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Last Updated: Friday, 29 February 2008, 09:43 GMT
Chief urges tougher Asbo stance
Mike Craik
Mr Craik has made combating youth disorder his top priority
The Chief Constable of Northumbria Police has called on the courts to imprison more people who break anti-social behaviour orders (Asbos).

Mike Craik believes Asbos are helping to tackle public disorder but said not punishing breaches has contributed towards a "badge of honour" reputation.

The force has made tackling youth disorder its top priority for 2008.

Mr Craik has previously called for under 21s to be banned from drinking in public to cut alcohol-fuelled violence.

'Go inside'

Speaking to Radio Newcastle, he said: "Asbos were invented to be a last chance saloon - if you breach an order you should go inside.

"Sadly that does not always happen, in fact it does not happen anywhere near enough.

"It is important the courts recognise that a breach should only happen once.

"It is when this does not happen that Asbos get the reputation of being a badge of honour."


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