Monday 18 July 2011

Dear Fred, From Ron

Heya, Fred.
Gosh, this is hard. I don't know where to begin. This was Hermione's idea, see. She suggested I write to you, say what I'm feeling. That's so her, isn't it? So, err, speaking of, we're sort of kind of together now. Finally, right? You've been nagging me for years. I say sort of because it's kind of not the right time now, you know? Everyone's struggling to mend. It wouldn't be right. And I don't think I could cope. It's just too much.

No one really does anything anymore at home. So many times over the past months I've found us all just sitting in silence in the kitchen, making endless mugs of tea that we don't even drink. I'm fairly sure Dad's shedload of muggle crap is just gathering dust. Don't even get me started on George. He hasn't been in your room since the battle. If he needs something from in there he gets Mum to fetch it for him. He's moved into Percy's old room. Seems reasonable. It's the barest in the house. It's like one of those crazy muggle monk cell things. Means there's nothing to remind him of the fact you're not there.

I feel like I've lost an arm, Fred. I can't even begin to imagine how George feels. He just looks so broken. Harry described him as seeming like Barty Crouch Jr. did after that dementor got him. It's a scary thought. I'm beginning to think he's going to end up doing something really reckless just to feel something again.

He splinched himself when we came home from Hogwarts in May, you know. Managed to leave behind a massive chunk of his thigh. It wasn't pretty. You two were always brilliant at apparating, though.

But yeah, enough about George. I'm sure you know how much he needs you back. But I need you, too. Who's going to turn my teddies into spiders now, and who's going to tease me about Hermione?

I have something to ask you. George wants me to help him with the joke shop. I haven't said yes yet, though. I wanted to check with you, first. I mean, I'm not you, Fred. I'm no prankster. I can't think of the kinds of ideas you and George did. I can help with the spellwork and till, I guess. But it won't be the same. It's your business. I never had anything to do with it. So can you help me decide what to do? Just no spiders, please.

Missing you,
P.S I was joking when I asked who's going to turn my teddies into spiders. I don't need anyone to turn anything into spiders. I don't have teddies either. Promise.

Read the first letter from George here.
Read the second letter from George here.
Read the letter from Ginny here.
Read the letter from Percy here.

Please contact me in some way if you wish to use this letter for other uses, and please attribute it to me, otherwise it could be considered plagiarism of my work and that will not be tolerated. Thanks, guys.

1 comment:

  1. haha, funny and sad at the same time. Good Job!
