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A Company from UWO

    Garuda/Armada Friendly mock battle


    Posts : 249
    Join date : 2010-09-01
    Age : 44

    Garuda/Armada Friendly mock battle Empty Garuda/Armada Friendly mock battle

    Post  Dary Fri Nov 05, 2010 12:22 pm

    Hi to all.

    I am Dary from Armada. Roxy and I are setting up a friendly mock battle infront of Seville.

    I am telling anyone of our members to join this mock since it's friendly one. We can sort out the balance to have more funs.

    Just a rule to avoid us from being too serious on this and lose money.
    1. ships with 4 slots of cannons MUST be half HPed (or close to it) of its max HP.
    2. do not use plunder book. (it prolly won't work in mock tho)

    The schedule is now being discussed in game. it will be either.
    1. Saturday 3AM (GMT0)
    2. Sunday 4PM (GMT0)

    Hope we can have a fun time there together and get some good experiences on PvP fights.


    Edit: a lot of ppl ask me if they should change to maritime class. The answer is no. B/c we do not have maritime skills over R10 so it doesn't really matter much what class you are on to join this mock.

      Current date/time is Wed Jun 05, 2024 8:13 pm