Kirilenko's Wife Lets Him Sleep With Other Women; Other Women Say, "Uh, Thanks, But No Thanks"

Meet the anti-Mrs. Doug Christie, ladies and gentlemen.

In an interview with ESPN Magazine, Utah Jazz forward Andrei Kirilenko's wife, former Russian "pop star" Masha Lopatova, says that she allots her husband one free groupie a year. Yep. To quote:

"What's forbidden is always desirable. And athletes, particularly men, are susceptible to all the things they are offered," Lopatova said. "It's the same way raising children - If I tell my child, 'No pizza, no pizza, no pizza,' what does he want more than anything? Pizza."

Thus, since there's so much pizza available on the road in the NBA, she says as long as she knows about it, it's OK. Kirilenko, for his part, knew nothing about the arrangement. "I'm not planning to do anything," he said, before rushing out the door, removing his belt and yelling, "OK, Mormons ... come get some!"


Wife Gives Kirilenko Woman 'Allowance' [Salt Lake Tribune]