Corporate wankery.
It sucks, big time.

I've been there. You're there now.

→ Meetings about meetings

→ Meetings that should've been emails.

→ Unmet promises and office politics.

→ "Aligning" with influential people.

→ Drowning in work with zero support.

→ Working into the evening and weekends.

→ Feeling trapped.

Knowing you could do better on your own.

Selling what you know as a consultant or contractor.

Having more control of your time.

And no boss to answer to.


→ You have all sorts of questions and self doubt.

→ Why would anyone buy anything from me?

→ Where would I start?

→ I don't even have a website!

→ What would I charge?

→ What about my salary?

Yep, all very familiar.

So I'm writing a book to help you.

It will contain the knowledge you need. I'll show you:

→ How to overcome "I'm not enough"

→ How you can afford it

→ How to do it

...with real life examples, tried and tested methods, and the mindset shifts you need to make.

I did it. You can too.

My name's Phil Sterne, and I'm a careers and life fulfilment coach. I cut my teeth in recruitment, and in the last 25 years have worked for some of the most well known brands in the UK and the world, including the London Stock Exchange and Amazon.

I've coached C-suite professionals in most sectors, former UK Special Forces operatives, and some of the most influential people in UK law enforcement.

I work with people driving transformational change in the world, but who haven't recognised where they're getting in the way of their own change journeys.

Yes, I said change journey. Sorry. I try to avoid wanky corporate jargon but it creeps in here and there.

Anyway, It's the book I needed when I started my self employment journey, selling what I know, and building a sustainable income that is more (much more) than enough.

If you reckon that would be useful, pop your email address in and I'll tell you when it's ready.

You've got to make it happen though, as I won't go all in on it if I don't get enough interest.

To many, pages like this will market at you with talk of 'secrets' and 'magic formulas'. There's none of that bullshit here.

Just straight forward advice, brought to life in stories and direct guidance to help you

Escape Corporate Wankery:

Build Self-Belief and Go It Alone.

You'll get from the title that I don't shy away from a bit of language. It's a bit like working with me 1-1, I don't fuck about if something needs saying, and it pretty much always does.

So I'm here to tell you you're getting in your own way.

The bullshit stories you've either had drummed into you, or that have sown seeds and taken root in your brain.

Sure, they might feel real, but chances are ... they're not. They are limitations you're fighting for.

Here's an example:

Say you want to set up a consulting business.

You tell yourself they can't because:

→ you don't have a fancy laptop

→ you don't have a website

→ you don't have enough social media followers

→ you don't have enough cash to ditch work.

Well guess what? You don't need any of that.

What do you have?

→ an idea of what you'd sell

→ knowledge of your subject area

→ former colleagues

→ people you've crossed paths with

→ a phone

→ a LinkedIn account

→ a brain

With a billion people on LinkedIn and only 1% of them posting, you can quite easily stand out. And you don't need thousands of followers either.

As well as your mindset, I'll help you deep dive your finances, and expose where you're not doing yourself any favours there either.

I'll take you through, in detail, the three key ways of generating an income for yourself outside of the traditional 9-5.

I don't mean drop shipping, Amazon FBA, or any of that.

I mean consulting, day rate contracting, and selling passive products.

It's not rocket science.

When I left Amazon, I worked out what I wanted to do based on my 'why?' - that is, what was at the heart of what I do. And that was to help people live better and happier lives.

It was borne out of my own experience of living pretty miserably whilst working in the corporate environment 'for the man'.

Yeah corporates might tell you it's all about the customer, but really its all about the money. And you're only ever one performance review away from disaster.

I started out selling my CV writing services for £45 a time. I became very busy but not exactly wealthy.

I increased my prices, used testimonials to drive inbound leads, and built from there.

In my second year I made £100k, not far off my Amazon deal. I know right? It surprised me too.

That enabled me to grow my business further, diversify into coaching, and now I have a thriving practice, working fewer hours, having a greater impact on people's lives (my why) and still doing 6 figures.

I'll tell you how I did it, and what I've learned since so you can too.

They say the best people to learn from are the ones just a few steps further forward than you. Well, if you're looking to go out on your own, that's us.You and me.

Let me show you.

Escape Corporate Wankery:

Build Self-Belief and Go It Alone.

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