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Without the Thunder

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A Multicultural Historical Western Romance

An outcast Society belle falls in love with a Navajo man—can they defeat the woman who’s driven to destroy their happiness?

After falling from grace with her family in Philadelphia, Alicia Beaufort is shunted off to relatives in the Arizona Territory. Disturbed at first by the things she experiences in the West, she gradually comes to realize the village of White’s Station has what she’s always longed for: simplicity and peace.

But when Alicia begins to keep company with a Navajo man, she learns that all is not quite as it appears. She finds herself in conflict with the very people who are supposed to be looking after her. And when the man who ruined her shows up, she’s terrified that her past will become known and the villagers will turn against her.

With her family against her and past transgressions looming, Alicia knows she has to fight for what she wants, but she has no experience to draw on. Can she take a stand against her family and former lover? Or will her dreams all come to naught?

328 pages, ebook

Published October 26, 2023

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About the author

Gifford MacShane

5 books141 followers
Gifford MacShane is the author of historical fiction that celebrates the resilience of the human spirit.

Her novels feature a family of Irish immigrants who settle in the Arizona TerritoryWith an accessible literary style, MacShane draws out her characters' hidden flaws and strengths as they grapple with both physical and emotional conflicts.

Singing almost before she could talk, MacShane has always loved folk music, whether it be Irish, Appalachian, or the songs of the cowboys. Her love of the Old West goes back to childhood, when her father introduced her to the works of Zane Grey. Later she became interested in the Irish diaspora, realizing her ancestors must have lived through An Gorta Mor, the Great Irish Potato Famine of the mid-1800s. Writing allows her to combine her three great interests into a series of family stories, each with a central romance, traditional song lyrics, and a dash of Celtic mysticism.

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Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 reviews
8,699 reviews114 followers
December 1, 2023
This is a well written historical old west story with a cast of strong characters centering on Alicia and Tommy. The author brings a multicultural story and takes you into their lives along with their family, friends and a close knit town who always come together with commitment, support and love. He also brings drama, anxiety and fear along with the prejudice and hate. He moves the story fluidly with his descriptive scenes and multiple storylines. I loved and would recommend this book.

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book. All opinions in this review are my own and freely given.
Profile Image for N.N. Heaven.
Author 6 books1,984 followers
April 26, 2024
Alicia sees White’s Station in the Arizona Territory as her chance for freedom from her family but never thought falling in love with a Navajo man would bring her ruin and disgrace. Will she stay and fight for her own little patch of happiness? Without the Thunder is a stunning historical romance set in the heart of the Old West. The descriptive narration and setting plunge the reader into the story. The historical accuracy is superb. But it’s the characters which make Without the Thunder an unforgettable read.

What strikes me more than anything else about Without the Thunder is the historical accuracy Gifford MacShane brings. It’s clear the author has done her research. Every aspect of this story, from the setting to the narration to the dialogue, is 100% accurate. I truly escaped to the Old West with Without the Thunder.

The characters are written with an expert pen. Gifford MacShane breathes life into these characters, and they fly off the page.

If you’re looking to escape to the old west, I recommend you start with Without the Thunder. A truly remarkable historical romance.

My Rating: 5 stars

Reviewed by: Nancy

This review first appeared: https://www.nnlightsbookheaven.com/po...
97 reviews
December 29, 2023
This is a very captivating book which drew me in from the beginning until the very satisfying ending. I had not had the opportunity to read previous books in this series but this one seemed fairly comprehensive in covering earlier happenings. The multi-cultured and ethnic characters were introduced gradually but I was very grateful for the listing of characters at the very beginning and referred to it often. Many of the horrific things mentioned that were done to men and women were known previously but the atrocity about the medical profession doing such harm to women was not. The developing of the story seemed to run true to social norms of the time – the shunning of the woman (not the man), the willingness to share and teach others to survive in the new land, and the community support for so many people in this saga. I won’t tell what it’s about more than that but highly recommend this as a very satisfying and worthwhile read.
Profile Image for Martha.
352 reviews7 followers
December 2, 2023
This was a beautifully written story about a young lady, Alicia, who was raised in Philadelphia. It was decided to have her move out west to live with her aunt and her husband. Alicia dealt with different people and eventually fell in love with life in the small community. We watch her develop as her views change. A page turner and hard to put down.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
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