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values down, but there are still positives

Building permit value fluctuations in 2023 not of huge concern

Dec 14, 2023 | 1:11 PM

Just staring at the numbers, one may think 2023 was a problem year for building permit values in Red Deer.

For instance, the total value of this year’s 967 permits — through November — is just over $86 million.

Through November 2022, there were 854 permits worth just shy of $150 million.

Take public service buildings in those same two time spans, and there was $8.4 million worth in 2023 compared to $52.6 million in 2022.

“There were some really large projects in 2022 such as the new St. Lorenzo Ruiz Middle School in north Red Deer, as well as the recovery community on the north end,” says Erin Stuart, Inspections and Licensing Manager, City of Red Deer.

“Other fairly large projects that contributed to higher total values in 2022 were the Central Alberta Child Advocacy Centre and significant renovations at the old Safeway downtown.”

Stuart is optimistic about 2024.

“I believe we will continue to see applications in residential, where there are currently shortages of available rental units. I anticipate applications for multi-family developments,” she says.

“I also don’t thing we’ve seen a true representation of where things are, because COVID occurred and we’re still coming out of that recovery. There are significant projects anticipated for the near future, the hospital expansion being one of them.”

So although value totals are down, an increase in permits is also positive.

There were 91 permits in November along, compared to 62 in November last year.

Notables included:

  • interior and exterior renovations at 110-2410 50 Avenue, valued at $1.7 million
  • tenant improvements at 140-2410 50 Avenue, valued at $796,000
  • interior office renovations at 4909 50 Street, valued at $593,700
  • interior renovations in new building at 110-4925 30 Street, valued at $500,000
  • construction of new detached single family dwelling with front attached garage, developed basement and covered rear deck at 197 Thompson Crescent, valued at $300,375

Again, comparing November 2023 to November 2022, there were 61 residential permits, up 22 from the year prior.

In every category (commercial, industrial, public service, residential), year-to-date, the number of permits is up.

The latest figures can be seen below.

(City of Red Deer)

A building permit occurs when any type of construction is done which triggers the Safety Codes Act. In the case of residential, this includes basement development, secondary suites, garages and decks, to name a few.

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