Serious mistakes recognized

From Noel and Stephanie 26 September 2000
From Erik Norman 28 September 2000

To all who have been and are involved,

Serious mistakes have been made in the research that was directed by Koos Nolst Trenite. The hidden intentions of Koos, of who he actually is, are now being looked into by me (Tulka) and Noel. Koos had motives of self-importance and absolute certainty of his rightness.

I received severe physical beatings by Koos, and severe vulgar language shouted at me by Koos, for six to 24 hours at a time. This Koos justified by various means, for instance that I refused to see his viewpoint, or that I was being mindcontroled by various people to not agree to him. I at that time accepted those physical beatings and vulgar language, because Koos made me believe, during and afterwards, that I was making it necessary for him to so called "restrain" me.

No matter how true you might think the data to be, it still does not justify those physical actions, and certainly not, if they are supposedly coming form an Archangel.

As you may have noticed when reading or listening to the data written by Koos or recorded from sessions, the data was not looked or discussed or corrected for errors by anyone else than Koos himself. This already disqualifies the data form being research data. It is, as a matter of fact, and especially under those circumstances, only information that Koos intended to use in order to achieve justification for is actions.

The physical violence and vulgar language by Koos, is not something new. He did the same to Freya and also to Jutta, for his same reasons. This behavior of his is not in any way justifiable, by anything.

The Ambassador for Mankind Foundation will be closed. Koos is at the moment in a mental hospital, and will be staying there for an unknown amount of time.

I still want to find out what actually is the truth behind all the data that I have given in the sessions, and I will look into it in the future, if anyone else is also interested in hearing the results, just let me know.

I and Noel are at the moment cleaning up the rests of Koos' mess, and are trying to start a new life. I will be returning to San Francisco Bay Area, Noel will be starting a new life in Germany. Any support that you can give us, if emotional, or even physical, if by helpful contacts, or even financially, would be very much appreciated, to help us through this time.

With love from,

Me (Tulka) and Noel

Noel Nolst Trenite
Herbstwiesen 10
D-91090 Gaiganz

Tel: +49 9199 697149

From: "Olov Norman"
Subject: The Situation regarding the Ambassador for Mankind Foundation.
Date sent: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 09:11:16 GMT

Thursday, 28 September 2000.

The Situation regarding the Ambassador for Mankind Foundation.

Dear ALL of You!

This is Erik Norman from the (former) Ambassador for Mankind Foundation writing. I am now writing the SAME message to ALL of You, as this matter is of immediate and great importance. (This letter was originally written at Tuesday, 26 September 2000, and I have today revised it according to the current situation and the most recent information given.)

I by now feel obliged to personally inform All of You that there is a BIG problem in our Group, and that our whole Purpose and Activity and Work is in great danger.

Stephanie (Tulka)* and Noel and I have recently detected that Koos himself NOT AT ALL is the Person he claims himself to be.

You have already gotten a message from Stephanie (and Noel) about this situation, but I would also like to give All of You my OWN version of it – ESPECIALLY as I have been asking many of You for Donations to the Ambassador for Mankind Foundation – but also to confirm the message from Stephanie (and Noel).

Stephanie has recently disclosed to me that Koos have – since almost 22 month – been very forceful and violent to her, and that he even has been beating Her up physically many times. Koos himself is totally DENYING this though – especially the PHYSICAL violence – and he claims that this is just a LIE, and that it actually is Stephanie and Noel, who have been beating HIM up. I must state here that I myself do NOT believe Koos in this case.

He has also to a great extent been forcing his OWN (very personal) viewpoints and ideas and demands upon Stephanie (and upon Noel and others). Koos himself calls this ”to restrain her from (giving in to) being mind-controlled, and to want to be ’dead’ ”.

I have MYSELF though – when I have been visiting them two times this summer (for about 5 weeks in all) – clearly observed Koos’ (compulsory) forcefulness and violence and his one-track mindedness. (I have NOT observed his direct physical violence though, but I find NO actual reason for disregarding the statement that it actually has occurred.) By the way, You could also Yourself catch some of Koos’ forcefulness and rudeness and unpleasant behavior in some of all the recorded Sessions that Koos and Stephanie have been doing (if You have happened to download these earlier). You could further catch some of it in some of Koos’ Posts and Letters.

Several observations indicate (point in the direction of) that Koos HIMSELF is a very SICK Person – a Psychopath** – and I did myself at Sunday, 24 September, write him a letter, where I did declare HIM a ’Suppressive Person’, and where I did deprive him of the Leadership and Authority of our Group. For the time being I MYSELF have taken over the Leadership and Authority of our Group, but NONE of this is (typically enough) in ANYWAY accepted – or even acknowledged or commented – by Koos himself (I did talk to him as late as Monday, 25 September).

Koos himself is further (typically) totally denying that there actually would be anything seriously wrong with himself. He DOES admit though (to ME personally) that he every now and then has a problem with his temper and with his way of treating others.

Further, I would like to confirm that (accordingly – due to Koos actual bad Condition and hidden Intentions) MANY of the (so called) ”findings” and ”correct data” about ’the True History of Mankind’ (and about other things), which were published at the Web-Site of the Ambassador for Mankind Foundation, TRULY probably are in ERROR – either GREATLY in error or PARTLY in error. This has to be (should be) thoroughly sorted out, of course.

It could be said, that Koos probably still IS a very intelligent Person, and that he HAS (confusingly and oddly enough) – despite his bad Condition – made some very bright (and probably correct) observations about Life and about ’Suppressive Persons’ and about Our Past and so on. The above factors make on the other hand (the effects of) his condition actually WORSE, as this makes it more easy for him to manipulate and to deceive people.

Anyway, I myself do not (actually) trust Koos anymore, and Stephanie is going back to USA, and Noel is moving out of the ’Trenite House’, so exactly HOW our Work is going to be continued is unclear at present. Our Group IS disbanded, and our co-operation IS broken, and nothing right now indicates that we ever will reunite with Koos.

Further, Koos himself is in a Mental Hospital for the time being, as Stephanie (and Noel) already has informed You about. Therefore I do either not know at present, what (actually) will happen to the Ambassador for Mankind Foundation itself and to the Web-Site (later on), as this basically is Koos’ Activity.

However, the Work IS still there to be done, and Stephanie and I myself have a firm intention and resolution to continue this Research, and to carry out this Activity and Purpose, in order to (hopefully) FULFIL the Goal stated by our Group. (What Noel will do, when he has been able to sort out his situation, is still not clear to me.)

I am anyway sincerely and greatly SORRY for this big mistake, and I can by now only leave it to You Yourselves to determine, if You would like to continue Your support to the Ambassador for Mankind Foundation and to Koos or NOT.

Anyone of You who actually is sincerely interested in our Purpose and Goal is very welcome to stay in touch with us, of course.

Yours Very Sincerely,

Erik Norman

*) Stephanie wants to get rid of the nickname ’Tulka’, as this just is a name that Koos gave Her, when She came to Germany.

**) As a (very good) reference work on Psychopaths please see the book:

’Without conscience: the disturbing world of the psychopaths among us’ by Dr. Robert D. Hare. Published by Pocket Books, a division of Simon & Schuster Inc. Copyright 1993 by Dr. Robert Hare. ISBN 91-44-49921-3.