Will You Take the Pledge?

SO IT’S BLACK FRIDAY AGAIN. The busiest shopping day of the year. A day that annually, makes me a little queasy. I could go on a long Adbusters-esque, anti-consumerism rant right here, but I’ll save it for some other time. I’ll keep it positive and proactive. With that said,  I’m personally challenging all of you to take my pledge this year.

Please pledge to: Thrift, make, upcycle or donate one (or more) gifts this year.

It’s just that easy. Please leave a comment on this blog, on our Twitter or our Facebook fan page saying “I ACCEPT!” Together, we can all help chip away at the taboo of having to buy new stuff every year.

This campaign will help you not only get in contact with your relatives and loved ones, but it will also make you feel great. Does your Uncle Jim like plaid lumberjack shirts? Find out his size and go thrift him a couple of awesome ones. Are you good at drawing, knitting, painting, screenprinting? Make something uniquely rad like my friend Dajana does here. Those frames her prints are in? Go thrift those too. You get the idea…

I’m not advocating “re-gifting”, that’s missing the point. I’m advocating taking the time and skills I know all of you have to make or hunt down something unique and memorable without having to spend a ton this holiday season. If you haven’t got the time or skills, you can still play a big part by donating to your local thrift store or to a great cause. Here’s a few of my personal favorites. The Acumen Fund / Animal Humane Society / Kiva.org

LIKE THIS BLOG? Become a fan and add us on our Facebook fan page. Get updates and follow on Twitter!(@thingsifound) Oh and here’s my personal Twitter handle as well: @JPeddycoart Keep on junkin!

8 responses to “Will You Take the Pledge?

  1. I accept your “challenge”, sir. ;]

  2. Taking you up on that challenge is easy as I will be making all my Christmas presents this year by hand anyway. I have been writing some posts on Grey Duckling with ideas for handmade gifts too!


  3. I accept!

    I “thrift-n-gift” all year long. I very rarely give anyone a brand new from a retail establishment gift. And no one knows the difference.

    I work for a very large electronic retail/e-commerce shopping network. Been there 25 years and virtually never buy anything there. Just prefer what I can find while thrifting.

  4. Hell Yes, I Accept! (Well, it was already my plan this year… 🙂 Nothing could make me join the hoards on Black Friday. Not free coffee, money, TVs…nothing! This year I’ve thrifted for gifts, made gifts, and I’m writing all about to help others do the same.

    Today I published a “Gifts That Count”, “Ultimate Gift Giving Guide”. Fight the POWA. (http://bit.ly/h2uTLn)

  5. latenightcoffee

    I accept and I’m in until eternity. I’ve been doing this for years now.
    And that’s why I’m usually done with my Christmas shopping by October…:) GREAT idea and great post!

  6. I accept. My kids are making necklaces for their teachers using felt scraps, the gifts that I’m buying for my kids at 80% from the thrift store, a consignment sale, or used on e-Bay. I’ve also started collecting “like new still in original packaging” items that I find a the thrift store for my kids to give as presents at birthday parties.

  7. Almost all of the gifts we are giving this year are either handmade, pre-loved or from a thrift store. We even started a Facebook site trying to encourage others to do the same.
    See “A Don’t-Buy-Junk-You-Don’t-Need-Or-Receive-Useless-Junk-Christmas” on Facebook.
    Merry Christmas!

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