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Kresge awards $1.5 million challenge grant for Frazier project



The Kresge Foundation has awarded Jewish Hospital HealthCare Services a $1.5 million challenge grant to aid the hospital company in its $88 million capital campaign for the Frazier Rehab Institute.

According to a news release, in order to receive the award, the Jewish Hospital Foundation must raise $9.4 million for Frazier Rehab Institute by June 1, 2005.

The Frazier Rehab Institute, located in downtown Louisville, serves more than 12,000 patients annually. Its services include neuroscience, cardiopulmonary, sports medicine, pediatrics, orthopedic and the Parkinson's disease treatment.

The capital campaign is being used to expand the institute from five floors to 15. The project is expected to be completed sometime next year.