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Romney vs. Perry: The Debate Over Health Care Reform

Updated Oct 3, 2011, 07:01pm EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

Image by Getty Images via @daylife

In the GOP presidential debate at the Reagan Library, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney defended his health care reform legislation—sort of.  Texas Governor Rick Perry objected to the Massachusetts mandate requiring people to buy health insurance and defended his own health care record, while challenging the federal government to loosen its strings on programs like Medicaid.

It’s a fundamental clash of visions: Perry wants to enact and expand what’s known as consumer-driven health care options that invest decision-making power in patients and their physicians.  Romney, by contrast, passed the most far-reaching, top-down, government-directed health care reform legislation in the nation’s history, until surpassed by ObamaCare.

In his 2008 presidential election campaign, Romney’s staff asked some of the conservative health policy experts to be part of an informal, unpaid health care advisory team.  I was one of those invited.  At the first of only a couple of meetings, I raised the question whether Romney still backed the individual mandate; none of the invited advisors did.

The staffer who helped Romney pass the legislation explained that he really didn’t support that part of the bill, but he had a Democratic legislature that demanded it—a theme that Romney echoed in the debate.  I responded by pointing out that the current House and Senate were both held by Democrats, and it wasn’t terribly reassuring to say, in essence, Democrats made me do it.

Of course, he now defends the mandate as a way to force people to take responsibility for their health care costs.   And he tries to tap into conservative support for federalism by claiming that what he did for Massachusetts was right for his state, but not necessarily right for other states.

But no conservative denies Massachusetts has the right to pass the prequel to ObamaCare, just as states have the right to impose a 100 percent state income tax.  The issue is whether it’s good policy and whether any conservative would ever support such a plan.  And the answer is no, on both counts.

Mandating people buy coverage means the government—through a quasi-government bureaucracy known as an “exchange”—must determine what is “qualified coverage” and which insurers can sell it.  Special interest groups impose tremendous pressure to make the coverage very comprehensive, which makes it very expensive—a problem for individuals and employers having to buy the coverage, as well as the state, which is subsidizing low-income people.

In order to control those rising costs, the government looks for ways to impose price controls.  As demand and costs rise, but prices can’t, doctors and other health providers and health insurers begin to opt out of the system.  That reduces access and competition, and patients complain about limited choices, long waits and the decline of the doctor-patient relationship.  Which is where we are in the Bay State, and where we’ll go under ObamaCare.

Defenders of the plan predicted that comprehensive reform would lower health care spending—just as they did when promoting ObamaCare.  And yet the Boston-based Beacon Hill Institute points out in “The High Price of Massachusetts Health Care Reform” that total costs—federal, state and private—have increased by $8.6 billion over the program’s first five years.

Supporters claim that Massachusetts has only 2 percent uninsured, the lowest in the country.  But that decline is largely because the government is subsidizing so many people.  And having all those people insured hasn’t reduced expensive emergency room visits, which are up 7.2 percent, according to Beacon Hill, in part because of access problems.

Mind you, we're talking about the man who claimed the day before the debate that, “The right answer for America is not to grow government,” and “at best, government can provide the framework” for growth.  Well, RomneyCare is a lot more than a “framework.”

Rick Perry has taken a very different approach.  He passed legislation in 2003 to allow Texans to buy less-expensive “mandate-lite” policies—insurance that isn’t required to cover all the bells and whistles states like to impose on coverage.  If Texans want policies with lots of mandated coverages, they can get them; but they have the option to buy a less-comprehensive and more affordable policy.

Perry is also a big supporter of the consumer-driven option known as Health Savings Accounts.  Recent studies by the American Academy of Actuaries and health insurers Aetna and Cigna indicate that HSAs are the only health insurance product that bends the cost curve back down.

And then there’s tort reform.  Texas passed comprehensive tort reform in 2003, limiting noneconomic damages to $250,000 and addressing product and medical liability reform, among other provisions.  As a result every malpractice insurance carrier has reduced premiums, one by more than 50 percent, and thousands of doctors have moved to Texas—more than 21,000 but one count, especially those in high-risk specialties.

Yes, Texas has the highest percentage of uninsured, a problem endemic to all southern border states.  Those states have large immigrant populations, many of whom are undocumented.  While those undocumented workers are part of the uninsured tallies, they almost never spend their own income on health insurance, and they are not supposed to receive Medicaid or the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP).

It is fair to say that as a presidential candidate, Romney supports consumer-driven health care options, but that’s not what he enacted as governor.  Perry has been a longtime supporter of health care reforms that will work and has taken steps in that direction.  While Romney and Perry may sound similar on health care reform now, their records couldn’t be more different.  Austin, not Boston, is the better model.

Merrill Matthews is a resident scholar with the Institute for Policy Innovation in Dallas, Texas.