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Heelys' newest wheels

 –  Managing Editor


Just when you thought Heelys were passé, the Carrollton-based company comes out with a new product — the Heelys Hx2, a slightly less-scary version of the original. The Hx2 has two removable wheels in each shoe, making it easier for younger wearers to maintain balance.

As they get the hang of skating, and trips to the ER subside, kiddos can convert the Hx2 from a footy into a Heely simply by removing one of the wheels. Pop out both wheels and the Hx2 becomes a regular street shoe.

You can buy the contraptions starting in mid-July, according to the company, at Zappos and other retailers. The suggested retail price is $54.99.

And coming this fall ... Hx2 in adult sizes! Be still my uncoordinated heart.