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What we’re about

Alberta's best place for energy & sustainability events, information & discussion!

Learn about all of the improvements in the oil & gas industries and all of the sustainability-related developments in the energy sector as a whole while networking with Albertans who are on the leading edge of these changes...


Do you have an environmental or sustainable energy related project or idea that you need help with or would you like to help develop other eco-projects/ideas? Join our worldwide group of sustainability enthusiasts from all backgrounds and invite others to help us build our CAUSE Online sustainability community.

Interested in  Fukushima, Tar Sands, Pipelines or the BP gulf disaster, etc.?

CAUSE Online also has the most active online Nuclear, Oil Sands, Keystone XL / Northern Gateway Projects, BP Oil Spill etc. discussion forums found anywhere in the Meetup universe, and your active participation will improve our worldwide information exchange efforts.



Join our CAUSE Online Meetup community for FREE and complete access to everything our site has to offer!

CAUSE Online is a support group/community of extraordinary people like you, sustainability experts & professionals passionate about helping each other promote the causes of energy sustainability and sustainable living. Our CAUSE Online Meetup site is designed specificly for that purpose, featuring online discussion forums for the global exchange of ideas, information and online videos, Alberta's most active province-wide sustainability events calendar to advise all Albertans of Sustainability events & lectures, etc.  If you have any sustainability-related ideas, events you're organizing, speakers you'd like to bring in, eco-projects or businesses you'd like to promote, if you would liked to help others with their ideas, or if you are just interested in learning all you can, CAUSE Online aims to be the best place to get help, ideas, information, advice, volunteers etc. for those purpopses.

CAUSE Online invites and welcomes all concerned citizens from across Alberta, North America & around our world to join us, access/increase our wealth of resources and participate in Alberta's most extensive online energy & sustainability discussion forums -- exchange ideas, information & advice that will help improve our thinking and help both Alberta and Canada reduce our unreasonably large contributions towards the destruction of our planet! Canadians and North Americans need to improve the most. [Believe it or not, Canada (33 million people) uses more electricity than all of India (1.2 billion people), yet Canada continues to shamelessly tell India to reduce consumption! ;-] IF OUR GROUP DESCRIPTION DOESN'T CONVINCE YOU TO JOIN US, PLEASE LET US KNOW WHAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE CAUSE ONLINE DOING AND IF & HOW YOU CAN HELP US GET IT DONE! We also need all Albertans (and our Sakatchewan, British Columbia & Montana neighbours)  to also contribute to Alberta's most active energy & sustainability events calendar.

CAUSE Online membership consists of DIY off-gridders, energy and petroleum industry professionals & entepreneurs, engineers, inventors, investors, educators, environmentalists, efficiency experts, healthy planet / human health advocates, farmers, food security advocates, permaculture & uban gardening advocates, locavores, paleo-dieters, vegetarians, vegans, raw foodists, science & energy geeks, scientists, sustainable food lovers, architects, city planners, green realtors, doctors, lawyers, accountants, students, politicians, religious leaders, energy-security self-sufficiency advocates, and everything else..., all contributing to our group knowledge base, ideas, skills & abilities which CAUSE contributes towards the greater movement towards sustainability.

CAUSE is increasing public, media, corporate & government awareness & discussion of the energy choices we are making, the energy choices that are also being made on our behalf by our corporations & governments, and advocating sustainable solutions to ensure they all rightly act in the public interest & also consider the welfare the planet we all share! Our small group of citizens has raised tens of thousands of dollars to bring numerous world renouned sustainability experts to speak in Alberta and we've positively influenced numerous gov't/corporate decisions etc....And they will ALL take us/sustainability even more seriously if we're a sustainable movement of 20,000 so please recruit everybody you know to help us grow! Join us to see and share in all of our successes!

Our brand new, rapidly expanding Meetup community features the most extensive local environmental events calendar available posting over 60 events this March (2009). We are adding an online book club, and documentary film club where CAUSE members can review and reccommend books and films (even read & watch them online) and we'll organize book discussion and movie nights and countless other things as more members join. Join our extensive discussion forums covering the entire spectrum of sustainable living to energy topics (everything from Frugal Living & Raw Food Diets, to Human/animal Power & Green Building etc.) and offering a wide variety of other resources from video links to ecological footprint calculators etc. to keep everybody informed and interested.

If there is something we are not doing that you would like to see us do, please join our group and volunteer to help us get it started by clicking on my name "Atul" in the left margin and sending me an email.

Our world is depending on us! We need to spread alternative sustainable renewable ethical green energy lifestyles  and thinking everywhere!

Lets join together, learn, discuss and move our CAUSE forward!

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What topics would you like to discuss?  waste plastic to fuel conversion technologies, coalbed methane  , shale gas , hydraulic fracturing , fracking ,  geothermal , solar , wind , tidal , hydro , wave , fossil fueuls , oil ,  gas , coal  , mining ,  CCS , Carbon capture storage , biofuels , biogas , muscle power , solar thermal , photovoltaic , global warming , biomass , industrial waste heat ,  car share , telework , eco travel & tourism , electric vehicles scooters & e-bikes , EV's , Green Movements & sustainable communities (ex: Osho-atheists , Iskcon , ahimsa,  Drake's Landing  ), halal technologies, harp seal hunt , war , peace, latest Indian Chinese American and European developments towards sustainability , Nimbymentalism vs environmentalism , etc. ...