Friday, August 13, 2010

peaches, peaches for me

i'm trying to get more rash guards.
song in mind whilst browsing thru the roxy site is peaches of the presidents of the united states of america.

i'm going to go swimming nightly now that i've became a haciendera officially. a rash guard would be more helpful when practicing rather than an itsy bitsy bikini top. and a hell lot decent/less vulgar! (: my exhibitionist self should be kept at bay.


vanessa east said...

haciendera, will get you a rashguard if the ukay gods will be a wee bit nicer.
miss ya!

Raenbow Bright said...

waaaaaaaaaaaaah. naa ukay na rash guard! wala kaila mga taw ana, so naa jud na! yey!

self decadence