8 ways to use social media in church

Chris Brogan is helping people figure out how to apply social media tools in particular contexts. I offered to do the church application. Of course, because Chris has been helping me explore the possibilities for the past couple years, he has been mentoring this post.

I’ll start with a couple of principles which I try to remember.

Church buildings are tools. So are social media.

When people think about church, they think location. They go to a building. But the building is a convenience, a place to gather and stay warm and dry. Although we want buildings that are useful, if we get stuck on making them too cool, too amazing, too vast, we use up resources that could go elsewhere. Not just money, but time and attention and energy. When we think about social media, we often get captured by the coolness.

I do. As a result for example, I have a pownce account that I never check, which has left one person thinking I left the internet. When I am at my best, however, I am looking at social media as a set of tools to be used for a variety of specific purposes…and I will choose carefully based on what I want to accomplish.

Church is by definition about community and relationships. So are social media.

If you take what Jesus said about what we know as church with some seriousness, it is a set of vertical and horizontal relationships. It is about the people. And so it is with social media. How are we building relationships? How are we developing connections and using the connections to help people grow?

The curtain is pretty transparent

For some reason, people who are exploring social media for proselytizing seem to think that no one will know what they are trying to do. For example, if you are creating strategies for saving people and you publish those strategies online, the “lost people” who are the “target” of the “assimilation strategies” can read them. And will understand that the appearance of authenticity is just a strategy. Maybe of the borg.

I understand this struggle. It is the struggle of every brand that is trying to create a social media strategy. However, at some level, church isn’t a brand. My solution is to just live and talk and explore as if my Invisible Friend is real. Just like Big Bird did.

What I’ve done:

1. Share work trips with flickr and audio blogging. I was part of a team that went to Gulfport as part of Katrina reconstruction. While we were there, we put pictures on flickr, we audioblogged with hipcast, and just blogged. People back home were able to look and listen and read. Even people who didn’t know what the technology was could follow the links that we emailed around and also put on the church website.

2. Share corporate gatherings with ustream. A year ago we started turning on a video camera and streaming our services. These weren’t services produced for broadcast, with great camera work, stellar audio, and TV timeouts. Quite the opposite. The service existed and we let people at home watch it through an unobtrusive camera. For the first couple months, we just used the mic on the camera. We just took what was happening inside outside. And people watched. A guy whose wife couldn’t get out because of early Alzheimer’s disease. People who are living on the other side of the world. And one day, people who couldn’t safely travel because of the ice. (Though I haven’t tried it, I’m guessing that you could use blog.tv and chat back)

3. Share your heart with blogging. I’ve been writing here for a couple years. My friend Rick sometimes tells people what he will be preaching about to get ideas and suggestions. The key, however, is to wrestle.

4. Share community development with a corporate blog. During Lent this year I was part of creating a small group. 7 people wrote once a week each about a lent-related theme. They talked with each other. They talked with commenters. They ended up having as much interaction as a face-to-face small group might have during its first 6 weeks of meeting. They want to keep going.

5. Share your life with twitter. I can’t ever figure out how to describe twitter. Even calling it microblogging doesn’t help. So I just send people here. Especially when I am traveling. And then they discover that they can find out what I’m doing and where I am. And then they understand.

6. Share your heart with youtube. I’ve created a number of pieces of video to use in services and other places. Some are citizen journalism, showing what people connected to church are doing in the community. Some are thought pieces. (Bonus: that video used audio that was captured by on a digital voicemail service. People could call in, leave a message, and then I was able to edit it in.) Some are, well, odd. But all of them are quickly produced and connect to particular people. The secret is to remember that an apology or a birthday greeting with only one intended audience member can be absolutely huge in impact.

7. Share attention with a note. Yep. You can actually handwrite a note to someone. Of course, if you take a picture with your cameraphone, order a print through walgreens or snapfish or other photo sites, and then glue it to cardstock before you write the note, you can personalize a moment or an event in a way that merges multiple media for maximum impact.

8.  Be human. Are people at facebook? Friend them. Building networks at Linkedin? Connect. Writing a book on conversation? Sign up. Raising money to fight cancer? Join in.

Chris has had a ton of other ideas I haven’t done. One of the best? Have kids interview old people on camera and produce videos together.

Oh, one other thing. I know people that I didn’t know a year ago because of all of these things above. I have cried and laughed with, prayed for, talked to, understood, taught, been taught by these people. There are real people behind these words and screens and cameras. Out here, outside the church building.

27 responses to “8 ways to use social media in church

  1. Hi
    I’ve been interested in churchIT for some time and I’ve been reading ChurchTechMatters.com

    I wanted to tell you how I found you:
    1. Found Scoble blog (that is not difficult 😉 )
    2. Added him on Facebook.
    3. Scoble shared some short movie by Chris Brogan.
    4. Started reading Chris blog.
    5. Once Chris mentioned You.
    6. Since then I’m reading and re-sharing your posts with pleasure 🙂

    Greatings from Poland

  2. and that is exactly how it works!

    Thanks for saying hi here…and on twitter.

  3. And here’s funny. When I first started twittering (learned about it through Jon) Youlay was one of the first people I followed (brought to my attention by Chris Brogan). Jon and I are face to face friends and now we’ve come full circle.

  4. Good thing the curtain’s not the same material as that of the Tabernacle. 😉 Can’t wait to share this with my Pastor aka Dad. Great stuff.

  5. I just try to connect all the people who should already know and ultimately love each other. I still have so much more work to do on this. : )

  6. Excellent post! Your headlines are unique, an creative. Looking forward to reading more!

    Social Media can be extremely valuable for connecting people to Jesus and one another.

  7. Wonderful stuff. I’m a believer so I love that technology is helping with the Word! I’ve been reading the http://church20.blogspot.com which does a great job reviewing social media tools for churches.
    Check them out.
    I’ve been waiting for the new social network for Christians called Life in the fishbowl but it seems stalled. Here’s a good review of what it was supposed to be: http://www.techcrunch.com/2007/12/08/lifeinthefishbowl-is-going-to-be-one-awesome-dating-site/

    Good stuff. Keep up the great work!


  8. Anna – i love the circle. you are right.

    Chris – see? more connections. Thanks, friend.

    Kim – 🙂

    Aaron – you do a great job with your videos, explaining well. Thanks for stopping by.

    Pai – good to see you again. Thanks for the links. I’ll follow up.

  9. I have nothing brilliant or particularly insightful to say, just that I liked reading this post and hearing your voice. You have been on my mind and the first thing I saw when I logged onto Twitter was Becky McCray retweeting this link. Angels are everywhere.

  10. Perfect timing!

    We’ve been discussing this very topic over at the emerging leaders network, and your post inserts some practical hints into the midst of our all-too-theoretical discussion.

  11. I love what you said about church buildings being tools – it’s so true. I run lights and sound for a church in my town – they don’t have a permanent home yet, so they use the theater in our local performing arts center for their services. It’s pretty amazing to watch every Sunday morning as an empty theater is transformed into a church, just by the nature of the people gathering inside it and what they’re coming together to do.

    I’ve often thought that theater buildings felt very much like church buildings, and maybe this is why – until you do something with them, they’re really just an empty space – but they have the potential to hold something amazing…

  12. Cathleen – but the point of the post is the conversation. And so, hi!

    Thomas . thanks for the link. I’ll come over more often.

    Sarah, what a wonderful picture. *by the nature of the people gathering inside it*. Yep.

  13. Pingback: PR and Marketing News and Ideas - April 1, 2008

  14. Pingback: Best of Church Social Media and Ministry 2.0 Resources « Creative Fusion SEO:Ethical Search Engine Optimization Consulting and Training Services

  15. GREAT post! I have been thinking a lot about ways in which the church can utilize social media.

  16. GREAT post! I have been thinking a lot about ways in which the church can utilize social media so this just adds to it. Thanks!

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  21. Great post! Its interesting to see just how people in the church feel about technology and social media and how it can help the Kingdom. If you have time, check out our survey http://bit.ly/sh5rq

  22. Pingback: The Percolator » 6 Ways for Churches to use Social Media

  23. Pingback: Are Churches and Other Houses of Worship Taking Full Advantage of Social Media? – The Buzz Bin

  24. Pingback: The Mars Hill of the 21st Century: Leveraging Social Media | eFlections on Doing Life

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  27. Excellent list of ways to share. If you find ways to tie the various methods together it goes even further. Hook the blogging up with the videos and flickr and you have a great network to share across. I also think a Facebook Fanpage is important so the church members can interact virtually. This effectively allows those on Facebook to share without even really trying.