Shock Arthera TestNet Validator Program Application Form 

Welcome to the Arthera TestNet Validator Program!

This program serves multiple purposes to ensure the successful development and operation of our blockchain ecosystem. Please carefully read the following details before proceeding with your application:

Program Objectives:

  • Simulating a Working Ecosystem: The program aims to create a realistic environment that simulates the future MainNet ecosystem. By evaluating its performance and optimising operations, we can ensure a robust and efficient blockchain infrastructure.
  • Stress Testing the TestNet: Through validator operations and analysis, we conduct rigorous stress tests on the blockchain TestNet. This process allows us to identify strengths, weaknesses, and potential areas for improvement.
  • Selecting Trusted Validators: As we prepare for the MainNet launch, we are seeking trusted validators who demonstrate exceptional performance and commitment. This program serves as an opportunity to identify validators we can rely on for the stable operation of the network.

Number of Validators:

  • Validator Slots: 25 slots are available for individual professional validators or validator businesses.
  • dApp Validator Slots: 25 slots are reserved exclusively for ecosystem dApps that have deployed their smart contracts on the Arthera blockchain. 

Total Validator Cap: The program has a total cap of 50 validators, including both individual professional validators and dApp validators.

Entry Rules: Applications will be processed by the dev team. To secure a spot in the program, we encourage you to submit your application as soon as possible.

Registration Process

  1. Application Submission: Complete the application form with accurate and relevant information.
  2. Application Review: Our team will review your application and assess your suitability for the program. 
  3. Confirmation and Onboarding: If selected, you will receive a confirmation and further instructions on how to proceed with the onboarding process.

Program Roadmap

We have carefully designed a roadmap to ensure an efficient and flexible testing process. 

The program will be divided into Waves, allowing for flexibility and scalability based on the tasks at hand. The number of Waves may vary depending on the program's requirements, allowing us to accommodate different testing scenarios. The program will consist of 1 to 3 test Waves.

Each Test Wave:

  • Duration: Each test Wave will last up to 3 weeks.
  • Dedicated Tasks: During each Wave, participants will engage in a series of dedicated tasks designed to simulate and test specific aspects of the ecosystem.
  • Node Requirements: Validators will only be required to run their nodes at designated times during the Wave to perform the required tasks.

Participation and Rewards

  • Comprehensive Participation: To be eligible for the award tokens, validators must actively participate in all tasks within a Wave, respond promptly to communications, and report any issues or problems encountered during the testing process.
  • Discord Communication: Discord will serve as the primary communication channel for the program. Approved validators will be invited to join the designated Discord channel and will receive instructions, updates, and support from the program administrators.

Please note that the specific tasks and timeline for each Wave will be communicated to the selected validators closer to the start of the respective Wave.

Thank you for your interest in the Arthera TestNet Validator Program. We greatly appreciate your participation, as your contributions will be instrumental in shaping the future of our blockchain ecosystem. If you have any further questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via our TG channel.
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
1. Introduction
Are you an individual professional validator/validator business, or a dApp planning to deploy your smart contract on the Arthera TestNet?


Please provide the URL of your website or online platform

3. Other blockchain projects you validate for

Please mention the links of other blockchain projects you currently validate for.


4. Country of residence

Please enter the country where you currently reside.


5. How did you discover Arthera?

We would love to know how you first learned about Arthera and its TestNet Validator Program.


6. Expectations from the Arthera TestNet

Share your expectations, goals, and any specific aspects you are looking forward to experiencing within the Arthera TestNet.


7. Goals for the TestNet Validator Program

Describe what you aim to achieve or gain by participating in the TestNet Validator Program.


8. Discord username

Please provide your Discord username or handle for better communication and engagement.


9. Email address

Please enter your email address to ensure smooth communication and updates regarding the TestNet Validator Program.

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