Join a Community of Donors Who Found Belonging and Empowerment Through

Pursuing God in Spirit and Truth

At Orbis, we are committed to equipping churches, so that breakthrough healing, deliverance, and prophecy become normative. We pursue the Holy Spirit while maintaining a solid grounding in biblical truth.

Find community

Be a force for change

Receive training

Most Churches Are Content To Let the Supernatural Nature of God Fall into Legend.

This Leaves Many People Feeling...

Frustrated that they aren't seeing more supernatural breakthrough in their church

Powerless to know how

to bring healing and deliverance into their church

Isolated and lonely,

not knowing where to go

for like-minded community

You Shouldn't Struggle To Find

Like-Minded Community

At Orbis, we provide a place for you to grow

and connect with a global community.

We Are on a Mission

To Bring ALL of the Miraculous Ministry

of Jesus into the Local Church.

  • Our founder, Ken Fish, has preached in churches across 50+ countries

  • 40+ years of ministry, and 1,000s of people healed and delivered.

  • Our staff hold advanced degrees in theology, medicine, and business.

  • We have trained more than 1,200 students in our school

We partner with organizations like...

Here Is How You Can Help

1. Donate to fund the mission

You can donate any amount one time or regularly. Tax benefits increase with non-cash donations.

2. Get training in Orbis School of Ministry

Learn online, at your own pace, or with a group. You won't want to miss our annual student meet-up!

3. Partner in prayer with us

Please pray the Gospel would spread in both proclamation and demonstration.

Make Training Affordable

The cost of training is prohibitive to many pastors and lay-leaders. With donations from people like you, we extend scholarship opportunities to those in need.

1. You make a donation

2. Orbis Ministries collects funds

3. A student applies for the grant

4. We award the grant based on their level of need

5. More leaders get launched into practical ministry

Find community

Be a force for change

Receive training

Bring Hope and Healing to a Broken World

Healing for yourself

At Orbis, we offer opportunities online and in-person for you to receive prayer

Healing for your family

Easily refer your family and friends online to the

Orbis Prayer Ministry Network

Healing for your community

Become the hands and feet of Jesus to your local community by learning how to pray effectively

How Your Donations Impact the Community


Student in Orbis School of Ministry

"I came having studied the whole Bible several times and having read Deliverance and Inner Healing books for several years.

The Ohio conference gave practical hands-on experience to apply learning."


Student in Orbis School of Ministry

"I've gained knowledge on the written word of GOD. Certainly gained confidence in how I minister to people."


Prayer Minister

"Being a prayer minister has increased my love for Jesus and my faith. I am seeing more healings and helping people connect with God. I can easily call one of the other ministers for help. "


Community Member

"Before finding Orbis ministries I was a 'go to church on Sunday' only just floating along in life. I had grown up in an evangelical church and had never seen the power of God... I didn't realize how hungry I was until I had spent many hours a day for several weeks listening to as much as I could and searching the scriptures; realizing that I was missing something."


Community Member

"What I've learned is we have a loving Father who sent His Own Son to fight and holds Final Victory over our relentless enemy. Ken's YouTubes of meetings around the world give EXTREME CONFIDENCE to believers and certainly dent the World Views of unbelievers. The Orbis free short teachings on YouTube are very powerful and should be kept 'out there' to attract more soldiers into OUR KINGS ARMY.

Orbis is tangible, hopeful and a great 'how to do it' resource in battles against our unseen enemy."


Community Member

"I was IFB Baptist. Upon finding that the Gifts of the Spirit continued, I eventually found your YouTube content. I have been impacted by Michael Heiser's teaching, which gave me a foundation on which to accept and implement your present, active Kingdom teaching. This led to my asking for and receiving healing for a year long ailment the second time I darkened the doors of a charismatic church. I will never be the same, this has unlocked doors which I didn't even know were there and every single time I hear Ken's voice I get fired up for the Kingdom of God. Thank you for preparing as many as you can for the coming harvest(s)."

Choose How You Want To Make a Difference

Non-Cash Donations

There is zero government tax on your capital gains if you donate appreciated stocks or bonds to Orbis. If this interests you, please contact your broker to forward your designated securities to:

Charles Schwab & Co.

FBO Kingdom Fire Ministries (a.k.a. Orbis Ministries)

DTC: 0164, CODE40

A/C: 4755-4576

Content Translation

Only 18% of the global population speaks English. We are looking for volunteers to translate Orbis teaching materials into Spanish and Mandarin Chinese.

Are you bi-lingual? In the days ahead, we will need men and women of many backgrounds to preach the gospel in their native tongues as well.

Cash Donations

Every dollar makes a difference. When you partner with Orbis, you help us spread hope and healing to a broken world. One-time donations are greatly appreciated. But even if

you can only afford

$10 per month, we prefer monthly support to defray our monthly operational expenses.

Help Train Up Prayer Warriors, and Prove to the World that "God Is Not A Theory"

When you join Orbis Ministries' community of donors, you help bring transformative teaching, training, and prayer ministry to 1,000s of people worldwide.

NOTE: If you have been supporting Ken and Beth through CTW,

please continue doing so.

Don't Let the Devil Have

a Heyday in The Church

You can make a difference and help more people experience Kingdom breakthrough

in their life through the ministry of healing

and deliverance.


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Orbis Ministries

PO Box 1802,

6021 Leesburg Pike,

Falls Church, VA 22041-1802

Email Address:

Phone Number:
+1 (855) 663-4645 x201