?

  75. Rosetta, have you ever heard Alvin Greene say anything about racism?

    Has he ever cried racism?

    Never once. And if that happened, I would immediately suspect a meeting with Jackson or Sharpton was the reason.

    He’s from the south and I think he’s just a simple guy and by “simple” I mean not a race-baiting, game-playing, douche-bag motherfucker. It pissed me off when Jim Clyburn said he was a GOP plant. He had obviously never even talked to Alvin Greene.

    I don’t know….I think Alvin Greens is kind of like a real life Forrest Gump and I like that. Him getting elected was lightening in a bottle and I think he’s a good guy.

    If I lived in SC I would have gone to his party and had him sign an Alvin Greene comic book. The guy’s done nothing but make me laugh for the last 6 months. How can you not like that?

  76. >>Did anyone else oppress a minority today?

    I smacked an Asian kid around. I had some racism credits that were about to expire.

  77. Wasn’t Bart’s monocle on the other side Xbad?

  78. Hi Guys!

    Laraw, I think I smell your dog…. no, sorry that was mine..

    Did the black guy running in CT or somewhere in the northeast that was a T-party guy win? He sounded like a ” West lite” when I saw him in the spring.

  79. California is oil rich, let them figure it out on their own.

    With a big enough earthquake, they might have no choice but to gather oil.

  80. Is it weird that I like the music track on my Bejeweled 2 game?

  81. Yes PJM, it’s weird. Punch your right testicle until you don’t like it anymore.

  82. I’d actually like to see Alvin Greene the Video Game™. Of course it would just be Alvin Greene sitting around playing video games, but that would have a certain double mirror, trippiness to it.

    Hahahahahaha!! That’s what I want to happen. If some company doesn’t make Alvin Greene their spokeman, the marketing world is dumber than I thought and that’s saying something.

  83. Rosetta, then I see Alvin just as he appears. And the reality is, at least he tried.

  84. Yes PJM, it’s weird. Punch your right testicle until you don’t like it anymore

    Ok, but I’ll have to wait till he gets home from work.

  85. Seriously….we should have an IQ cap on politicians. It’s the ones that think they are smarter than everyone else that fuck shit up.

  86. >> No the bill the students passed was to prevent illegals from getting instate tuition.

    OH. I had it exactly backwards didn’t I? The article I read this morning had it backards too.

    My bad.

  87. OMFG!!! This is an article about the 10 worst place to live in the U.S. Check out the reason Phoenix is the worst. It’ll make your blood boil. Total bullshit

  88. Catman that doesn’t sound like the Northeast.

    I think the guy you are thinking of is from VA, NC, SC, or GA and he won too.

  89. Great. I’ve been singing “Baby Monkey” for the past 10 minutes.

  90. You know what ticked me off? That flop, gummy smiled, dolt known as Katie Curic has a show going around the country to tap into the psych of the “great unwashed.”

    You stupid bitch.

  91. Phoenix is in the middle of a desert, and they’re complaining about particle pollution?

    I’m shocked that it has lots of particles. I’d also live there ahead of nearly any other big city in the country.

  92. //

    your juicebox brad….

  93. Rosetta, then I see Alvin just as he appears. And the reality is, at least he tried.

    Wanna go to the Greene family reunion with me next year? I want a Greene family reunion t-shirt. And we can get you one of these:

  94. Who pissed in MCPO’s Cornflakes?

  95. Who pissed in MCPO’s Cornflakes?

    Barney Frank?

    How many guesses do I get?

    Aaron Burr?

  96. It’s a deal, Rosetta.

    I like it when MCPO rants but I want to know who he’s angry with, not guess.

  97. my salty ballsack.

    You should wash your hands after you eat potato chips.

    catman, I think you’re thinking of this guy:

    I had the pleasure of meeting him on the train going into DC to the 8/28 Beck rally. Very engaging, pleasant, and quick with a quip. He had a group of Teapartiers pretty engrossed in discussion about changing the way things were going in America.

    He lost.

    State Senate (100% Reporting)
    Karen Montgomery – Dem
    Eric Cary – GOP

  98. Was that the guy challenging Hoyer in MD Catman?

  99. Who pissed in MCPO’s Cornflakes?

    Baby Monkey! (hoo hoo!) Baby Monkey! (hoo hoo!) Pissing in the flakes, Baby Monkey!

  100. Did I miss an entire poat today?

    WTF is going on here?

  101. >>Katie Curic has a show going around the country to tap into the psych of the “great unwashed.”

    >>”can lick my salty ballsack.”

    I feel like such a yente.

  102. Someone teach JAM2 how to link while I take Floyd out to drop a Mare.

  103. Baby Monkey! (hoo hoo!) Baby Monkey! (hoo hoo!) Pissing in the flakes, Baby Monkey!

    That just made me LOL

  104. Don’t forget to wipe his Rosetta!

  105. Come here, Chief … do you need a back rub?

    What n00bs around to go on a juicebox run? And put some alcohol in it.

    Shit, forget the juice, just bring the bottle.

  106. Car in, I’d chalk it up to post election poat exuberance.

  107. Is JAM2 a chick or a dude and what happened to JAM1?

  108. There is a disturbance in the force.

  109. JAM2: The Awakening

  110. Jam1 is buried in the crawlspace. Oh, and Jam2 claims to be a dude.

  111. Holy cow mcpo.

  112. Someone pissed MCPO off? How the hell did that happen?!?

  113. just another moron also… (too)

    #1 got washed away


  114. tw b-rad, did you feel the earthquake we had earlier? you boys and girls might get your wish about getting rid of california

    God is displeased with California.

    BEWARE BEWARE. He’s gonna smite you all.

    Just remember, when you leave, DON’T LOOK BACK. Remember what happened to Lot’s wife.

  115. Them boys done went full tribal a while back.

  116. removing the http is for youtube only… i surmise

  117. Holy cow mcpo.

    I said he claims to be a dude. I’m not providing an affidavit or anything.

  118. Okay, I’d be pretty cranky over that, too.

  119. Christmas may come early for the Republican party – SanFranNan is thinking about running for House Minority Leader:

    The clueless is STRONG with this one……

  120. Jeebus frack I don’t want to talk about COD. I’d sooner floss with Rosetta’s pubes.

    Okay, that’s not true. But I would at least think about it before choosing the former.

  121. Someone pissed MCPO off? How the hell did that happen?!?

    Damn kids wouldn’t get off his lawn.

  122. >>God is displeased with California.

    Wait til their plumbing goes out. He really hates people that don’t have plumbing.

  123. Where did my comment go?

  124. Is there a certain sexual reason barney frank doesn’t have teeth?

    WAIT? Is his tongue pierced? That would explain the lisp.

  125. Okay, what’s InTrade say, can Pelosi even win that position?

  126. I said he claims to be a dude. I’m not providing an affidavit or anything.

    No, the holy cow was for what russ said to you.

  127. Don’t forget to wipe his Rosetta!

    Wipe his awesome? That doesn’t even make any sense.

  128. JAM, yes, http removal is for youtube only. Danke schon.

  129. You are owned an apology, MCPO.

  130. Andy,

    It was the challenger to Hoyer. I just didn’t know he was going up against Hoyer…

    Charles Loller. I hope we see him again.

  131. Bawney is 70, and something about him just screams poor dental hygiene. I don’t think it’s anything more sinister than the guy being bad at taking care of what God gave him.

  132. Catman this is who I was thinking of.

    I saw him in an interview on Fox this morning and it was the first time I had heard of him. I really liked what I heard, kick ass.

  133. I don’t get Belle’s position. So one professed tea partier got bitter and stupid, like that hasn’t happened in any party or group.

    I sure don’t like this:

    Beth says:
    November 4, 2010 at 8:02 pm
    I fucking officially despise the Tea Party Express; they are a disgrace and can go fuck themselves. That’s all I have to say about that

    Beth seems so rational……hahahahahahahahahah

  134. Just remember, when you leave, DON’T LOOK BACK. Remember what happened to Lot’s wife.

    So that’s what that salty taste was? I just thought I was sweaty.

  135. JAM2: Lost in New York

  136. Where did my comment go?

    Baby Monkey! (hoo hoo!) Baby Monkey! (hoo hoo!) Stealing all your words, Baby Monkey!

  137. WTF, Parker/Spitzer is still on the air? Is my Uverse Guide lying to me?

  138. I like the guy and I don’t like when people make fun of him.

    Me too. It’s impossible not to like the guy.

    I give him some credit. He dealt with an accident of history as best he could. He learned to stay “on message” and bought a couple of nice suits.

  139. You are owned an apology, MCPO.

    That was pretty harsh.

  140. People need to chill. Shesh.

    The tea party stuff worked out pretty well here in Michigan. We managed to pick some pretty good folks, supported by Tea Partiers AND the Republican party. I honestly believe the “spirit” of the teaparty had a lot to do with how and why Michigan went so red this last election.


    If they want to count a few loses as indicative of the entire movement … well, then who’s the idiot?

  141. I consider beth to be one of my personal friends. I may not agree with her regarding the Tea Party stuff, but I like beth.

  142. Yeah, MCPO, I think Russ does owe you an apology. You’ve been polite, if firm, elsewhere. That was uncalled for.

  143. Okay, the Walking Dead was so so. About like Dave’s gut.


  144. I won’t hold my breath.

  145. That was wrong MCPO, but you have to give him a little slack as he is an IBer.

  146. Yeah, Russ went all out on that one. Hmmmmm…..too much blogging?

  147. Dave:
    it’s more like – Escape from New York

  148. What xBad said was exactly what I meant.

  149. I certainly don’t know, but are those who are upset from areas they didn’t have any success this election cycle?

  150. The Tribe over there was just waiting for the election to be over to go into full scab picking mode, just like they were before Ace apparently put the kibosh on it before the election. I knew this was going to go off.

  151. PJ, I swear, if you say Sarah Palin’s no good because her voice irritates you, I’ll cut you.

  152. PJM, that is the second crass comment Beth has made (that I saw today). Out of respect for you, I won’t say anything else. Her comment(s) speak for themself.

  153. What xBad said was exactly what I meant.

    ^kiss ass.

  154. That does seem like a rather high-strung response for Russ, especially to someone he “knows”. It was definitely disproportional in the context of the DPUD comment thread.

  155. Dick – I’ll have one!

  156. Wow MCPO,
    I thought much better of Russ

  157. PJ, I swear, if you say Sarah Palin’s no good because her voice irritates you, I’ll cut you

    Where are you getting that from? I’m a total Tea Party fanatic. I’m even a member of Team Sarah.

  158. You might have something there, Car in. Things went well enough here that I just can’t get mad at anything. Disappointed, sure, but I don’t feel like recriminations are necessary.

  159. “four stone archways”

    Dick, is this the crazy bitch that had to have the arches redone by Friday?

  160. Bubba is lying on the carpet behind me. He obviously found something in the yard tonight. The gas, my God!

    I’ve never heard you refer to Scott as “Bubba” before.

  161. Who wants tequila?!!!

    Me, too, please.

  162. Dick – Thanks!

  163. When Sarah yells, her voice pains me.

  164. I’m pretty sympathetic to Beth’s loathing of the TPE. Remember, that’s an entirely different kettle of fish than what we all call the Tea Party.

    The Tea Party is people getting fed up with politicians spending like crazy. The TPE is a political organization that glommed onto that angst and tried to convert to to political gains for their own ends. That doesn’t make them evil, but it doesn’t make them vox populi either.

  165. >>a bid to rebuild four stone archways.

    I would love to learn masonry, especially that old style shit like arches.

  166. PJM, that is the second crass comment Beth has made (that I saw today). Out of respect for you, I won’t say anything else. Her comment(s) speak for themself.

    hahahaha, she’s an ace of spades moron. It thrives on crassness. However, I am a Tea Party fan and don’t agree with her on that point……but I’m surprised at Russ. I really am.

  167. Good luck with the bid, Dick.

  168. I don’t do tequila anymore, Dick.

    Chief can have mine.

  169. And that’s true b-rad. You are on point today! TPE is very different that TP. They’re trying to commercialize it in a way.

  170. PJ, I like CB and Beth, etc. but on our live chat election night, that’s basically what they were saying. You can be friends with them, but…*sharpens samauri

  171. I didn’t like Tea Party Express for the spam email. Other than that, I didn’t care. I donated money directly to the candidates I wanted. I learned my lesson from the RNC, RSCC, etc.

  172. I learned something tonight. Bushmill’s doesn’t suck.

  173. tequila run with Dick:

  174. HA! Those comments were from DPUD. That’s not a bastion of political correctness either. I’m not taking them personally and I will continue to hope and work for a united front with an terrific Republican candidate in 2012.

    (Lord, please spare me a Huckabee ticket)

  175. Where did my comment go?

    Baby Monkey! (hoo hoo!) Baby Monkey! (hoo hoo!) Stealing all your words, Baby Monkey!


  176. When Hillary Clinton gives a speech or yells, that pains me.


  178. Sarah Palin comment:

    She’s not the smartest person ever. When questioned by Chris O’Donnel on Sunday, her answers had that practiced feel to ’em. They didn’t go really deep, and she repeated herself a lot.

    THAT SAID, I don’t think our past history has shown that the geniuses are necessarily good at running things.

    I prefer someone with good JUDGEMENT. She may have that.

    But, I honestly fear that should she get put up in the hot seat again, she ain’t gonna pull us through.

    Please GOD please GOD, don’t ‘call her.’

  179. Scott, I learned to drink Bushmills in an Irish tavern…. in Nuremberg, Germany.

  180. Helpful link for weightlifters and chronic masturbators, as well those in the darkest part of said Venn diagram.

  181. Bushmill’s doesn’t suck.

    I lurves Bushmiulls

  182. (Lord, please spare me a Huckabee ticket)


  183. CRap. Chris Wallace. Not O’Donnel.

    I’m obviously not ready for prime time either.

  184. Agreed, Car in. I feel she’s best doing what she’s presently doing.

  185. And that’s true b-rad. You are on point today!

    Earthquakes, and XBrad making sense… that’s two horsemen down, two to go!

  186. Carin, I love Palin and think she’s been tarred and feathered. I don’t think she’d win but our side disliking her for her VOICE just makes me come unhinged.

  187. Thank you, Dick.

  188. I think MJ said it earlier, Sarah Palin isn’t trying to figure out what to say, she’s processing what NOT to say. Once it’s out there it can be twisted lots of ways she is smart enough to know that.

    Sarah Palin is as smart if not smarter than most of the people here. Citizen Candidates are a great thing.

  189. Grocery shopping for dad and a bid to rebuild four stone archways.

    Are you using the restroom before you go to his house like we discussed earlier?

  190. Helpful link for weightlifters and chronic masturbators, as well those in the darkest part of said Venn diagram.

    Crap. I think that’s what I have.

  191. ScottW – Was it the 21 year old stuff?

  192. Dick, I had pretty much the same read as you on The Walking Dead, Episode 1. I’m going to give it another episode to see if it’s worth sticking with or not. The zombie scene in Atlanta shot from above looked promising.

  193. She’s not the smartest person ever. When questioned by Chris O’Donnel on Sunday, her answers had that practiced feel to ‘em. They didn’t go really deep, and she repeated herself a lot.

    kinda like Sean Hannity then. That guy is the worst.

  194. How can anyone badmouth Sarah Palin’s voice after listening to our Douchegobbler in Chief drone on and on and on for the last 3 1/2 years?

  195. >>Helpful link for weightlifters and chronic masturbators, as well those in the darkest part of said Venn diagram.

    >>Crap. I think that’s what I have.

    Don’t do the roids. An angry weightlifter trying to find a tiny member is not a pretty thing/

  196. I won’t hold my breath.

    That’s just not the Russ I know.

    I’m thinking something else is stressing him.

  197. I love her PA, but her voice does get to me at times and I can see how it would enrage the haters.

  198. I’m thinking something else is stressing him.

    I agree. It’s odd and just doesn’t seem like him. That’s why I was so surprised.

  199. I’m not a Sarah Basher, and her voice doesn’t bug me or anything.

    to say. Once it’s out there it can be twisted lots of ways she is smart enough to know that.
    Sarah Palin is as smart if not smarter than most of the people here. Citizen Candidates are a great thing.

    She’s obviously accomplished much more than I have. And, she’s certainly just as smart as other politicians. That bar is low, though.

    But, when Chris Wallace was asking her questions … her responses were disappointing TO ME.

    As I said earlier, good judgment is more important than being the quickest name /fact dropper on live TV. She’s a crowd pleaser, and she appears to have the exact same concerns that I do.

    Her experience/track record as a gov should count. If she had a long track record of public office (instead of the current path ) – I think that would have served her better for ME to support her political aspirations.

  200. Benefit of the doubt is in order.

  201. Crap. I think that’s what I have.

    Pretty sure it’s what I have. Left forearm keeps screaming after presses.

  202. I don’t want to see any 2008 Republican presidential candidates return in 2012. Give Pence, Pawlenty, someone else a chance.

  203. , her answers had that practiced feel to ‘em. They didn’t go really deep, and she repeated herself a lot.
    kinda like Sean Hannity then. That guy is the worst.

    You’re right.

  204. It’s okay, Scott, you can do no wrong in my book.

  205. wtf are we talking about? I was writing a “SUCKIT, STATE DEMS” post

  206. Pence’s hair is more qualified for the job than Obama’s empty suit.

  207. Carin, you know what your problem is? I think you’re really, really smart, so everyone else doesn’t seem all that smart to you. Truly. I think you’re a very intelligent woman.

    /now back to being an evil bitch

  208. Oh, I loved that scene, Dick.

    I suspect his ass kicking will increase exponetially this second episode.

  209. Carin, lifelong politicians bug me. I like someone who has run a businsess or done other things. At least her family has run other businesses and she did have executive experience at the mayorial and state level. She also has lots interests outside of the office which except for hookers and drugs most politicians don’t have.

  210. PA’s book is missing a few chapters, but I like her anyway.

  211. Hey, PattyAnn. MCPO and I are watching FRINGE in about 15 minutes. You’re joining us, correct?

  212. Dick, I got a call from the nurse today with more instructions. I am being weaned off the heart meds in prep for Wednesday, with none starting Monday. So today is the best I’m going to feel until this shit is done, and I’m not particularly happy about that.

  213. wtf are we talking about?

    The new shoes I didn’t buy.

  214. I haven’t seen any of Fringe this season. Has it been good?

  215. Why did the deputy and the black dad/son split up? If I met the only known humans for the first time after a zombie outbreak, we’d be sleeping in the same bag for the next 3 months. NTTAWWT

  216. Is Fringe something I can just jump into blind?

    Scott, it’s okay, the Humptyness knows you are my favorite.

  217. Leon, it is OUTSTANDING this season IMO.

  218. PJM isn’t stimulating the economy.

  219. BURN HER!!

  220. She also has lots interests outside of the office which except for hookers and drugs most politicians don’t have.

    So I really can run for office?!?!?!

  221. Yeah, I hope the 08 crowd crawls back under a rock.

    Haley Barbour. Your thoughts, oh crowd of morons?

  222. I don’t think so PattyAnn. You’d have to watch a lot of it to get what’s happening now. But that’s doable. Maybe Hulu can keep you entertained when you’re in the hospital?

  223. It’s okay, Scott, you can do no wrong in my book.

    Sheesh. Dave is sexier than me, and now Scott.

    Thanks for destroying my self esteem, PA.

  224. OH, Russ telling MCPO to eat a bag of dicks for blaming AoS for CoD’s crash.

    Well, I think MCPO is wrong about that too. We went quiet on her after the primary. I’ve already said my piece about her, but it’s silly to imagine AoS has 17-pt (or even 1-pt) influence over an election in Delaware.

    If it’s any consolation though Chief, you don’t have to eat a bag of dicks.

  225. Scott,

    Yeah, He is cool too.. I like some of the “off the reservation” people we have this round.. I think the Dem narriative is about to fall hard, as there are a whole new generation of people who didn’t go through the Sixties and had Bill Cosby on their TV while being told they were being held back. They are now solid right and Winning elections. I lurves me some West and Rubio…


    Reagan was stoopid’ too So stoopid that he became a cultural icon and influenced a generation. Who ever heard of an ACTOR as president? He was an active Dem too until the party left him. She only was one of the most active and visible power brokers of the last election where we won HISTORIC gains. Her candidates did well and not she is arguably the person to go through for the nomination if she does not run. All with a family, a devoted husband a wacky daughter and a Downs son…
    Hunts, fishes, fights and F*cks like a real woman and I would be proud to have her as President.

    Yeah, she’s stupid.. keep thinkin’ that.. Bush was stupid too, dontcha know.

  226. The black deputy was trying to muster up the courage to finish off his zombiefied wife.

  227. Haley Barbour

    Too Foghorn Leghorn. Walking, drawling stereotype.

  228. Haley Barbour.

    Easily. I want to hear that guy give a State o’ the Union address.

  229. shit, looks like Rossi is going down

  230. If it’s any consolation though Chief, you don’t have to eat a bag of dicks.

    Even if you did, Brewfan would do it for you.,

  231. PJM isn’t stimulating the economy.

    Yes, but I’m a working girl now. 1.5 hours a day baby!

  232. Dino Rossi has been utterly fucked over in WA. It’s a crying shame.

  233. Dave, how Russ said MCPO was wrong is light years away from how you disagreed with him.

  234. Catman, I remember that narrative on Reagan. Man, did the media try to work that. Dumb, slow, evasive, blah, blah ,blah….sure is a shame he turned out to be the loser they portrayed him to be.

  235. Dave – I didn’t go after Ace. I went after AOSHQ ( specifically Drew) being part of a cacophony that went after COD. They all have their panties in a wad because I accused Drew of dKos levels of elitism.

  236. Too Foghorn Leghorn. Walking, drawling stereotype.

    Well, after years of President Omygodwillyoujustshutthefuckup, I think some folks might appreciate that a bit.

  237. Leon what happened in WA?

  238. I knew the day Rossi threw his hat in the ring he was gonna lose. Good man, can’t win statewide. Time for new blood up there, guys.

  239. That was me

    bwahaha hahaha hahaha

  240. xbrad, he had an election stolen the first time. That’s different from not being able to win statewide. He’s a terrific candidate.

  241. Dick, Wednesday is the day. And yeah, I still need to call my dad. He was at church last night, and this is not the type of thing for an answering machine message. He’s going to shit a brick as it is.

  242. Leon what happened in WA?

    Looks like Rossi’s about to lose his second statewide election there. Both times it was stolen by dem fraud. Blatantly.

  243. Pitting the Dream Fat White Mississippi Teabagger Stereotype against Black Jesus? That dawg won’t hunt, I say, I say.

  244. They tried it on Bush too.. All I have to say is, ” Keep working that stupid angle baby!”

    Have you EVER met a stupid fighter pilot? Especially the “Lawn Dart” F-100? They may not be your cup-o-tea but, dumb? um … NO!

  245. cacophony that went after COD

    I gotta say, I am totally comfortable with the fact that Castle got benched, even if he was more “electable.”

    The stakes are too high. We need to draw a line in the sand and stop playing footsie with the statists and the Georgetown cocktail party crowd. That, in my opinion, is the simple message that the Tea Party activists (like my wife) are trying to get across.

  246. Damn, people sure are touchy these last couple days. You’d think we lost.

    MCPO is mad at Russ who is mad at him but Dave has his back and PJ is scolding Dave and Rosetta is mad at me for making fun of a Dem (even when I bucked toothed ijit could see I was actually making fun of Rosetta) over a guy he has been laughing at for 6 months for being a goof……..

    Yes, Andy, it’s good we had this argument now.

  247. Leon, where did you see the particulars? I want to check that out. I’m certain it was fishy.

  248. Pitting the Dream Fat White Mississippi Teabagger Stereotype against Black Jesus?

    I think I’ve heard that song before.

  249. >>Have you EVER met a stupid fighter pilot? Especially the “Lawn Dart” F-100?

    I thought those guys were chosen by how fast they could hit the Loud Handle.

  250. xbrad, he had an election stolen the first time. That’s different from not being able to win statewide. He’s a terrific candidate.

    He’s now lost 3 statewide elections. He’s done. Like I say, great guy. Can’t win.

    Yes, I know he had one stolen. But hey, we KNOW they steal elections that are close. You gotta win big to win.

  251. MCPO is mad at Russ

    This isn’t mad. None of you are ever likely to see me mad.

  252. Did anybody hit anybody else in the head with a rolling pin today?

  253. Mare, I was mostly watching the return count the night of the election. They kept showing the WA county map and the ones that were left to finish counting were all blue areas. I don’t know it was fraud, but it reminded me a little too much of Lake County, IN, in 2008.

  254. Fringe is tough to watch. I keep seeing Denathor.

  255. Well said, Michael.

    A word I hate in politics is compromise. How do you compromise on your principles. Good luck with that.

    sample: I beleive in small government but we really need to keep the current size of government so there are not as many unemployed. HUH?

  256. Have you EVER met a stupid fighter pilot?


    As the son of an attack pilot, I realize that ALL fighter pilots are somewhat stupid.

    Oh, and it was the F-102.

  257. Questions:

    Did Bush or his administration ever blame the unpopularity of the Iraq war on poor messaging?

    Did anyone ever call the American people stupid because they didn’t support the war?

  258. Herr M – I love Fringe!!

  259. I know I don’t want to see MCPO mad.

  260. xbrad, I know a lot of fighter pilots too. The ones I know are not “somewhat” stupid.

  261. The stakes are too high. We need to draw a line in the sand and stop playing footsie with the statists and the Georgetown cocktail party crowd. That, in my opinion, is the simple message that the Tea Party activists (like my wife) are trying to get across.

    Gawd I love you.

  262. No to both, Rosie. He had a modicum of class, that guy.

  263. Rosetta, I missed your old avatar. Nice to see it back, babymonkey.

  264. Dick, he’s in south Alabama. 265 miles. I don’t have it in me to make the trip.

  265. Rosetta, Baby Monkey


    funny, that makes me love cuffy

  266. Dick – True. I once had a guy leaned over a sponson rail and was about to toss him overboard (in the middle of the Indian Ocean) before 3 guys stopped me.

  267. Fringe is cool because it’s an actual escape, like entertainment is supposed to be. I never got the “reality” stuff.

  268. Rosetta, I missed your old avatar. Nice to see it back, babymonkey.

    I agree with you 100% mare. It was synonymous with his name.

  269. Holy fuck, mare’s commenting so fast I can’t keep up.

    Back on the Palin accent thing, as a person who may have a tinge of an accent himself, I’m going to have to agree with PA.

    People who would make that comment strike me as a bunch of fucking snobs who can’t come right out and call her stupid, so they’re just using the accent to do it by proxy.

    This is especially funny when you listen to the douchenozzle in chief and the “southern” accent he tries to affect at times. Somebody should tell that douche that the south side of Chicago doesn’t qualify as part of “the south.”

  270. Shit. I’m almost out of Val-U-Rite.

  271. “funny, that makes me love cuffy”

    Like you needed another reason.

    Cuffer’s is LOVABLE.

  272. Yeah, I know Master Chief, I was splittin time between your arg and Dick’s arg.

    I’ll let it go, if either of you think we actually have the ability to swing a single point in that outcome, I’ll revel in this new-found awesome power we (really don’t) have.

    Christine was a fatally flawed candidate. Even if she loves the things about conservatism that I do. She’s a dork. I hope we forget her and soon.

    ALSO: Man I cannot wait for the coming Palin internecine thermonuclear meltdown. FUN!

  273. I have no accent (i.e. Midwestern), but I frequently talk above my audience and use abnormal turns of phrase.

    I think an accent would be less annoying than the way I speak.

  274. I don’t get mad.

    I don’t get even.

    I get the job done.

  275. Define “Somewhat Stupid”

    If they are douches, then OK. But, that ain’t stupid.

    Sorry, I was referring to the F-102 Delta Dagger… Notice that I AM NOT a fighter pilot!

  276. funny, that makes me love cuffy

    Baby Cuffy! (hoo hoo!) Baby Cuffy! (hoo hoo!) Makin’ PJ preggers, Baby Cuffy!


  277. >>Yeah, Chief. Some folks don’t understand when I tell them to stand back if I get pissed off.

    >>The service does that to a man.

    Never served myself, but my dad was an infantry battalion commander when he finally retired. My teenaged years sucked.

  278. Leon – Everyone in Michigan has an accent. You just can’t hear it!

  279. I’ve met some pilots that were brilliant. I’ve met some that were dim bulbs at best. They’re like most other professions, a spectrum of capability.

  280. “If they are douches, then OK. But, that ain’t stupid. ”


  281. Christine was a fatally flawed candidate. Even if she loves the things about conservatism that I do. She’s a dork. I hope we forget her and soon.

    I’m going to remember her occasionally. When I’m alone. And I may pretend she’s very upset with what I’m doing.

    You’re just going to have to forgive me for that.

  282. pilots are awfully good at math though.

  283. >>ALSO: Man I cannot wait for the coming Palin internecine thermonuclear meltdown. FUN!

    I predict much harsh typing.

  284. >> When I’m alone. And I may pretend she’s very upset with what I’m doing

    ladybug outfit = cute.

  285. “Baby Cuffy! (hoo hoo!) Baby Cuffy! (hoo hoo!) Makin’ PJ preggers, Baby Cuffy!



  286. MCPO, only the people in downriver have an accent. The rest of us are fine.

  287. Herr M – My grandfather was part of the Ulster Constabulary, my Dad was a Field Artillery Colonel and I’m a retired Force Master Chief. My son probably didn’t enjoy his teenage years either.

  288. Rosetta, I missed your old avatar. Nice to see it back, babymonkey.

    The pitchfork was only until we kicked the Democrats in the nards. Since we couldn’t find any nards, we kicked them in the pooter which is just as well.

    Starting in 2012, my avatar is going to be a woodchipper.

    *shakes fist at DC, points at Capitol*

    I will shove any of you assholes in there regardless of party if you piss me off.


  289. My husband can tell when someone is from Michigan. It’s something about the way they say their A’s.

  290. MCPO, only the people in downriver have an accent.


    You ought to hear my sister. . . she grew up in Fenton!

  291. Somewhat fitting that Dino returns while sadly, Dino concedes in WA.

    These “within the margin of cheating” races are not to be hoped upon folks.


    I don’t have enough tequila for tomorrow. I’ll have to go to the store.

  293. The pitchfork was only until we kicked the Democrats in the nards. Since we couldn’t find any nards, we kicked them in the pooter which is just as well.


  294. My husband can tell when someone is from Michigan. It’s something about the way they say their A’s.

    That’s how the people from Illinois say it too.

    I’d be curious to talk to carin and leon and see how they say their a

    Momma called the doctor and the doctor said, NO MORE BABY MONKEYS MAKING PJ PREGGARS!!!

  295. calling Dad now…

  296. Rosetta, when you say stuff like that, you are not a total douche and you make me want to express my “Show Me State” bonafides.

  297. >>ALSO: Man I cannot wait for the coming Palin internecine thermonuclear meltdown. FUN!

    I predict much harsh typing.

    Hahahahahahaha!! That’s going to be a fucking BLAST!!!

    Pence is my man but if he’s not interested it’s Palin and I WILL FUCKING DISEMBOWEL ANYONE THAT DOESN’T LIKE IT!!!

    Also, IIIIIIIZOMG!!!!

  298. something about the way they say their A’s


  299. I am prepared to get on the “commanding hair” bandwagon. I do like Pence.

    *covers my bowels just in case it’s Sarah

  300. I predict much harsh typing.


    Your avatar is weird.

    Dave, kickass post.

  301. >>My grandfather was part of the Ulster Constabulary, my Dad was a Field Artillery Colonel and I’m a retired Force Master Chief.

    Dang. You guys need a hobby or sumthin.
    I need to get my Grandfather’s WW I service/campaign ribbon shadow boxed. We just found it a couple years ago in a box in the attic. It has “battle badges” from Chateau-Thierry, Bellieu, Marne, Havrincourt, and one other I can’t remember. He was in Europe less than 18 months.

  302. If people trash Palin, I’m just going to say, “You are racist and worse than Hitler.”

  303. calling Dad now…

    Hope it goes well.

  304. uh oh romy. Good luck sweet woman

  305. God, I miss the rat pack. Back then you could hate Commies, smoke and drink! In San Fransisco too!

  306. As long as 2012 isn’t Huck, McCain, or McConnell, I’m pretty much sold.

  307. Thanks toots, cept I fucked it up over CA. Old article prior to the census said it was gonna be at least -1. Not now.

    Still, it’ll be the first time ever CA didn’t pick up one.

    And Texas is picking up 3, maybe 4.

    (1600 people move to Texas every day. YOU could be one of them. Or two of them)

  308. Seriously, Leon, he’s about 99% accurate. They are a bit nasally.

  309. I am prepared to get on the “commanding hair” bandwagon. I do like Pence.

    Trent Lott – Ready for a 2nd look?


  310. I think Pence is intent on the governor’s race. I’m on the “No Retreads” bandwagon.

  311. ALSO: Man I cannot wait for the coming Palin internecine thermonuclear meltdown. FUN

    Baby Monkey! (hoo hoo!) Baby Monkey! (hoo hoo!) Skullfucking his purported allies, Baby Monkey!

  312. They are a bit nasally.


  313. Rosetta, when you say stuff like that, you are not a total douche and you make me want to express my “Show Me State” bonafides.

    FYI, the official state tree of Missouri is wood IYNWISAITTYD.

    *runs to the attic*

  314. Be there in 5 seconds!

  315. >>Your avatar is weird.

    Girl, you looked at yours recently?

    Oh yea, that’s really you.

  316. HM, if your granddaddy was there 18 months, he was there longer than most.

  317. Damn, people sure are touchy these last couple days. You’d think we lost.

    Relax. This will all blow over in a week, and we will rally behind the noble cause that unites us all, deep down inside.

    I mean, of course, making fun of Rosetta.

  318. From what I can gather the “No Accent Zone” is at 40 degrees latitude. Deviate more than 50 miles either way from that and people start talking funny.

  319. Okay, group hug when Roamy gets back. I’m next to PJM and Cuffy (inbetween them so no babymaking goes on).

  320. Good luck with the call RFH

  321. I don’t know enough about Pence yet. Nothing against him, just need to learn more. There’s no stand out person IMHO, except Rubio, but he’s too young and Obama ruined it for anyone without a lot of experience.

  322. God, I miss the rat pack. Back then you could hate Commies, smoke and drink! In San Fransisco too!

    Agreed!! That was when men were men, women liked being hot, sassy and fun and the liberals shut the fuck up or risked getting punched in the face.

  323. What? Sorry, I was hittin the crack pipe again.

  324. Thanks toots, cept I fucked it up over CA

    OMG!! YOU are the reason we lost in Cali? Why you sumbitch!!

  325. I mean, of course, making fun of Rosetta.Michael


  326. My husband says I say “beg” when I’m trying to say “bag.”

  327. I don’t know enough about Pence yet. Nothing against him, just need to learn more. There’s no stand out person IMHO, except Rubio, but he’s too young and Obama ruined it for anyone without a lot of experience.

    Pence doesn’t seem to be a squish which is key.

    Are you a former lurker, Bobby, or are you a sock puppet for one of the regular jackoffs?

  328. I like Paul Ryan.

  329. Bag and beg are distinct words to me. So are than and then, and pin and pen.

  330. >>HM, if your granddaddy was there 18 months, he was there longer than most.

    He kept a daily diary. I’ll have to look at it. I think he left here in Apr or May ’17. He was in the first AA unit formed in the US, so they had those guys humping from here to there the whole time, because there were so few of them.

  331. God, I miss the rat pack

    Me too. One of the funniest things I ever heard was how Sinatra treated women. “He was soft when he was hard and hard when he was soft.”

  332. I mean, of course, making fun of Rosetta.

    The real Batman would be ashamed of what you do on the farm.

  333. OK, JackStraw, since you asked so nicely, I’ll find you a new pic for your avatar. One that suits you.

    *bing image search*

    *search term ‘goatse’ *

  334. The Ratpack. Back when a “cocktail” didn’t come with a fucking umbrella.

  335. Okay, group hug when Roamy gets back. I’m next to PJM and Cuffy (inbetween them so no babymaking goes on).

  336. The Ratpack. Back when a “cocktail” didn’t come with a fucking umbrella.

    And “jigger” wasn’t racist.

  337. Okay, group hug when Roamy gets back. I’m next to PJM and Cuffy (inbetween them so no babymaking goes on).

    Mare, I really appreciate your protecting me like that. Just know, I’ll always have your back too. 😉

  338. JackStraw, is your avatar from that hideous movie “Eyes Wide Shut”?

    I actually like it but what the fuck is it?

  339. And “bitters” weren’t women who won’t give me their phone numbers.

  340. And “jigger” wasn’t racist.

    Hahahahahahaha. Well done.

  341. >>I actually like it but what the fuck is it?

    Ha! I have no idea. I thought you put it there or it got posted automatically.

  342. Rosetta, Bobby’s IP says he’s new.

  343. ‘Don’t get so cocky, PJM. I’m next to you.’

    aaahhh, I may need some help.

  344. You didn’t put that avatar picture there jackstraw?

  345. I like Paul Ryan.

    I like turtles.

  346. Well, we didn’t declare war until Apr 17, so he must of been one of the very first to go. It took a while to gear up the Army

  347. Sean, did I get his name wrong?

  348. And “bitters” weren’t women who won’t give me their phone numbers.

    YOu sure it’s not the person NOT getting the phone numbers that’s bitter?

  349. ‘Don’t get so cocky, PJM. I’m next to you.’

    aaahhh, I may need some help.


  350. Yeah, the women not giving numbers are lesbians, it’s us guys that are bitter. Learn the difference.

  351. >>You didn’t put that avatar picture there jackstraw?

    Not knowingly, but I have sniffing a shit load of glue lately so maybe.

  352. No, mare.

    Sheesh. Next thing you know, she’ll tell us she doesn’t know who Advice Dog is…

  353. Let’s never talk politics here again.


  354. So, which Hostagette do I get to stand next to?

    Don’t say “Sean”

  355. >> OMG!! YOU are the reason we lost in Cali? Why you sumbitch!!

    Yes, yes.

    Christine O’Donnell ovulated today. That was my fault too.

    I’m sorry, mybad.

  356. hahahahahahaha…….Totally forgot about the zombie kid, Sean. Good one.

  357. For Mare:

  358. >>Well, we didn’t declare war until Apr 17, so he must of been one of the very first to go.

    Then I might be full of shit on the timing.

  359. I’m sorry, mybad.

    Fine. I’ll just have to move to Texas and live…..right… to. you.

  360. HA! Catman!

  361. Floyd is the first dog in the video and then around the 0:30 second mark. He’s the jackass on his back. And he has a couple of cameos in the “puppy socializing” part.

    Yeah…Floyd’s a famous movie pig.

  362. Hope the call goes as good as it can, Roamy.

  363. 1600 people a day. wow.

    Where did you find that. Did it mention where most of them are coming from?

  364. That’s the same avatar JackStraw has had forever. I remember it. At some point he must have logged on to either or and posted it. Years ago.

    He probably does not remember his password.

  365. Where did you find that. Did it mention where most of them are coming from?


  366. Rosetta, I missed Floyd’s intro — when did you get him? how old is he? have you expressed his anal glands yet?

  367. >>1600 people a day. wow.

    And that’s just from the north.

  368. Rosetta, you’re right, Floyd’s a jackass……how fun!!!

  369. Meh! Stupid pig-dog link!!

  370. Mare, most of them are people flee the People’s Republic of Kaliforniastan.

  371. xbrad, I can sure bet that’s true.

  372. “Hawaii”

    I heard that rumor too.

  373. >>Mare, most of them are people flee the People’s Republic of Kaliforniastan.

    So Texas’ life expectancy as a red state is what? 15 years?

  374. I wonder if MI has stopped bleeding population yet.

    On the plus side, we might get to make John Conyers’s house seat disappear thanks to the people drain.

  375. “And that’s just from the north.”


  376. Yes! I am glad to see the old Rosetta avatard back.

    It has inspired be to go drown some icecubes in whisky. BRB.

  377. I have never purposely stepped on a small dog.

  378. >> Fine. I’ll just have to move to Texas and live…..right… to. you.

    Hey, you’re gonna ovulate. Just saying.

    ALSO, the Texas House went from 76R 73D to 99R 51D this election.

    That’s huge.

  379. Good evening… what’s the bitch topic tonight?

  380. I know why jackstraw has that avatar. Because somebody uploaded their photo to the fake email address he uses. I’ve used and an avatar comes up from it. I discovered that when I randomly chose that email addy one day

  381. I have one tough old man. He’s not happy, especially because he went through this with Mom.


  382. >>That’s the same avatar JackStraw has had forever. I remember it. At some point he must have logged on to either or and posted it. Years ago.

    You’re kidding me. I honest to God have no recollection of ever picking that or anything else as an avatar, anywhere. Hell, I go to like 3 places, here, AOSHQ and Zippy’s Midget Porn.

    Oh wait…

    >>He probably does not remember his password.

    He doesn’t. He wouldn’t even know where to look.

  383. So, is the home page for the Alvin Greene for President campaign?


    *turns off radio and throws it into the pond.

  384. I answered it above for you jackstraw

  385. Aggie – The topic is why someone broke into my house and stole 2/3rds of a bottle of Jameson whiskey tonight.

  386. Yeah Roamy, Well Done!

  387. HM, it’s people that can do math and run a business that are fleeing CA.

  388. The topic is why someone broke into my house and stole 2/3rds of a bottle of Jameson whiskey tonight.

    Those whoresons of bitches!!!

    I’ll be over with another bottle and my machete.

  389. Well, night all. A variety of short people who claim some relation to me are clamoring for their nightly attention.

    Hope all goes well for you, roamie.

  390. GROUP HUG TIME!!!!!!!

    MCPO stand over there by Russ.

  391. Oh, great news, RFH. I know that took a lot *hugs*

  392. I have one tough old man. He’s not happy, especially because he went through this with Mom.


    Prolly have a big weight lifted off your shoulders though huh?

  393. Roamy, just getting that phone call in the past should make you feel better now.

  394. Guten abend, Herr!!!

  395. too soon?

  396. Going to the garage to smoke some crack – BRB.

  397. OK, I blogged like crazy today at my place, and ONLY Aggie likes me enough to comment. and those were pity comments.

    where the fuck is the rest of my normal readership?

  398. OK Peej, so using that email addy should give me that avatar?

    Let’s see.

  399. MCPO stand over there by Russ.


  400. GROUP HUG TIME!!!!!!!

    MCPO stand over there by Russ.


  401. hahaha, like your avatar laura?

  402. whew. Ok RFH you got that one behind you.

    *note to Dave self. Never make it difficult for your daughters to call you. Ever.

  403. HM, it’s people that can do math and run a business that are fleeing CA.

    We’d welcome them here. I won’t even make fun of them when they bitch about the cold.

  404. MCPO stand over there by Russ.

    Don’t start no shit, it there won’t be no shit.

  405. anyone see this linked in the comments at ace’s today?

  406. Yikes! Who the Hell was that? ha ha ha

  407. Did y’all see that? Mare moves to Texas and she gets funny! 😉

  408. Rosetta, I missed Floyd’s intro — when did you get him? how old is he? have you expressed his anal glands yet?

    See what happens when you don’t hang out here like you’re supposed to? We got Floyd from a lady who had a female bulldog that had a litter about 3 hours from here. She wasn’t a professional breeder which we didn’t want.

    He’s about 4 months old and his farts smell like Mare at a pajama momma hot dog eating contest concert.

    This was his intro:

    Big Bulldog Friday

    Here’s some more Floyd.

    Your Hit of Floyd for the Day

    Poat You and a Poat Her Too

    Miss Me Yet?

  409. Wait, I know Laura’s avatar. First, tell me if it’s a man or a woman?

  410. >>I answered it above for you jackstraw

    Thanks PJ. I’ll have to look into that and see if I can figure out how to get rid of it.

  411. Yikes! Who the Hell was that? ha ha ha

    hahaha, I don’t know, but the first time I used it it scared the hell out of me because it’s like my mom and one of my brothers morphed.

  412. wow this Jameson Irish is the shit man.


  413. **note to self, don’t stand near Dick for the group hugs**

  414. OK, I blogged like crazy today at my place, and ONLY Aggie likes me enough to comment. and those were pity comments.

    I’m a devoted stalker. If I wanted to give you pity, I would spam the shit out of your blog.

    *cries in her drink*

  415. Good deal, roamy — clearing the stress decks can only help.

  416. Dave, did you see that you’re not only going to be my boss, but my neighbor too?

    This is SO much more fun than stalking peel about her wedding.

  417. Okay, explain this.

    Dad: You need me to come hold your hand?
    Me: I think I got it under control, Dad. I’ll make sure Mr. RFH calls you when it’s done.
    Dad: Good. I don’t think I could go through that again, after your mother.

  418. Dad: You need me to come hold your hand?
    Me: I think I got it under control, Dad. I’ll make sure Mr. RFH calls you when it’s done.
    Dad: Good. I don’t think I could go through that again, after your mother.

    pops is worried about you.

  419. OK, Aggie. I love that you visit my humble corner of the blogosphere.

    Romitarockette, glad that chore is done. Frankly, it’s about time someone worried about you for once, and not you worrying about them.

  420. ZOMG, PJM!!! That is the 50th time that link makes it to H2!!!


  421. Hey, I don’t mind you copping a feel, but no pinching!

    **glares around, trying to see who looks guilty**

  422. Rosetta, check out this cool new song. Not an earworm. Promise.

  423. >> Dave, did you see that you’re not only going to be my boss, but my neighbor too?

    Here’s ten bucks. Mow my yard.

  424. There, that’s better. Woodford on the rocks, Caddyshack on the t.v. and thou beside me on the Interwebz.

  425. Easy, he would do it if you want him to because he loves you, but he’s glad he doesn’t have to because doing it for your mom was so difficult.

  426. OK, Aggie. I love that you visit my humble corner of the blogosphere.

    You get an extra hooker tomorrow.

  427. goddamit I clicked on laura’s link.


  428. PJM, I just had to laugh a little at Dad volunteering then so very grateful to be off the hook.

  429. Roamy, that’s simple. He is really scared shitless and knows he could not face losing you. He loves you it is that simple.

  430. wow this Jameson Irish is the shit man.

    Why, you little sumenabitch!!!

  431. I’m gonna punch Laura in the hump.

  432. Who you callin little fuckhead? I’ll give you a black eye on your kneecap.

  433. Floyd is the best looking bulldog EVER!

    But did you express his anal glands yet?

  434. ZOMG, PJM!!! That is the 50th time that link makes it to H2!!!


    Really? It’s just such a good one.

    PJM, I just had to laugh a little at Dad volunteering then so very grateful to be off the hook.

    It’s sweet.

  435. OK, I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt:

  436. DinT – That’s Master fuckhead to you, pal! Show a little respect.

  437. Dave drinks Irish and gets…. Dutch courage?

  438. Rosetta, check out this cool new song. Not an earworm. Promise.


    Here is a picture of me being impressed with your shenanignas.

  439. “But did you express his anal glands yet?”


  440. This one is kinda catchy

  441. Catman, after losing Mom and my brother in such a short time, I know he’s afraid. It’s one of the reasons I put off telling him for so long. I also put off telling him until he and my stepmom had taken their vacation to Florida.

  442. Really? It’s just such a good one.

    Oh, the story was funny as hell, PJM. It was the comments that followed….


  443. Damn Mare, get out of my head!

  444. Mrs. Andy’s playing this in the other room …

  445. PJ doesn’t bring me flowers click my links about nightmare cunnilingus assaults anymore.

  446. I’ll give you a black eye on your kneecap.

    This sounds remarkable like my fighting style. The primary combo technique is an uppercut to the junk followed by sprinting to my car.

  447. This one is kinda catchy

    Son……..of………a BITCH!

  448. Roamy – it’s hard because he’s a man and someone he loves has a problem that he can’t fix. Men are all about fixing things for those that they love. And he can’t bear the thought that there is the possibility – however remote – that he might lose you. And he’s your dad, and you’re his little girl, no matter how old you may be. But if you need him to be there, he will be.

    I’m glad you got that over with. Now you can go forward with one less thing to worry about. We’re all praying that everything goes well and that the ablation is able to fix your ticker once and for all!

  449. jackstraw, you can’t get rid of that avatar unless you get rid a different email addy. Someone already registered the email addy you’re using at a gravatar site.

  450. I still have to perfect my anal gland expressing technique.

  451. If you can watch the Duke Lion video and not smile, you fucking suck and probably should have your ass kicked.

    I think that’s funny as a muhfucka.

  452. Don’t ever try that with a pro.

    If I’m fighting a pro, I’m gonna lose anyhow. May as well get one good hit in.

  453. Hey. You missed a spot. Get the weedeater.

  454. Floyd is one cute puppy Rosetta.

    I’m off. Good night all.

  455. I can’t watch Big Duke Lion at all.

  456. Goodnight, Dick…hope to see you tomorrow!

  457. I don’t fight anymore. Too old for that crap.

    I can shoot though.


  459. Thanks, Teresa.

  460. Ah, so my response to a violent asshole should be meek submission. Got it.

    Oh, and fuck that. Whole and entire.

  461. Yeah, but it is good to have it on the table now. At least it has lightened your heart and that is important too. All I have to say is:


  463. Floyd is one cute puppy Rosetta.

    I’m off. Good night all.

    Thanks buddy. He’s no Jack Straw but he’ll do.

    *looks at Floyd*

    That’ll do pig.

  464. Completely OT, but I just got the results of my bone density scan back (when you turn 50, apparently LOTS of tests are ordered…..).

    I am happy to report that being on a gluten-free diet for the past 2 1/2 years must be a very good thing, because my bone density is 2 standard deviations ABOVE that of a 30-year-old woman (apparently that is the age of peak expected bone density).

    Given that both my mom and my grandmother have osteoporosis, I am thrilled beyond words! And no, I haven’t been taking any calcium supplements or vitamins, so this is all due to the GF diet restoring my body’s ability to absorb nutrients…..


    really, is anyone surprised by this shit anymore?

  466. Heh. Andy’s link reads “bob whore you etheridge.”

    Yeah, that’s about right.

  467. We have a mandated requirement for a chain of evidence for everything but ballots. We have a requirement for photo ID for everything but voting.

    Nice scam you’ve got working there, Dems!

  468. Someone should look at the bottom of Lake Mead because there are about 4,000 boxes of votes down there.

  469. Good point about the chain of evidence, MCPO.

  470. That’s excellent, Teresa. I’m still working to keep my gluten indulgences down to only once or twice a month, and small doses at that. I still think I need to quit dairy as well, but that’s going to be very, very hard.

  471. Seriously, they can’t keep track of a bag of ballots, why should we trust them to run government?

  472. Why didn’t I move out of this state when I had the chance?

  473. Yes Rosetta, I believe you may be correct.

  474. Why didn’t I move out of this state when I had the chance?

    Because you’re stupid?

  475. But did you express his anal glands yet?

    Yes, if by “express his anal glands yet” you mean “feed him and hold his ass on Mrs Rosetta’s favorite pillow until he farts”.

  476. Maybe that’s what DiT was looking for when he dove into LI Sound. Ballots.

  477. Why didn’t I move out of this state when I had the chance?

    Hubris. The gods punish hubris, you know.

  478. Because you’re stupid?

    Yes. Yes I am. And I feel I’m getting stupider every day.

  479. I FOUND SOME!

  480. I am happy to report that being on a gluten-free diet for the past 2 1/2 years must be a very good thing, because my bone density is 2 standard deviations ABOVE that of a 30-year-old woman (apparently that is the age of peak expected bone density).

    That’s actually very interesting Teresa. How did you discover that about gluten?

  481. The gods punish hubris, you know.

    huh. learn something new every day.

    What about cannabis?

  482. Maybe that’s what DiT was looking for when he dove into LI Sound. Ballots.


    Dave in Ballots?

  483. Why didn’t I move out of this state when I had the chance?

    S’right. You should have moved to California.

  484. I FOUND SOME!

    Who’re they for?

  485. S’right. You should have moved to California.


    yeah. damn.

  486. Yes. Yes I am. And I feel I’m getting stupider every day.

    I told you to not read pajama momma’s comments.

  487. S’right. You should have moved to California.

    Keep fucking that chicken!

  488. What about cannabis?

    The Rastafarians tell me the gods will raid your stash if you hold it too long without smoking it.

    They were giggling when they told me that, though.

  489. >> Who’re they for?

    Kinky Friedman

  490. I told you to not read pajama momma’s comments.

    OH! NY!!! GOD!!!!!!

  491. Who’re they for?

    Kinky Friedman


  492. Kinky Friedman

    Throw ’em back.

  493. *kicks rosetta in his organic nuts

  494. Pastafarians:

  495. Keep fucking that chicken!

    We can’t afford chicken out here anymore.

  496. must’ve been the Atlantic drift

  497. I’m don’t agree with Allah on his conclusion because I think this year is only the first wave. Some people are late adopters and I don’t want to write then off quite yet.

    Except for California. Fuck them.

    But click the link and watch the video. Hahahahahahaha.

  498. You CANNOT BE SERIOUS!!!*

    *does best McEnroe

  499. “Kinky Friedman” SUMBITCH! I knew it!

  500. OH! NY!!! GOD!!!!!!

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That’s one of the best ones yet. HA!!!

  501. OH! NY!!! GOD!!!!!!

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That’s one of the best ones yet. HA!!!

    I don’t get it. What’s a spoon and New York have to do with anything?

  502. Shit, I have a feeling I’ll be avoiding DPUD for a while.

    But click the link and watch the video. Hahahahahahaha.


  503. HA!!! California is the WORST!!!

    panama banana, isn’t this near where you live?

  504. MCPO,

    CAN NOT is two words when McEnroe screams it.

  505. What’s ……. New York have to do with anything?

    I thought that was how it was supposed to go now….

  506. I don’t understand the dadgum spoon/spatula thing. Are you guys gas lighting me?!?!?

  507. Aggie – Did you get banned at DPUD?

  508. Are you guys gas lighting me?!?!?

    “gas lighting?” What is this, 1938?

  509. Leon, I hate to tell you this, but there is NO SUCH THING as “gluten lite” – you either commit to a GF diet, or you don’t.

    Peej, DD#4 was diagnosed with Celiac Disease in April, 2008 (people with Down syndrome have a 1-in-8 chance of developing CD) – her pediatrician’s stepdaughter w/DS had recently been diagnosed, and when he read the statistics, he took it upon himself to screen all of his DS patients for it.

    Once I started reading about CD, I realized that at the very least I was gluten sensitive. I carry the gene that is seen in most people with CD (although only a fraction of them will ever develop CD), and while my bloodwork tested negative for CD, I had a skin rash that is seen in 10% of people with CD, and many of them test negative because the antibody is expressed in the skin rather than the blood.

    Once I started eating GF, my arthritis went away (within 24 hours), I had more energy than I had when I was a teenager, I quit being tired all the time, my allergies cleared up, and my skin rash started clearing up. Whenever I accidentally ingest gluten, I can tell almost immediately. It’s not hard for me to follow a GF diet, because I feel SO GOOD that I don’t want to stop feeling that way!

    For people with gluten issues (CD or gluten sensitivity), the intestinal lining is compromised by contact with gluten. The villi that are present on the lining become blunted, and so food goes through the digestive system without being fully absorbed. Most people with gluten issues have moderate to severe vitamin/mineral deficiencies without being aware of it.

    Once gluten is eliminated from the diet, the intestinal lining has a chance to heal. The villi regrow, and all of the nutrients that are ingested are fully absorbed. Most peoples’ intestines are completely healed within 1-2 years (Rebecca’s bloodwork numbers were back to normal after a year on a GF diet).

    It’s a pretty amazing thing, actually. If you’d like more information, you can go to – it’s a great site, and very easy to navigate.

  510. thefuck is gaslighting?

    is this some kinda California thing?

  511. Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water … 2 places for worthy campaign contributions for the cause:

    Joe Miller –

    Renee Ellmers –

  512. Oh no, MCPO. I just got tired of being talked down to.

    If I wanted to be lectured by the likes of bloggers I would enroll at UT.

  513. “gas lighting?” What is this, 1938?

    Yeah you ambercrombie, you got a problem with that?

  514. This one is kinda catchy

    You should update your will before your trip to Boston. And wear a cup.

    Goodnight hosefuckers.

  515. oh…….oh my….. SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAALLLLLLL!!!!!!!

  516. heh heh heh

  517. “gas lighting?” What is this, 1938?

    Dunno, let’s ask Chief!

    (23 skidoo!)

  518. “Gaslighting”

  519. that’s not a gaslight wiserbud

    ^ is a gaslight.

    thank you teresa! I’m always very interested in nutritional info.

  520. that’s not a gaslight wiserbud

    No shit, fer realz???

  521. Teresa, I don’t have celiac, per se, just a cluster of inflammation-like symptoms that improve dramatically when I don’t have gluten, zein, or the other prolamines. Small, infrequent doses don’t seem to result in a recurrence at any sensible threshold, but I’m aware that that doesn’t prove that I’m not still damaging my villi.

  522. Rosetta’s lighting Floyd’s gas?

  523. Dunno, let’s ask Chief!

    Oh you kid!

  524. 560+ comments … whose turn is it to poat?

  525. 560+ comments … whose turn is it to poat?

    Let me. I’ll put up the worst post ever.

  526. Dunno, let’s ask Chief!

    (23 skidoo!)

    Comment by MCPO Airdale on November 4, 2010 11:00 pm

    HAHAHAHAHA! The timing on that could NOT have been better!

  527. I should put together a poat with my photos from the boat ride in Saguaro Lake.

  528. Oh, and Peej, osteoporosis is seen in a LOT of people with undiagnosed Celiac Disease. Most researchers are starting to turn their sights on Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (NCGS), because they are seeing so many people who test negative for CD who continue to have problems that go away when they eliminate gluten from their diet.

    If you visit that site, there is a link to “Associated Diseases” that are seen in people with undiagnosed Celiac Disease. There’s not really a downside to eating GF; most people actually get healthier – I know I did! You could set a clock by me getting laryngitis every year between Thanksgiving and Christmas, and I would catch EVERY bug that was going around.

    I haven’t been sick very often since going GF – maybe a couple of times, max in 2 1/2 years. I haven’t had to take allergy pills on a regular basis, and even when the pollen is high (March and September here in Texas), it doesn’t bother me like it used to.

    I lost 40 pounds in the first year without changing my diet AT ALL – apparently the reason I was constantly eating before was because my body wasn’t absorbing everything, so I was always hungry. The hunger went away after I went GF.

    My muscles became much stronger, too – without any exercise. They’re still much firmer than they were before. So yeah, it’s been a good thing all around.

    I tell everyone that a kid with Down syndrome saved my life…..

  529. PJM – Last time I try to give anyone here the cultural context to your ramblings

  530. Some of the same stuff in that other link on Ellmers is in here:

    One quote jumps out at me, though (edited):

    Months ago, I went to Washington and asked the National Republican Congressional Committee to help my campaign but the NRCC declined … Later, they did support other campaigns in North Carolina – which, unfortunately, lost – but we never received their support.

    Same thing that happened to Bielat. Those cocksuckers wouldn’t give us a dime when we needed it early because we weren’t “viable”, and then later when we went back to them for help with the final push they said we had too much money we raised on our own. Thanks for nothing, pricks.

  531. See you folk for boobs tomorrow. I’m off to bed.

  532. PJM – Last time I try to give anyone here the cultural context to your ramblings

    hahahahahaha, you know it was perfect timing!!

  533. Those cocksuckers wouldn’t give us a dime

    See my previous comment on giving directly to candidates. Makes me feel better.

  534. WHOOP!! Hubby’s done and time for bed!

    Y’all have a great evening!

  535. Aggie! You never answered my question!!

  536. Leon, go to and read about how gluten affects the intestinal lining. It may SEEM like a small amount doesn’t affect you, but it does have effects on a microscopic level. They don’t know how much causes damage, and they don’t know how long it takes for the intestinal lining to heal when it is exposed to even a small amount of gluten.

    Rebecca’s doctor told us ONE GRAIN can cause damage in people with Celiac.

    I also found out that when I was 9 and had allergy testing done, I tested positive for a wheat allergy. No matter what, I shouldn’t have been eating wheat all of those years to begin with –

    I have a reaction to barley, however (it knocks me out for a couple of hours), so for me it’s not just a wheat reaction, it’s a true gluten issue.

  537. Worst Post Ever is up.

  538. New poat’s up.

    Yes, I saw that Roamy.

    I’ll admit to being somewhat of a hypocrite here, because I do the same thing. But it’s only because of stupid shit like this.

  539. NOw Russ is ragging me on AOSHQ. Fine, motherfucker – Bring it.


    I smell Tony!

  541. NOw Russ is ragging me on AOSHQ. Fine, motherfucker – Bring it.

    where? I wanna see! I wanna see!

  542. Look in the comments of the latest post.

  543. What I want to know is how many retired veterans are going to be called assholes had told to suck a bag of dicks on this smart military blog come veterans day? Can you help me with my picks?

    Was he saying that in defense of you mcpo?

  544. nevermind. I saw the answer later.

    man, this is sad

  545. *whistles

    actually I really can’t whistle, so it’s kinda nice to be able to do it on the internet

  546. oh….my…….gawd

    you guys really are gaslighting me, aren’t you?

  547. fine! I’ll go play bejeweled. I don’t need any of you!

  548. what the hell is wrong with you, woman?

  549. MCPO, Russ’s just digging himself deeper and deeper. He is wrong. I didn’t see anyone impugning Drew’s character. We just disagreed with him. Please stop trying to engage him. It will only make you look bad.

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