I’m pathetic. I abandoned this blog to make another one. Well, actually this blog was more for insulting fuckers and people I hate, but what the hell.

My NEW blog: http://emo-rocker.blogspot.com

If you ever have time, tag me. Say hi and stuff, add your blog URL, I’ll link you. More shit, have fun shitting around, laughing at my pathetic life and girly rants. Whatever. Have fun.

Blank Stares.

May 11, 2007

Sometimes I really wonder am I alive. Or dead. Or walking around dead but really thinking I’m alive. I’ve found a new meaning to life: It is a goddamn waste of time.  Read the rest of this entry »

Three Cheers.

March 20, 2007

Three cheers and three cheers and three cheers for depression and death now!

Hip, hip, hooray! Hip, hip hooray! Hip, hip hooray!

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“I’m going to paint a picture
A picture with a twist
I’ll paint it with a razorblade
I’ll paint it on my wrist.
And if I paint my picture right
A fountain will appear,
And through this little fountain
Watch me disappear.”

I love this poem. I really do. First time my brother told me a different version of it, I loved it, much to his disgust. I guess everyone he told this poem to felt it was a stupid, Emo poem. Stupid people who dress stupid and do stupid things like take their life.

I guess I really am stupid. No wonder I feel so hated by everyone.

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Splat, Splash and Crack.

February 24, 2007

Splat: Crazy whipped cream fight.

Splash: Crazy water bomb fight.

Crack: I think I broke my right-hand pinky… Ow!

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