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(Reuters)   Sarah Palin named among runners-up for TIME Person of the Year -- which by rule makes Tina Fey at least third   ( divider line
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3994 clicks; posted to Main » on 17 Dec 2008 at 7:11 PM (15 years ago)   |   Favorite    |   share:  Copy Link

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2008-12-17 6:06:37 PM  
Aw, geez... doncha know..?
2008-12-17 6:15:40 PM  
Well played subby, well played indeed. +1
2008-12-17 6:29:11 PM  
You Betcha '12!
2008-12-17 6:55:29 PM  
We greenlight Time's Person of the Year announcement, but only as good news for Sarah Palin...who lost.

Speaking as a former winner myself, that's just horseshiat.
2008-12-17 7:15:11 PM  
Well, Putin did rear his head on the cover of Time last year. Thank god Palin was there to stop him from going any further.
2008-12-17 7:15:15 PM  

They're just saying that.

I believe that as much as I believe Bernie Madoff is still returning 12% for his investors right now.
2008-12-17 7:15:56 PM  
I've won this as well, it's no big deal.
2008-12-17 7:17:09 PM  
I voted for Tim Tebow
2008-12-17 7:17:24 PM  
Some random woman grabbed in a blatant attempt to appeal to the female vote...yeah, this is the best we have to offer.
2008-12-17 7:17:34 PM  
2008-12-17 7:19:36 PM  
In Time's online survey, Obama got 5 times as many votes as Palin, and an average rating of 10 (out of 10). Palin's average rating was 5. Robert Mugabe's was 8.
2008-12-17 7:19:47 PM  
"for better or for worse, ...has done the most to influence the events of the year."

I can see why she was in the running.
2008-12-17 7:21:04 PM  
They are saying that so they dont piss off there republican readers too much by having Obama be person of the year.

"No Really! Palin almost got it, dont get mad and not read our piece of shiat rag."
2008-12-17 7:21:13 PM  

Bad_ad85: I've won this as well, it's no big deal.

I won it twice one year. No bigs.
2008-12-17 7:21:43 PM  
They should have given it to her make-up artist.
2008-12-17 7:22:29 PM  

TheShavingofOccam123: Bad_ad85: I've won this as well, it's no big deal.

I won it twice one year. No bigs.

radaronline.comView Full Size
2008-12-17 7:22:44 PM  
Sarkozy "has put France on the map," Time said.

I've known where it is on a map for a very long time, Time. What the hell is wrong with you.
2008-12-17 7:23:01 PM  
[image from too old to be available]
2008-12-17 7:23:15 PM  
That's an honor she doesn't want. Obama now joins the ranks of such distinguished leaders as Giuliani, Nixon, Putin, and Hitler.
2008-12-17 7:23:48 PM  

NYZooMan: Bullshiat.

They're just saying that.

I believe that as much as I believe Bernie Madoff is still returning 12% for his investors right now.

By "saying that" they make it so. I mean, are you suggesting that there was some election for the position that the editors of Time are covering up? They get to choose the "man of the year" and the "runners up"--they chose Palin as a "runner up." The end.
2008-12-17 7:23:58 PM  
She did insure that Obama would get elected, and helped divide/destroy the Republican party. Not a horrible choice.
2008-12-17 7:24:05 PM  
A cruel joke, it must be.
2008-12-17 7:26:31 PM  
I know someone else who's a shoe-in for that.
2008-12-17 7:28:45 PM  
Hey McCain supporters: How does it feel to know that McCain was lying about Palin (new window) during the campaign?

Sen. John McCain said Sunday he would not necessarily support his former running mate if she chose to run for president.

McCain was pressed on why he can't promise support for the woman who, just months ago, he named as the second best person to lead the nation.

Speaking to ABC's "This Week," McCain was asked whether Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin could count on his support.

"I can't say something like that. We've got some great other young governors. I think you're going to see the governors assume a greater leadership role in our Republican Party," he said.
2008-12-17 7:28:50 PM  
Palin definietly deserves to be a runner up, but she doesn't deserve to beat Obama.

deltabourne: That's an honor she doesn't want. Obama now joins the ranks of such distinguished leaders as Giuliani, Nixon, Putin, and Hitler.

Was Saddam Hussein ever time's man of the year?

/I feel so dirty
2008-12-17 7:29:53 PM  
Retard thread ! WOOP !
2008-12-17 7:30:09 PM  
WOOHOO!!! Obama was named person of the year over.... who?
...Who'd you say was on that list?

Well that was an awesomely cool picture of him at the Drudge Report... WOOHO!!!
2008-12-17 7:30:36 PM  
Bears repreating just in case anyone missed it

"for better or for worse, ...has done the most to influence the events of the year."

Thats how Hilter won and Stalin won twice. Its not the best person of the year.
2008-12-17 7:32:16 PM  
I just stopped in to see the lebowski pic...
2008-12-17 7:32:18 PM  

deltabourne: That's an honor she doesn't want. Obama now joins the ranks of such distinguished leaders as Giuliani, Nixon, Putin, and Hitler.

Yeah...and Gandhi, FD Roosevelt, Kennedy, Reagan, and "the American Fighting-Man," etc. etc.

I'm not sure why people always have to have this same stupid argument every farking year. Time has never claimed that their "Person of the Year" is meant to be the "best" person of the year. It's just the person around whom the most telling stories of the year have crystallized. Obama would be a no-brainer for the choice whether the magazine was lefty or righty, Sarah Palin is a no-brainer as at least a serious contender. I'm sure they also discussed McCain and Joe the Plumber as well.
2008-12-17 7:34:29 PM  

Gunny Highway: Bears repreating just in case anyone missed it

"for better or for worse, ...has done the most to influence the events of the year."

Thats how Hilter won and Stalin won twice. Its not the best person of the year.

Really, what has Obama done that is harmful? Nothing!
2008-12-17 7:35:07 PM  
Eh, she didn't need it.

She won in 2006. ;)
2008-12-17 7:37:58 PM  
zoneshot.comView Full Size
2008-12-17 7:44:24 PM  
Adolf Hitler won it in 1938.
Josef Stalin won it in 1939 and 1942.
Nikita Khrushchev won it in 1957.
Darth John XXIII won it in 1962.
Nixon won it in 1971 and (with Henry Kissinger) 1972.
Ayatollah Khomeini won it in 1979.
Ronald Reagan won it in 1980 and 1983.
"The Computer" (presumably the future Skynet) won it in 1982.
George the Elected won it in 1990.
Chimpy McFlightsuit won it in 2000 and 2004.

This wouldn't have been the first time Time picked someone very farked-up as their "person" of the year.
2008-12-17 7:46:24 PM  

AspectRatio: Hey McCain supporters: How does it feel to know that McCain was lying about Palin (new window) during the campaign?

It gives me much more faith in his intelligence and perception.

Thanks for asking.
2008-12-17 7:47:48 PM  
So, Reuters is running a article on a Time article? Slow news day?
2008-12-17 7:53:52 PM  

Gunny Highway: Bears repreating just in case anyone missed it

"for better or for worse, ...has done the most to influence the events of the year."

Thats how Hilter won and Stalin won twice. Its not the best person of the year.

While this is true in general, it isn't always the way it works. For example, it doesn't explain why Time chose Rudy "9/11" Giuliani over Osama bin Laden in 2001.
2008-12-17 7:55:58 PM  

black_knight: George the Elected won it in 1990.
Chimpy McFlightsuit won it in 2000 and 2004.

Come on man try a little harder than that. What are you a writer for the Daily Show?

And if you are including "villians" you forgot Chiang Kai-shek & Soong May-ling.
2008-12-17 7:58:31 PM  

Single White Male: While this is true in general, it isn't always the way it works. For example, it doesn't explain why Time chose Rudy "9/11" Giuliani over Osama bin Laden in 2001.

Yea that is true. Understandably we were trying to put a positive spin on things tht year.
2008-12-17 8:01:38 PM  
"Runner up"

Also known as "LOSERS"
2008-12-17 8:01:46 PM  

Solid State Vittles: Sarkozy "has put France on the map," Time said.

I've known where it is on a map for a very long time, Time. What the hell is wrong with you.

This. If de Gaulle, Mitterand and Chrac, or Marie Antoniette, or Jeanne D'Arc or Tolouse Lautrec or Brigitte Bardot or Jean-Paul Gaultier or Molière or Bizet or Gauguin or Descartes or Ravel or Marie Curie or Napoleon Goddamn Bonaparte didn't put France on the map, what kind of a difference is that little weasel whose best claim to notority is that he's banging Clara Bruni, going to make?
2008-12-17 8:05:13 PM  
"Runners-up", presumably, is Palin's estranged son...

/workin' the cliche'
2008-12-17 8:05:36 PM  
I was always under the impression that the Time Person of the Year was a neutral thing. Basically, they were awarding a title to the person that provided the most fodder for writing that year, not necessarily saying they were inherently good or bad. Then again, I also thought that Crocs were nifty at one time.

/I'm very disappointed that Sarah Palin will never be in Playboy
2008-12-17 8:09:33 PM  
Came here for Tina Fey pics, left disappointed.
2008-12-17 8:10:00 PM  
Can we just please put all of the Palin articles in the entertainment tab?

Its not like she's a real politician anymore and really not main page worthy.
2008-12-17 8:15:00 PM  

deltabourne: That's an honor she doesn't want. Obama now joins the ranks of such distinguished leaders as Giuliani, Nixon, Putin, and Hitler.

And Reagan (twice) and H.W. Bush and Dubya (twice)!!!
2008-12-17 8:22:34 PM  
black_knight: This wouldn't have been the first time Time picked someone very farked-up as their "person" of the year.

It's not about what their character is like, it's about the significance of the person. Hitler was pretty damn significant for example.
2008-12-17 8:22:37 PM  

Mr Logo: Gunny Highway: Bears repreating just in case anyone missed it

"for better or for worse, ...has done the most to influence the events of the year."

Thats how Hilter won and Stalin won twice. Its not the best person of the year.

Really, what has Obama done that is harmful? Nothing!

FTF...oh, fark it. that was really too easy.
2008-12-17 8:23:46 PM  

ZeroCorpse: "Runner up"

Also known as "LOSERS"

If you ain't first you're last.

/everything i need to know i learned from will ferrel movies
2008-12-17 8:26:03 PM  
Mr Logo:
Gunny Highway: Bears repreating just in case anyone missed it

"for better or for worse, ...has done the most to influence the events of the year."

Thats how Hilter won and Stalin won twice. Its not the best person of the year.

Really, what has Obama done that is harmful? Nothing!

That clears everything up nicely.
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