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Last Updated: Wednesday, 7 July, 2004, 11:31 GMT 12:31 UK
Malaysian competition texters cry foul
By Jonathan Kent
BBC, Kuala Lumpur

A Malaysian couple who sent almost 30,000 mobile phone text messages to try to win a car in a competition have gone to a tribunal to seek a refund after failing to win the top prize.

Text messaging
The competition's organisers were inundated with text messages
Wong Jee Wai and her boyfriend, Siew Kam Hong, spent more than $5,000 on their entries and complained when they only won third prize, a motorcycle worth less than a third of what they had spent.

The competition was pitched to appeal to Malaysians' love of sending text messages.

It dangled as a grand prize a large four-wheel drive car which, because imported vehicles attract up to 300% duty here, would sell for around $45,000.

It all proved too much for Wong Jee Wai and her boyfriend who spent the equivalent of a year's wages sending 29,505 text message entries.

They thought the top prize would go to whoever sent in the most.

Small print

But the panel of judges from the Berita Minggu newspaper said they awarded the prize by comparing slogans submitted by the 50 most prolific entrants.

In the end, the car went to someone who had sent in a mere 1,042 text messages.

The tribunal rejected Miss Wong's claim and told her to read the small print more carefully next time.

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China to censor text messages
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