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Do you know what kind of weapons causes this damage?

This is what we were able to find out today locally : The main points from our reports today are : 1- what Zeinab was able to find out about electromagnetic arms: please check http://uk.oneworld.net/article/view/136518/1/5795 2- the director of Nabatiyeh National Hospital in the south , dr Hassan Wazni , talks about "vacuum bombs, it vacuums the air out of the body and stops the breathing and thus the heart stops operating. He also speaks about one death case , that of Sadek Hamed (12) whose caused is still unknown (medically) . 3- A spokesman for the army , said on record that the Israelis are using "bombs with special fillings" that could include internationally forbidden material. 4- The director of Marjeyoun national hospital (south) dr Mo'ness Kalakesh speaks about abnormal cases they treated: weird burns that make the skin glued and almost impossible to treat....
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Do you know what kind of weapons causes this damage?

As-Safir Newspaper


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July 21st, 2006

This is what we were able to find out today locally : The main points from our reports today are :
1- what Zeinab was able to find out about electromagnetic arms: please check http://uk.oneworld.net/article/view/136518/1/5795

2- the director of Nabatiyeh National Hospital in the south , dr Hassan Wazni , talks about "vacuum bombs, it vacuums the air out of the body and stops the breathing and thus the heart stops operating. He also speaks about one death case , that of Sadek Hamed (12) whose caused is still unknown (medically) .

3- A spokesman for the army , said on record that the Israelis are using "bombs with special fillings" that could include internationally forbidden material.

4- The director of Marjeyoun national hospital (south) dr Mo'ness Kalakesh speaks about abnormal cases they treated: weird burns that make the skin glued and almost impossible to treat. These are people whose either arms or legs were hurt.

5- The doctors in the hospitals in the south all say the same thing : doing test on the remains is a luxury they can not afford at this time. They lack of doctors and equipment and time .. casualties arrive the around the clock and the priority is to try and save the injured and not to test the dead. However, an American University hospital expert , the head of Environment and Public Health and Danger management departement Azmi Imad , told us that not only the remains of the corps should be tested , but also the scene where the bombings happened too. This is of course impossible for more than one reason : all the "scenes" are unreachable due to the bombings ( some of the victims of the rmayleh bridge bombings are still under the remains of their cars) + no one can afford to leave the ER to go test scenes on the ground.

6- Today they had to burn corpses due to lack of space in the morgues , so maybe we're loosing proves.

7- Several hospitals in the south speak about similar cases : burnt not burnt corpses , swallowed, no bleeding , the unbearable semll.

8- None of the doctors would go to the extend of confirming naything : they admit they don't know. Only one doctor in Tyre , director of Najm hospital , says he saw similar cases in previous Israeli aggressions.

9- This is it . Tomorrow , a WHO representative is supposed to be handed remains of corpses and tests results, but I'm not very optimistic about any of this;on one hand , the local heath authorities seem more concerned about their political agendas and pay offs and are not giving the issue the time and effort it deserves. On the other hand, I have an innate mistrust and skepticism towards anything that involves the UN.



July 19, 2006

The attached pictures are hideously gruesome, but you have to look at them . Help me find out what kind of weapons cause this kind of dismemberment and mutation.
What kind of weapons cause this kind of damage? Do you know? Could you find out?
None of this is confirmed, or could be here and now. However, there are growing doubts that Israel might be using internationally forbidden weapons in its current aggression against Lebanon. News from "Southern Medical Center", a hospital in Saida( in South Lebanon) are not good. Dr. Bashir Sham, member of "French Association of Cardiovascular Surgeons", explains that the way the corps look when they reach the hospital, especially those of the air strikes in Doueir and Rmayleih, is very abnormal." One might think they were burnt , but their colour is dark , they're inflated, and they have a terrible smell" All this , and the hair is not burnt nor do the bodies bleed.
Eight of the victims of an air strike on Rmayleih bridge, near Saida, on the 15th of July, were transferred to Sham's hospital.
Sham says that only chemical poisonous substances "lead to instant death without bleeding".
And what indicates the power of these substances, is the high and unusual of number of dead victimes, compared to the number of injuries.
Sham thinks that whatever "abnormal " substance causing these features might penetrate through the skin, or another explanation would be that the missiles contained toxic gas that stopped the proper functioning of the nervous system, and led to blood clotting.
These toxic materials cause immediate death, within two to thirty minutes, according to Sham, who admits that these doubts can't be proven, not even by an autopsy.
The director of the same medical center, Ali Mansour, says that due to the strong smell of the corps, he couldn't breath properly for at least 12 hours after the corps were handled.
He explains that the center received eight bodies from Rmeileh last Monday, and none of them was bleeding.
Mansour tells us the hospital wrote to both the commissioner of the European Union for Foreign Affaires Javier Solana, and the United Nations Secretary general Kofi Anan. He said that dr Sham will communicate his doubts to the Doctors Order in Lebanon.



A body killed by a burning object lies in a Beirut suburb July 17- Reuters

A Lebanese firefighter extinguishes the charred body of a Lebanese truck driver who was killed when Israeli planes attacked the port in Beirut July 17 - AP

A member of the Lebanese Red Cross walks past a badly burnt body in Beirut's port, which was targeted by Israeli warplanes, July 17 - Reuters

A member of the Lebanese Red Cross walks past a badly burnt body in Beirut's port, which was targeted by Israeli warplanes

A member of the Lebanese Red Cross walks past a badly burnt body in Beirut's port, which was targeted by Israeli warplanes-2.

Lebanese firefighters try to extinguish the fire while the dismembered and burnt corpses of two Lebanese civilians killed in an Israeli air raid lie on the ground at the port in Beirut

Lebanese men remove a recovered body of a man from the back of a vehicle in Beirut July 17- Reuters.jpg

Lebanese Red Cross members remove the dismembered and burnt corpses of two Lebanese civilians killed in an Israeli air raid at the port in Beirut 17 July

Lebanese Red Cross members remove the dismembered and burnt corpses of two Lebanese civilians killed in an Israeli air raid at the port in Beirut.

look at his right eye - Lebanese citizens gather around a man who was killed by shrapnel from an explosion in Kfarshima, near Beirut, Lebanon, Monday, July 17 -AP

look at the foot - beirut prot july 17 - Reuters


A Lebanese medic carries the body of a young girl, in a refrigerated truck used as a makeshift morgue, in the port city of Sidon, Lebanon, Monday, July 17 - AP

A Medic inspects burned bodies of Lebanese civilians who were attacked as they passed by a bridge that was targeted in north Saida, southern Lebanon, July 17 - Reuters


A badly injured Lebanese civilian is seen at a hospital following Israeli air strikes on a house in the southern city of Tyre, 17 July - AFP

A Lebanese rescue worker gathers the remains of a woman from the rubble of residential buildings hit by the Israeli bombardement in the southern Lebanese city of Tyre, 18 July - AFP

An 18-month-old Lebanese child lies dead 17 July on a hospital bed in Saida eight hours after being injured yesterday in an Israeli air attack in Tyre - AFP

Lebanese man that was injured and burned by Israeli attacks on Tyre, lies in a hospital in south Lebanon July 15 - Reuters

The corpse of a dead man lies admist the rubble from devastating Israeli air strikes in Tyre, south Lebanon, 16 July - AFP

The corpse of a Lebanese civilian lies amidst the rubble following a devastating Israeli air strike in Tyre, south Lebanon, 16 July a


A civil defense member transports the corpse of a Lebanese civilian killed in an Israeli air raid that targeted the Rmeyleh bridge near Saida 17 July afp.

A Lebanese medic carries the body of a young girl, in a refrigerated truck used as a makeshift morgue, as another body lies covered, in the port city of Sidon, Lebanon, Monday, July 17

Civil defence rescuers carry the body of a woman away from a civilian car that was struck by an Israeli warplane missile- rmayleih juy 17 - AP

Drivers carry away Lebanese Ali Wahid after he was seriously wounded in his car, while he was driving past a bridge when was struck by an Israeli warplane missile- rmayleh july 17 ap.

Lebanese Red Cross members cover the burnt corpse of a Lebanese civilian killed in an Israeli air raid that targeted the Rmeyleh bridge in Saida 17 July AFP.

look at his face - A 7-year-old Lebanese boy fights for his life on a hospital bed in Saida 17 July 2006 after being injured in an Israeli air raid - AFP


A badly charred and mutilated body lies on the ground after an Israeli missile hit a van carrying passengers on a road in southern Lebanon, July 15, - Reuters

A body of a man from the southern village of Marwahin, who was killed along with 17 others near the village of Shamaa

A United Nations medic holds a body that was badly charred and destroyed after an Israeli missile hit a van carrying passengers on a road in southern Lebanon, July 15 - Reuters.


Lebanese civil defence member carries the corpse of a young girl from the southern village of Marwahin

MARWA Marwa Abdallah, who survived Saturday's attack on a van in Tyre where twenty people where killed IN HOSPITAL JULY 16 - REUTERS.




A Lebanese Red Cross staff collects human remains following an Israeli air raid on Zebdine village (south )JULY 16 AFP

Teir Harfa








look at the eye- Issam Mostafa, a 3-year-old Lebanese boy, rests at a hospital in Shtora in the Bekaa valley 17 July afp.

:: Article nr. 24936 sent on 23-jul-2006 02:24 ECT


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