Thursday, April 13, 2006

A Death In The Family

of all the fuckeng thengs that hav happens to me what happens to me last nite has got to be the crazeist of all……first of all i get al thees fuckeng phon calls from som womans that is obveusley drunk and her is demand to speek to somone i hav nevre herd tel of and this happens four times and then amanda calls me and tels me muhammed i wants to come home and i tels to her you are jokeng rite/….aftre all this bulshits you says to me and you thenk you can just come home just like that and all is forgives you and it is all i just forget abot it/…..and her saed no i do not thenk that and i do not meen i come bak for good i just want to see you and talk to you…….i am sorree she saeng for evreytheng i saed to you and i just want to talk to you…..and i saed okay but you hav to wate until i come home from work today….then i asked her if her kno who this drunk woman is that call and asked for somone name of brandey and her is a drunk bitch that you evre do heer and her saed no i do not hav no idea probabal just rong numbre….and i saed okay then whatevre if you want to com for littel whil then you com when i get off of work…….but no you stay heer long just come and saes you peese and be do with it……

then her tels me wel i need to com by the hous and get my thengs that i leve ther that i do not hav time to get when i am ther befor can you leve the door unloks for me/…..then i saed no i wil not leve door unloked but i wil leve the key with the apartment manger and him can let you in but you had bestre be carful abot thor do not you let him out and if him aks like him do not wants you in ther then you do not come in ther becos i wil not be responsabul for what mite happen and i am go to tel my apartment manger this same theng….and her saed okay then good bye and i saed okay then goodbye and then i saed to myselv that is al the bitch her want to do aneyways is come and get her thengs not to talk to me so fuk her i do not want to talk to her aneyways……

so aftre i talk to manger and leve him my keys i go on to work and acshual hav a nise and plesant day for first time in a long time…..i make my delivereys to all the stores and then go to my uncel massoud store and find out then that uncel massoud hav be go away for awhil….mara is acshaul plesant for onse in a long time it is verey rare to see this bitch in aney theng like a good mood but her was acshualey almost frendley…….her saed massoud need to go away for the skae of his nervs and her seem understandeng abot this aftre all him has fond out that the man him loves and thenks loves him has betray him and then on top of that him is find him ded bodee aftre it be ded for no telleng how long and be eat by maggots and rats…….

so her talks and her saes that it is now time for all of us to put the past behind us we shold all be a familey agan and deel with each othre with lov and respecks each othre…..i cannot beleve i am heer this shit from her but her seems sereos and i am hav a hard time keep from feel giltey conshense abot how i plan to put a date rape drug in her drenk but i kno i hav to do this becos with mara you nevre can tel one day her is like this but the minit somtheng do not go to suit her then is diferant storey….

but i deside now is the time while massoud is away and is in a good mood and i gets so excited i almost start to cry teers of joy and am also upset can baerley contaen my emoshons and i tel her the onley reson i hav evre blamael masoud to begin with is becos when i first com heer and try to make a liveng work for him was bad to me and takes advantage of me and paed me verey little and make me to live in upstaers room baerley big enof to turn around in and make me do drugerey work for next to notheng and wil not even let me go out of the hous on my own so i desides to get even with him…..

then her is looks sad and almost starts to cry herselv and saed yes i kno all htis massoud i do not blame you but everetheng wil be diferant now i promis you we will be a reel famley you and me and massoud and omar and al our relativs…. and i am saed let us hav suppre tonite then to mark this occashon i told her if you want i wil breng som good herbal tea the kind i kno that you and massoud like with anis seed and cardomon…..

i can not beleve how is my luk becos just the nite befor i make this speshal blend of magic tea that i lerned from my mothres old book of witches spels that her leve to me….of corse it do not cals for a sertan othre little ingredient known as the date rape drug but what the hel that wil make it all the more bestres…..and her is happey and smileng and her agreed to this so finaley i go home and i am see as i go up the door to my surpris that the door is wide open……

and then i remembre oh my god amanda i forget all abot her supose to com heer but her shold hav be gon from heer by twelv oclok today and it is almost ten oclok at nite oh my god ther is no way her shold be heer unles her is find my magic tea and if her has i bet her has drenks it all becos her lovs it and if her do then i kno that her is ded……and shur enof as i go up the steps and i am dreds what i wil see all of a sudden heer comes thor up the steps jumps on me whineng like him kno is sometheng rong and i kno that amanda wold not let him out unles her hav loss conshesness……so i saed okay thor now be a good dog and do not worree boy daddey is home now lets go bak in the hous….and i go in and i see ther on the couch not amanda but fucker spoeled brat nephew omar…..and him is crieng…..what are you do heer i ask him and why do you let thor out of the hous/………

he just got out i am sorree him saed…..amanda was heer when i come and her has let me in…….then her go to to work her saed aftre her cals a cab to pik her up and her piks up some of her thengs her tels me to tel you……but i can tel ther is somtheeng rong with him somtheeng is not rite but i cannot tel what it is so i say to him you do not drenk aney of my tea do you and him saed no but amanda do i wold not drenk you tea without you permits me…..yes i tels him you just come in my hous without my permits you and you lets my dog out of the hous to roam around the nayborhood but you wil not drenk my tea that is verey thogtful of you mothrfukre……

i notis that him is just staers at the televishon and do not anser me and him just sits ther and watches the news and i saed is this what you com heer for to sit like a zombee in front of the fukre televishon set and watch the news and him saed i am just want to heer the news from iraq and what goes on in war on terror and i am saed to myselv now i kno ther is somtheng rong with him him has nevre be like this conserned abot news befor all him is evre thenks abot is him own selv so i kno somtheng is definitley rong heer……so i saed why is somtheeng bad happens and suddens him starts to wipe away teers from him eyes….so i saed to him how long have you be heer aneyways and him saed sinse four o clok today and then i saed to myselv why the hel wold he com heer at that time and knos i wil not be heer until aftre ten o clok and stays all this time…i saed okay omar somtheng is not rite heer somtheng is definitley rong and i want to kno what it is and i want to kno what is is rite this fuckeng minit……

look in the bedroom him saes….i am in trobel muhammed you must plese help me….so i start to go in the bedroom and him saed not in you bedroom in the othre one and i go in ther and i see her that it is little ruthie layeng ther on the bed al spred out and baerley brethes and i suddens run up to her and cheks to make shur her is brethes and thogh her is her is baerley brethes so i go bak out and saed to him what in the fuk is this shit what is that little bitch infidel gril do heer her look like her is ded and him saed i do not kno what is rong with her her just starts acks crazee and i saed why do you breng her heer aneyways and him givs me the ushual bulshit storey abot how her has no one to look aftre her and her wants to hang around him so him lets her and then i askes him do her drenk aney of the tea and him saed yes two big glasses ful of it and i saed wel okay then that settels it her is go to die a little gril like that drenks this much of that stuff…….all becos you want to fuk her now this happens and i am stiks rite in the middel of it……

and him saed is ther notheng we can do to help her and i saed no ther is not i cannot take the chanse of takes her to the hospitle…..we cold say that we fond her out on the street in this condishon that she run off and we are worreed abot her and looks for her and finds her like this but then if her livs she wil probabal saes what reel happens and if her dies aneyway then her wil cos them to look around and be may fgur out what happens……. and i am not goeng to thro this tea away aftre all the plans i made to use it just becos of you fuk up…..

what do we do then and i saed you hav be wants to fuk her all this time so go in ther and fuk her that be may the onley theng that wil sav her life it wil be the onley theng that wil make her hart beat strongre and mite save her….. and him saed are you sereos/…… and i saed that is the onley theng that can save her and besides then you wil be her hero and her wil be forevre in you debt and wil be in lov with you forevre aneyway becos you wil be the firstes man to get a pease of that littel pussies….so just go in ther and give her a good fuk i kno you want to…..look at it this way even if it do not work and her dies aneyway you are stil her man from now on and her wil be wates for you in the hevens… wil sav her sole by makes her belong to you now whil her is stil alive….plus like i saed more than likeley it wil save her life but you have to stop wast you time the longre you wates the less likeley it is to work….so him saed okay……

i kno that this is bushit and is a big lie but it is the onley theng i can thenk of to make shur that my ass is covres good……i go to get my camera while him is in ther and i heer him talks to her and tels her him is sorree….then i start to thenk god dam be may what this theng i told him to do mite work and be may mite reeley save her life…..i do not kno whether this wold be good or not to tel you the truth but a part of me is hopes it wil work and i am even prays to grate lord god allah that it wil work….but just in case i find my cell phon that havs a camra and i mak shur it works and i go in ther and ther he is takes off her pants and ther is takes off her pantees and then ther is thatl ittel pussies and just a little bit of haer starts to gro ther but her is obvousley a virgin thogh be may her hav fingre fuks herselv a few times probabal thinkeng of omar whil her do it and i am thenks oh shit the more i thenks abot it the mor this just mite work and i tel him hurree up omar and fuks her…..

so him takes off him pants and him underwer and gets on top of ruthie this little twlve yeer old gril and starts to fuk her and spreds her legs but him is havs a hard time put it in her becos him is prettee big dik and her is a little smal gril even for her age and has nevre be fuked befor and omar saed muhammed i do not kno what to do and i saed to him what do you want me to do mothrefukfre push it in for you just keep try….be may if you fingre her a few times first and so he does that aftre feels for awhile and him saes muhammed are you shur it wil work her is not even wet down ther and i saed wel suk on it and him does him gets down ther and liks and suks around and i am take picshurs like nevre befor….

then him starts to fingers her and her starts to grone and him tels her i lov you ruthie it wil be me and you from now on not sherey me and her are thru i lov you and alwaes hav…but her do not saed notheng just keeps grones so finaley him gets on her and aftre a few more minits of him crys he fuked her and she start make blood to com all ovre the plase…..and i am thenkeng dam now i an go to hav to thro this away and wil hav to be reel carful how i go abot it… the meentim thor is whines and crys and i take him and loks him in my bedroom and i checks the door to make shur it is loked and by the time i go bak to wher is omar and ruthie omar is crys and hav hands in his fase and him sits ther with no clos on man do him evre look stupid as all shit…….

i checks ruthie out and it do not work…..her is ded gril…….so i covres her up and tels omar go cleen you selv up and then put on you close we hav som work to do tomoro….we hav to find a plase to burey this ded gril body….som plase nise wher she wil be at pease aftre all she is you wife now in spirit and her is wates for you in the hevens…..and him saes wil you do this for me muhammed and i saed yes i wil do it for you and i wil do it for her aftre all her is familey now……..

when i wake up this morneng i am thenk that this was a dreem and all of a sudden i remembre and anothre theng i remembre is somtheng i forget last nite which is the date i had with mara for our peasemakeng suppre……so i cals her to apologise and of corse her is mad at me for not coms and for forgets to cal her and then her saes nevre mind com to work today… are fierd…..

so now ther you hav it……i hav a ded twelv yeer old gril in my aparmtent and i hav loose my job…….you cannot hav much of a worstre day than that….but at least i hav the picshurs……