ElevateDB 2.03 Build 22 will be released in the next couple of days, and will include some necessary bug fixes. It will not, however, include Delphi XE support.
Tim, What is the status of the update please? I think you said you were on documentation. My F5 key is getting worn out refreshing the downloads page, ...
Sep 18, 2024 · All I have since Elevate launched the EWB 2 preorder a few weeks ago been developing a new function of my project.
Mar 17, 2011 · Since we're in the database engine software business, I'm always interested in what type of software is used in various local businesses ...
Aug 23, 2024 · Time columns in my understanding are not UTC related, however my time columns still seams to change based the users timezone settings. I have ...
So, once I finish up the new EWB 3 interpreter, I will be then be completing work on the rest of the runtime library and components for server-side applications ...
Jul 17, 2024 · Our development priorities are what they are, and we're not going to stop mid-stream and change them to start working on something that wasn't ...
Feedback from my initial testers on a web shop I'm working on have commented that their browser based password managers don't work.
I looked at the PHP dataset provider, but again, a decent learning curve with php. We were going to go with ASP.NET but in the final evals, the speed of front ...
The key is that the product itself is good and stable, and just needs that documentation. And that's what Tim is working on. /Matthew Jones/. Mon, Jul 23 ...