Gyms rocked by tribunal ruling on music fees

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This was published 14 years ago

Gyms rocked by tribunal ruling on music fees

By Bellinda Kontominas

Gym members could face higher fees for working out to original music after a court ruled that musicians have not been paid enough for the copyright of their songs.

The decision, handed down by the Copyright Tribunal today, means that fitness centres will be slugged $15 each class or $1 per attendee of each class for the use of the music.

Gyms had previously been charged 96.8 cents a class, with a cap of $2654 a year.

Fitness Australia said it was disappointed with the decision, which it said represented a 1500 per cent increase in music costs for an average-size fitness centre.

Chief executive Loretta Stace said the gym was now reviewing the decision to determine whether there were grounds for appeal.

She said record companies had "shot themselves in the foot" as many fitness centres were already starting to use music that was not subject to Phonographic Performance Company of Australia (PPCA) copyright.

Susan Kingsmill, owner of Hiscoes Fitness Centre, said music artists would now be disadvantaged.

"This decision will lead all fitness centres to seek more affordable music alternatives to the detriment of Australian performing artists, but the artists only have the record companies to blame for this," she said.

But the PPCA, which brought the claim, welcomed the decision and said that the new fees were a reasonable increase on "peppercorn" rates the fitness industry had previously paid.

Deputy president of the Copyright Tribunal, federal magistrate Rolf Driver acknowledged the new fees constituted a significant rise in charges for the use of original songs.


"The tribunal has determined that a substantial increase in the licence fee for recorded music in fitness centres should be made and that fitness centres have the option of electing between a rate per class and a rate for attendee per class," Mr Driver said.

He declined to award costs to the fitness industry, saying it had achieved a "measure of success" after the PPCA had pushed for higher rates than those imposed by the tribunal.

Stephen Peach, chief executive of the PPCA - which represents Sony Music, EMI, Universal, Warner and Australian recording artists - said the new rate was fair.

"The tribunal has explicitly recognised that music adds real value to the class, to the participants, and to the fitness centre operator who is, after all, running a business," Mr Peach said.

The claims made by the fitness industry that it would no longer use original music if it were forced to pay more were "curious", he said.

"Gyms are kidding themselves if they think that cover version music is going to cut it," he said.


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