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Latest Stuff:
-Starcraft: Ghost
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-I Hate Other Sites
-Anti-American Americans

Monday September 23rd

Click here to write to me!Message Boards Back Up!

Not only are the message boards back up but I believe I recovered the corrupted files as well!
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Click here to write to me!Message Boards Down

It looks like the message boards are down currently and it may be worse than that as it looks like some of the accounts and board data have become corrupted.
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Friday September 20th

Click here to write to me!I love Blizzard

I updated the games section with a quick blurb on Blizzard's newest game announcement.
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Sunday September 16th

Click here to write to me!I Hate Other Sites

I updated the smash-box section telling you why I hate other sites.
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Tuesday September 10th

Click here to write to me!Cool Game Announcement

I updated the games section with some news about a very cool and nostalgia inducing game.
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Monday September 9th

Click here to write to me!Uh Oh!

My social life may soon be a thing of the past. My games section will have more soon. Until then, click here to find out why games shall take over my life even further.
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Saturday September 7th

Click here to write to me!Site Updates

I've actually been doing a decent amount of work on the site recently but most of it has been transparent. I did, however, put up a game section which pretty much just babbles about my unhealthy addiction to games. Check it out from the menu above.
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Monday August 12th

Click here to write to me!3 Freaks In A Boat

One of these freaks is me.Click Here.
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Monday August 5th

Click here to write to me!Site Intro

I made an intro for my site but I think I have a little cleaning up before it becomes "official." For the time being, you can get a sneak preview of it here.
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Sunday July 28th

Click here to write to me!Wow another poem

How about that? Another poem. This one is a semi-true story to boot!

The Staring Hags

On a cool and breezy Summer day
We all went out for lunch
And all day I had felt a craving
for fish and chips to munch

We all packed into Stephen's car
and drove on down the street
and I was really looking forward
to my seafood treat

We sat down to our meal
and all seemed to be fine
then Stephen stared, with a chargin
He then began to whine

I thought there was no reason
for him to whinge and whine
but then I felt it on my neck
a chill ran down my spine

A small and stern old hag
had locked her eyes on us
she whispered to her haggy friends
Now I began to fuss

Why were these moldy oldies
now glowering at me?
Why did they stare at Steve and Paul?
What could their reason be?

Maybe the hags were witches
who formed a little coven
to cast upon us hexes
and cook us in their oven

Perhaps these hags were sirens
who lurked beneath the seas
to trouble passing mariners
and cause fatalities

Perhaps these mean old women
were harpies armed with claws
who'd break your bones and rend your flesh
while blood dripped from their jaws

Who were these staring hags?
Perhaps we'll never know
But they still held their chilling stare
when we got up to go

And to this day I feel
their stares upon me still
Will I forget these mean old hags
I fear I never will

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Friday July 26th

Click here to write to me!Slow Goings and Lousy Jones

Well the updates have been very slow. I blame a lot of this on my unhealthy addiction to Warcraft 3. I haven't been devoid of creativity though. To prove it I'm posting one of several poems I've been working on. It's not yet finished (as in refined) but it's ok. I hope to illustrate these poems some day too. Anyway... here it is.

The Ballad of Lousy Jones

Lousy Jones was a grumpy old jerk
He was sour and angry and bad
He'd yell at all the people who drove past his house to work
And in the mouth, he'd punch his own dad

Lousy Jones was a furious fool
He terrified the neighborhood kids
He'd chase them 'cross the lawn with a bucket of his drool
And smack them all with toilet seat lids

Lousy Jones was the bane of the town
He ruined the annual fair
He sat on all the food and he beat the circus clown
(He did it with a folding steel chair)

Then one day they'd had enough
and the sheriff drove to his place
But Lousy Jones was really quite tough
And he punched the sheriff square in the face

So to this day in his creepy old shack
Lousy Jones lives still
He has no soul and his heart is truly black
And he smells like moldy pig swill

So if you go for a country drive
And find yourself in our little town
Run like hell if you want to stay alive
Or Lousy will hunt you down

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This site and its contents are a copyright of The Smash Factory 2002