Home » Is Putin rebuilding the Soviet Union? Russia is looking for real estate

Is Putin rebuilding the Soviet Union? Russia is looking for real estate

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Is Putin rebuilding the Soviet Union?  Russia is looking for real estate

Russian President Vladimir Putin may want to reincorporate old Soviet and imperial territories into Russia – these include the US state of Alaska. Mikhail Klimentyev/Sputnik AFP

Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered a search for properties abroad that belonged to the Soviet Union and the Russian Empire.

Putin signed two decrees related to this order last Thursday.

One decree provides for the allocation of funds for search, while the other provides for funds for maintenance.

This is a machine translation of an article from our US colleagues at Business Insider. It was automatically translated and checked by an editor.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered a government agency to search for properties abroad that belonged to the Soviet Union and even the Russian Empire, the reported state news agency “Tass” on January 19th.

Putin signed two decrees related to his order on January 18. A decree allows funds to be made available for searching, registering property rights and “legal protection” of property, according to Tass. The other decree provides funds for the Maintenance and administration of the real estate. The documents did not reveal how much money the Russian government is allocating for this purpose.

It is unclear what Putin’s motivations are, but his order could come amid discussions in the countries surrounding Russia imperial ambitions of the Russian leader cause discomfort.

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The Soviet Union was founded in 1922 and collapsed in 1991, whereupon its constituent republics – including the Ukraine and the Baltic countries – became independent states.

The Russian Empire collapsed in 1917 after almost 200 years. It was one of the largest empires in history, covering over 15 percent of the Earth’s landmass at its peak. This also included Alaska, which Russia won in 1867 Sold for $7.2 millionwhich today almost That would be equivalent to 111 million euros.

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The Institute for the Study of War, a U.S. think tank, wrote in a Jan. 19 report that the Kremlin may be intent on using soft power to internally destabilize post-Soviet and neighboring states.

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Putin has that Collapse of the Soviet Union described as “the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century.” In 2021 he said that this event mark the downfall of “historic Russia”.

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