Sunday, May 14, 2006

Thor Meets His New Soul Mate

well i finaley make it home and there is thor everytime i come in aneymore he look all around like he is hopeng i will be bringeng sombodey else in with me but when he do not see aneybodye he get all depress and lay down with is chin on his paws and giveng me a sad and mornful look………you will get you some pusseys soon boy i promis you just give it some time…….probabley not tonite thogh i am theenkeng because i am a hour late getteng home form all the bulshit time i wast with fuckeng linda and brandy so now sherey have probabley come and go… i call her hous thogh i thenk she probabley will not come now but noboedy ansers the phone aneyways……..but as luck will have it knok knok knok comes to my door and i open it up and there is sherey…..she saed she have be wateng for me down the street and see me comeng in……mother told me i can see you she saed and i saed yes i know i have a present for you for mothers day and she saed i am not a mommey yet but i smiled and saed oh but you will be some day…….she hugs me and saed what is the present and i saed heer is you a cell phone all you own i buy it for you erleur and she saed oh thank you babey..then she trys to make small talk and saed have you herd from omar and i saed no and hopefulley i never will and then i asked her how is your mother…she saed oh she is high agan i knew her beeng off drugs wold not last long and she get bak on them even faster than she usualey do……

then i sad lissen sherey there is a proelm….you shuld not have lied about your age to me you know i saed… teld me you are seventeen and com to find out you are onley fifteen…that meens we have to wate three whol yeers before i can make love to you the way i want to………i dont caer to wate she saed you are worth wateng for…… i fix her a drenk and i saed oh we can still do thengs just ot go all the way i saed… i spike her drenk of corse and she is drenkeng it and is getteng hot and drunk and i am telleng her you play with thor now whiel i go and take a shower and she saed shur…so i go and take a shower and then i get out and there she is and thor is getteng hot and horney and she is sayeng i thenk you dog like me and she say it like it is a joke and i saed i do not blame him and start maken out with her and i feel al over her and pressenmy hard dick all over her and then i start suckeng on her and she saed pleese fuk me babey i wont tell but i am thenken bulshti she is fucked up al rite she wuld never dare try to take this big cock of mine if she were strate as i can tell this girl is a virgin……which meen of corse she is perfect for my needs….so i start to fake cry and saed i can not do this it is not rite but i want you have you needs satisfide but still i will not shaer you with anotehr man i simpley refuse to do that….so she is getteng frustratd and saed well what is there to do then……so i just spat it out…….

i want you to let thor fuck you…what she saed….that is the perfect solushon i explane to her…that way i will not get in trobel fo rfuckeng you and my conshus will be cleer of this evil….at the same time you can be satisfide without me haveng to shaer youwith another man….and she saed oooohhh…that is nastey…this is what you nat all the time rite……and i saed no not all the time but i have be thenkeng it sinse i find out you true age……. it is perfect solushon….also i will watch you and it will make me love you that much more…who culd not love a girl that will give his dogs pusseys i saed……..what bester love can thaer be from a woman to her man than this…….she ask me fo ranothr drenk and so i give it to her and give her a dubel dose of this reeley good shit that will make a woman reel horney but not pass her out…….is reeley good shit to put in whiskey and mixes drenk or rum which is what i have giveng her by the way with coke……so she finaley saed okay if that is what you wont and she laed down and heer come thro panteng like a maniac……..

so he fucked her good thogh it was hard for him because she is a virgin and i do not thenk fo rawhiel he was goeng to get it in but finaley he do and i can tell sherey is reeley loveng this shit she is scremeng and shouten cuss words and moaneng and even one time she saed oh i love you reel loud which make me lauf…thor of corse he is panteng and whineng and then reel soon h is throgh but he is stuck in her pussey and i have to pull him out….but he have scraped her with his claws and brengs blood and i saed god dam thor what the hell is wrong wth you boy…….but is not his fault reeley poor theng he just get stuck in her because her pussey is so tite……

so he look back and thaer is sherey pulleng on her cloths and sayeng i can not beleve i do that……she saed you still want me to suck you dick and i saed yes but it toolate now i promis youmother i wuld not keep you out too late so heer is you some money go call you a cab and i will call you in a few days and she saed you promis….i saed yes so she get dress and kisses me and leves… make me sick to kiss this bitch whor now but i have to put on aperanses so i go along with it…i wuld have kind of like fo rher to suck my dick but i was rit about te time and besides thor wil want his dck to be sucked too if he see this and i do not want to push my luck…..

so she call the cab on her new cell phon and i saed tell them to meet you downthe street you shuld not be see heer this late espeshaley by cab pepels and others aorund she saed okay then…i just want to get herotof heer in case areanesa come by i do ot want her to see her heer… she gos on….

then i look at thor and i tell him well now i hope you are happey you finaley get you some pussey….he just look at me and i swer he look like he smileng as he wag his tong then sudenley he is paweng at the door….and then i realised god dam all this time i forget you have not be to the bathroom in hours i gess that what he was lookeng at the door for after i first come in….stil yet when time for pusseys he forget all about pisseng….i have me a reel sex addict dog on my hands bu ti dont caer it is fun to watch him fuckeng a woman….the onely problem is i am starteng to thenk that be may reeley all he is good for….but fuck it is sometheng aneyways……

by the time i take him outside he is straneng on him leesh and when we get to the park he pisseng and then shitteng so i have to cleen it up……..oh well i thenk when you have a dog that is just some of the shit you have to put up with.