Region 8 Rose Float Decorating | 2019
Hello Region 8!

IT'S TIME FOR OUR BIGGEST SERVICE EVENT OF THE YEAR! Help out at our annual Rose Float Decorating!! There will be many divisions from SoCal attending and many Kiwanis members helping out!
This is a truly rewarding event!! Afterwards you can watch the Rose Float Parade and you'll see your float and be like "Dang... I DID THAT!"

Where: Phoenix Decorating Co.
5400 North Irwindale Avenue, Irwindale, CA 91706

When: Saturday, December 28th
Time: 6:30AM-5PM

What: Help Decorate Floats for the Rose Float Parade!
Possible jobs:
- Cutting flowers
- Decorating floats on scaffolding

- You MUST stay the entire event!
- We MUST take 400 volunteers, so if you sign up, you MUST be committed to going!!
- You get a free Kiwanis shirt!
- Bring a Medical Release Form! (
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